Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 08. April 2019 - 12. April 2019
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Kuldiga, Latvia
In April 8-12 Kuldiga Restoration centre will invite local craftsman and craftsman, students and architects from Lithuania to International Restoration Workshop 2019, totally 20 persons. Workshop will last for 5 days. Program will consist from practical restoration works of the wooden building details, educational classes, and guided site visit in the old town. Practical works will be implemented at the premises of Kuldiga restoration centre at Baznicas street 30. It is planed to implement wooden restoration works on the sets of historical windows with shutters of the windows. Participants will be divided in mixed groups, 2-3 persons per group.
During the site visits participants will visit manor of Kabile, manor of Padure and castle of Alsunga. There will be introduction with restoration works observed and common discussion about role of the architect and crafts persons organized. On Friday there will be organized lecture guided by Ilmars Dirveiks, Dr. Arch. on theme Historical windows of Kuldiga old town. Particularities. Changes during the historical periods of the building process.