Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
About the programme -
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Date: 10. October 2019 - 11. October 2019
Time: All Day
Utena, Lithuania
*Make up (visual): practical workshop.
During this workshop, participants of the project will learn the basics of modelling the face in order to create the style complimenting the product, and image photo, representing the items which are offered. They will learn how to apply makeup on any face, basic theories of makeup application, plus, secret professional beauty tips and tricks.
*Video postproduction
During this course CI representatives will learn easily accessible tools in order to edit videos so that they could be used in professional/commercial occasions. Basic, most popular and/or free tools will be overviewed and the main features they have will be presented in order to let project participants choose the most optimal choice for them.
*Shipping and delivery
*Business conditions in Lithuania system of taxes. Best examples.
*Business expansion, funding opportunities, other support in LT