Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 02. June 2022
Time: 3:30 am - 4:45 am
The 3’rd Project Partner Meeting of project “Only Safe!” was organized 2022-06-02 from 15:30 pm to 16:45 pm. The aims of meeting were to discuss progress of project activities, project evaluation, achievements and problems faced. Also to talk over format, date and organization of Final Conference, 4’rd Project Partner meeting and possible collaboration in the future projects.
The Meeting Agenda
Time | Topic | Responsible / Speakers |
15:30 | Opening of the meeting. Welcome by host and introduction to the agenda |
Sabine Silva Spage, representative of Liepāja city municipal authority “Liepāja Municipal Police” |
15:35 | 3’rd reporting period – results and conclusions. | Ingrida Borisenko, Palanga’s City Municipality Administration |
15:40 | Project evaluation Presentations of each partner (approx. 5 minutes):
Representative of Palanga city municipality Representative of Liepāja city municipal authority “Komunālā pārvalde” Representative of Liepaja city municipal authority “Liepāja Municipal Police” Representative of The State police of the Republic of Latvia (Kurzeme region) Representative of Neringa municipality administration Representative of Fire and Rescue Department of Lithuania |
16:10 | The organization of Final Conference. The main concept, roles of partners on its implementation | Representative of Fire and Rescue Department of Lithuania |
16:20 | Opportunities for further cooperation, future projects | All partners |
16:30 | Discussion | All partners |
For more information please contact LP Manager Ingrida Borisenko ingrida.borisenko@palanga.lt.