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21 December 2018
During the project implementation period from July 30, 2018 until June 30, 2020, reconstruction and improvement of infrastructure of Jelgava sports stadium will be carried out, making it as multifunctional outdoor training base where professionals of operational rescue services will be able to improve their physical capacity and develop skills that are needed for rapid intervention in emergencies. The stadium will be equipped with professional training tower as well. The tower will provide possibilities to train skills needed in fire fighters work in particular – suppressing of fire, a speed of human rescue, handling heavy objects and others. In addition, Siauliai County Fire and Rescue Service will acquire such professional training tower as well, so that to improve professional competences and strengthen physical capacity of its professionals. Taking into account advanced sports stadium infrastructure, the stadium plans being a venue of different professional fire fighters competitions, trainings and professional workouts. According to project schedule the stadium will be reconstructed by August 2019.
Works will be carried out within Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania programme 2014-2020 project No LLI-372 “Improvement of technical basis and physical capacity of responsible professionals in operational services in the border region of Latvia and Lithuania”. The project aims to increase efficiency of operational rescue services in Zemgale and Siauliai border regions trough improvement of infrastructure and strengthening capacity of its specialists to ensure cross border cooperation in emergencies. Total budget of the project is 564 290.38 EUR, including 479 646.82 EUR European Regional Development Funds.
The project also ensures a reconstruction of two sports halls in Jelgava and Siauliai for the needs of operational rescue service professionals. The sports halls will have its cosmetic repairs and be equipped with modern professional training devices. While professional training sessions and operational rescue service competitions, team-building activities organized within the project aims to rise cross border cooperation between Latvia and Lithuania border areas to decrease consequences caused by emergencies, as well as enrich professional knowledge and competences of operational rescue services professionals. In order to raise awareness and promote operational rescue service and fire fighter profession among children and youth a variety of educational events with demonstrations plan to be organized within the project, including two summer camps in Jelgava and Siauliai for children who are train in fire sports. In camps, children will be able to learn more on operational rescue service work, introduce what knowledge and competences it requires, as well as strengthen their physical fitness level and see rescue service work in action.
In a result of cross border cooperation, relevant infrastructure and adequate technical resources will be ensured for operational rescue service professionals in Jelgava and Siauliai, strengthened physical capacity and enriched professional knowledge and competences of its specialists and raised awareness about fire and operational rescue services profession among children and youth.
Jelgava City Council as the Lead Partner, Siauliai County Fire and Rescue Service and State Fire and Rescue Service of Latvia have already launched successful cooperation towards efficiency of operational rescue services and professional development of its specialists in previous Latvia-Lithuania cross border programme 2007-2013. Continuing established partnership it is relevant to improve efficiency of operational rescue services in Latvia and Lithuania border regions trough improvement of infrastructure and strengthening capacity of its specialists to ensure cross border cooperation in emergencies.
For more information see: https://www.jelgava.lv/en/municipality/documents/projects/
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10