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31 August 2020
With the participation of all partners project LLI 444 Sustainable Integration of Novel Solutions into Cultural Heritage Sites/ NovelForHeritage Kick off meeting together with Project Monitoring Committee and Project Implementation Group took place in Valdeka manor in Jelgava on 27th August.
During the Kick-off meeting overall information about project its aims and vision were given. Each partner presented its responsibilities and activities within the project. Timetable for the 1st and 2nd period was discussed in more details.
At the end of the visit project partners visited Eleja Manor park, where the guided excursion was organized. New exhibition hall will be constructed in the park within the project.
Project`s Lead partner is Jelgava Local Municipality, partners: Latvia University of Life sciences and Technologies, Directorate of Žagare Regional Park, Nature Heritage Fund.
The objective of the project is to increase the tourism potential of cultural heritage objects – manor parks by adding contemporary approach, objects and services in classical manor parks.
Project activities include: preparation of research materials on G.Kuphaldt in digital format to be used for improvement of both parks` infrastructure; development of mobile application allowing visitors to navigate the tourism sites in Eleja and Žagare; construction of exhibition hall in Eleja Manor park; development of interactive indoor exposition for visitors in Žagare Regional Park Visitors’ Centre with outdoor educational activities for pupils for learning cultural heritage and nature values and new walking routes – dendrological and landscape architecture – in Žagare Manor park; organization of open- air workshops in parks and seminars for wide range of professionals.
As a result of the project both manor parks will become more attractive as tourism objects. New knowledge of parks management and infrastructure will help to increase the attractiveness of manor parks as tourism objects, interesting both for visitors with professional interest in landscaping and for general public.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10