Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 07. March 2018
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Rēzekne, Latvia
Latgale Planning Region invites specialists from local municipalities of the region to participate in the training “Image building of organizations, available tools”. Training will take place on March 7, 2018 in Rēzekne. The focus of this training will be on elements and tools that are used in image building process, as well as on practical knowledge – assessing the goals that local municipalities have settled and steps which will be taken to accomplish in the context of LEAN. The training will be led by experienced marketing, communications and NGO’s professional and partner of the agency “OZOLS IR” Ansis Egle.
We invite municipalities of Latgale Planning Region to delegate 1 representative of planning and development departments to this training. Deadline for applications is March 1, 2018. Applicants should send detailed information (name, surname, phone No. and e-mail) to e-mail: pasts@lpr.gov.lv. The number of participants is limited!
In the framework of the project, municipalities located in the territory of Latgale Planning Region will be acquainted with LEAN, its advantages and tools that can improve the quality of customer-oriented service provision in local municipalities, organizing regional and international conferences, practical trainings, experience exchange visits to local municipalities of Latvia and Lithuania, international working groups in the fields of culture and tourism, individual and group coaching sessions until 30 April, 2019.