Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 05. November 2018 - 06. December 2018
Time: All Day
Kaunas, Lithuania
CREAzone #REINVENT is designed to promote youth entrepreneurship and foster young persons to exploit an unleashed local potential for international business growth by reinventing business models in traditional sectors and merging those with innovative elements of knowledge economy.
1. BE BETTER provides a mix of training for building personal and social entrepreneurship skills. After the evaluation of registrations we will invite project participants to proceed participation in the next project stages.
We are launching #Be Better in Lithuania in Kaunas, Klaipėda and Panevėžys on November.
Perfect presentation – led by CEO of “Talent Garden” in Kaunas Artūras Bulota.
Efficient stress management – led by business psychologist Laura Rimkute.
Critical time planning – led by Open Doors training consultant Balys Viršutis.
Creativity and business idea identification – led by CEO of “Marketlogai” and author of “Startups evolution curve” Donatas Jonikas.
Effective communication – led by Open Doors training consultant Robertas Mincevičius.
Transformation of creative ideas into viable business – led by group of National business and innovation center: Greta Žėkienė, Saulius Jankauskas, Giedrius Žukauskas, Robertas Armonaitis.
To find more information dates and places check project website: https://reinvent.creazone.lt/naujienos/2