Bringing neighbours closer
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Date: 12. September 2019 - 13. September 2019
Time: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Bauska, Latvia
The cross-border workshop “Landscape planning: integration of ecological, social, cultural and economic aspects” will be held on September 12-13, 2019 in Bauska (Day 1) and Rundāle (Day 2), Latvia. Workshop will be organized in the frame of the project “Enhancement of Green Infrastructure in the Landscape of Lowland Rivers” (ENGRAVE, Nr. LLI-291), financed by V-A Latvian-Lithuanian programme 2014-2020. The workshop is organised by ENGRAVE project partners – Zemgale Planning Region, Bauska Local Municipality Council, Rundāle Local Municipality and Baltic Environmental Forum-Latvia.
The aim of the cross-border workshop is to share experience and raise capacity on the integrative aspects and approaches towards landscape planning at local scale. The workshop will address issue of cultural heritage, landscape aesthetic and river ecosystem ecology in relation to town development. Presentations from Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian practitioners working in the field and outdoor activities in Bauska and Rundāle will serve as practical examples to debate on how to balance the nature conservation (Natura 2000) and water management needs with scenic beauty and recreational potential.
Date and place of the event:
12 September 2019 in Bauska county (day 1) in Bauska Town Hall, Rātslaukums 1, Bauska
13 September 2019 in Rundale county (day 2) at Rundāle Local Municipality, Pilsrundāle 1, Pilsrundāle, Rundāles pagasts, Rundāles novads, LV-3921
Registration for the workshop by filling the online registration form is open till September 2, 2019. Workshop and handouts – free of charge, working language – English, please note – organisers will cover the refreshments and meals during the training, but accommodation should be organised and covered individually by workshop participants.
In case you have any questions regarding practical matters, please contact Ms. Dace Platonova (dace.platonova@bauska.lv) for the Day 1 and Ms. Laura Ārente (laura.arente@rundale.lv) for the Day 2.