Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
About the programme -
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Date: 16. October 2019
Time: All Day
Panevys, Lithuania
CREAzone – is a unique and proven entrepreneurship promotion methodology aimed to help young people to create new promising businesses by combining innovative knowledge economy driven ideas with business models in traditional industries thus contributing to the long-term and sustainable rise of employment in the Lithuanian Latvian cross-border region.
„CREAZONE“ is an entrepreneurship development methodology designed to connect entrepreneurial individuals together with new business models and creative inventions – to empower them to organically become perspective entrepreneurs with new high-growth businesses.
This September project activities will be launched for the 2nd training cycle!
BE BETTER – a stage for personal skills development. It comprises 6 units of 8 academic hour training
sessions and covers such topics as:public speaking, time planning, stress management, business idea presentation and development training.
Don’t miss!
Schedule for the upcoming activities in LT: http://reinvent.creazone.lt/creazone/pirmas-mokymu-etapas-be-better/72
Scedule for the upcoming activities in LV: http://reinvent.creazone.lt/lv/creazone/pirmais-apmcbas-posms-be-better/82