Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 11. May 2016
Time: 11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Liepaja, Latvia
Interreg Latvia – Lithuania programme Launch event in Liepāja, Latvia, brought together more than 180 participants from Latvia and Lithuania keen to get better prepared for the new call for proposals which has just been announced by the programme.
In his opening speech the Parliamentary Secretary of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Jānis Eglīts emphasized: “Interreg Latvia – Lithuania programme is an important format in which we can jointly solve concrete, practical cross border challenges that are important for the inhabitants of cross border territories. In the coming years the partners from Latvia and Lithuania will have to look for new joint solutions to increase their competitiveness in the globalized world.”
The participants were also warmly greeted by the Deputy Mayor of Liepāja Gunārs Ansiņš and the Head of European Cross – Border Cooperation Unit of the European Commission Agnes Monfret. The Deputy Director of Regional Policy Department of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Lithuania Gediminas Česonis in his welcome speech indicated to the prospective project applicants the importance of new, innovative project ideas, whereas the Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to the Republic of Latvia Ričardas Degutis and the Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia to the Republic of Lithuania Einars Semanis emphasized that cross border cooperation is one of the corner stones of the very close cooperation of both countries. Both countries benefit from the cross border cooperation – it is a rewarding process for the both states, both nations and regional development as well.
The participants were informed by the Managing Authority about the Interreg Latvia – Lithuania programme 2014 – 2020 and first call for proposals. Thematic discussions of four Programme priorities were organized. Possible cooperation ideas were presented by the participating organizations. The event offered an opportunity to meet former or possible future partners and discuss new opportunities for cooperation.
Presentations from the Launch Event prepared by the Managing Authority and Joint Secretariat: