Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 19. December 2021
Time: 12:00 am - 2:00 pm
Raudondvaris, Lithuania
In the last week before the big year celebrations, Raudondvaris manor not only features works by Renaissance composers performed with ancient musical instruments, but also preparations for an event presenting historical dances and costumes – the view involving the audience – “Night in the Renaissance”.
An international team of 15 performers from Latvia and Lithuania is working on the program for this event. Latvia is represented by the historical dance group Ballare, whose repertoire includes dances from various European countries from the Middle Ages to the 17th century. The original works of the old choreographers are used to prepare authentic dances. Ballare is led by certified ballerina and professional choreographer Guna Ezermale.
The Lithuanian team consists of “Viduramžiai LT” dancers with the leader Karolis Jankauskas. The early dances’ dancers perform dances typical for 14th-15th centuries, revealing the passions of noble, poverty of beggars, the ecstasy of pilgrims, and the life of peasants, the happiness of lovers and pain of the outcasts. Every dance shows separate medieval life miniature. The dances performed were recreated by the best masters of ancient dance in Europe.
Surrounded by the sounds of early music, the enchanting story, conveyed by dances and amazing costumes will be presented to the audience of both groups already this Sunday at 12:00 in Raudondvaris manor (White Hall). During the concert, the audience will not only watch the dances, get acquainted with the history of the costumes worn by the dancers, but will also be invited to participate in the dance party.
The event is free. Participation allowed with national or EU covid certificates.
The event is organized by the project “Historical Road: Raudondvaris-Bauska (LLI-498)”, the aim of which is to attract more tourists to Kaunas district and Bauska regions during the cold season, creating new artistic and cultural activities to occupy those who visit here. The concert ” A Night in Renaissance” will take place not only in Raudondvaris Manor, but also in the premises of the project partners Bauska Castle Museum in January / February.