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  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

    About the programme
  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

LLI-341 Social Inclusion of Elderly People (Aging in Comfort)

The project is targeted at 45 thousand elderly inhabitants of Latvia-Lithuania border region – the former districts of Daugavpils and Rezekne and the districts of Utena and Moletai. It aims at improvement of the quality of social services for home care with newly trained mobile teams – teams of professional care-takers providing home-based social assistance to seniors including assistance in taking care of the body, basic medical assistance, cleaning and cooking.

The project intends to improve community-based social home-care services and infrastructure by applying new approaches of help at home and self-help activities allowing for aging in comfort. It will include (1) theoretical trainings, networking, exchanges of experience and study visit to Falun, Sweden for mobile team specialists, and (2) improvement of social home-care services for elderly persons with elaboration of a handbook for the mobile teams as a guidebook setting out the methods on provision of a good quality home-care social service to elderly people, and improvement of equipment – acquisition of 4 special vehicles and specialised equipment for the mobile teams for provision of wider range and better quality of social home-care services.

It is intended that the project will train 40 mobile team specialists and improve equipment for mobile teams in 4 districts (Daugavpils, Rezekne, Utena and Moletai) and 1 municipality (Ilukste) of Latvia-Lithuania cross-border region directly benefiting 1300 elderly persons.

Social media and contacts:
Phone: +371 26529150
Address: Brivibas 13, Kraslava, LV 5601, Latvia

8 November 2019

Home care has become more accessible in several municipalities in Latvia and Lithuania

The most in demand and most commonly provided, but not accessible municipal service ‘’home care’’ and the growing demand for it by the elderly has been the main challenge of the project “Social Inclusion of Seniors” (No. LLI-341) or Aging in Comfort. The aim of the project was to improve the quality of home care social services in 4 municipalities in Latgale and 2 municipalities in Lithuania by developing social service mobile teams or professional caregiver teams, acquiring various new specialized equipment for mobile teams and activating self-help activities for single seniors.

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5 November 2019

With four new specialized cars will go to the home to lonely seniors

Association Euroregion “Country of Lakes” as the Lead Partner of the LLI-341 Aging in Comfort project is proud on to the purchase of four specialized cars for home care services purchased within the project with financial support from the European Union under the Interreg VA Latvia-Lithuania Program 2014-2020. Project partners who own cars – Rezekne Municipality, Daugavpils Municipality, Utena and Moletai District Municipality Administrations.

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1 November 2019

A methodological handbook has been published for mobile teams’ home care staff

As part of the project, a handbook has been published for both home care of mobile teams and municipal social service staff to improve municipal social care services for the elderly. Through the transfer of knowledge from mobile brigade staff, it will also serve everyone in the community to develop self-help skills and engage family members, friends, neighbors or volunteers in the care process of seniors, to bring the elderly together for a comfortable aging. The methodological manual is also available in e-version and will be published on the website of each partner involved in the project for general access.

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27 October 2019

Specialized equipment for home care for seniors with disabilities has been purchased

Social service at home care does not just mean visiting a social worker at a client and helping the client with their daily home cleaning, cooking or delivering groceries, newspapers. In most cases, home care recipients are persons with reduced mobility and functional capacity, or are unable to care for themselves completely. Municipal social services often lack the facilities to care for, wash, lift, move, and move such clients.

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30 September 2019

Project cross-border conference “Aging in Comfort” took place in Rezekne

The conference, organized by Project LLI-341 Aging in Comfort, aimed to discuss the situation and future development of social home care services in Latvia and Lithuania, taking into account the interests and needs of older people in the cross-border region. Representatives of municipalities, social care providers and non-governmental organizations involved in the project, both from Latvia and Lithuania, involved in the provision of social services at home and working with older people on a daily basis were invited to the conference.

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14 June 2019

Mobile teams’ specialists also carry out theoretical training cycles in Lithuania

Theoretical training for mobile teams members of social services who will provide or already provide home care services was organized in Utena and Moletai, Lithuania, with a specific training session theme in each location. During the project, between May 28 and June 7, 2019, as in the training part in Latvia, 40 caregivers and social workers participated, who will continue to work in the municipal social service mobile teams. The topics of this trainings was “The Concept, Nature and Diversity of the Care Process”, “Death and Dying, Professional Ethics”.

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4 April 2019

Mobile team specialists start theoretical training

In order to develop and improve social care services and their quality in Latvia and Lithuania, one of the tasks of the project LLI-341 Aging in Comfort is to strengthen the knowledge of mobile team specialists about the process of home care of clients, medical, psychological and social assistance, self-help measures for family members and neighbors of the client, as well the important role of teams in the daily lives of single people.

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3 March 2019

2nd PMG meeting took place in Rezekne

Project partners from Rezekne, Rezekne and Daugavpils Municipalities, Ilukste, Utena and Moletai met for the 2nd project meeting to discuss ongoing actualities and challenges in previous period.

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7 December 2018

Sociālā aprūpe dzīvesvietā Zviedrijā balstīta uz vērtībām

Borlänge pašvaldību Zviedrijā laika posmā no 2.līdz 5.decembrim mācību vizītē apmeklēja sociālo dienestu pārstāvji no 6 Latvijas un Lietuvas pašvaldībām- projekta LLI-349 „Aging in Comfort” partneri. Vizītes laikā tika apmeklētas vairākas aprūpes mājās pakalpojumu sniegšanas iestādes, notika tikšanās ar dažādiem speciālistiem, kas pastāstīja par Zviedrijas valsts un vietējās pašvaldības sociālo aprūpi regulējošiem normatīvo dokumentu aspektiem, dalījās pieredzē par aprūpes mājās sniegšanas vispārēju organizēšanu Borlängē. 

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17 November 2018

Sociālie darbinieki no Latvijas un Lietuvas dosies mācību vizītē uz Zviedriju

No 2. līdz 5.decembrim projekta LLI-341 „Aging in Comfort” partner-pašvaldību sociālie darbinieki kopā ar Vadošā partnera, biedrības Eiroreģions „Ezeru zeme” projekta pārstāvjiem dosies mācību braucienā uz Borlänge, Zviedriju. 

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2 November 2018

Attīstīs jaunus sociālās aprūpes mājās pakalpojumus vientuļiem senioriem

Ar mērķi ir uzlabot aprūpes mājās sociālo pakalpojumu kvalitāti, ko nodrošinās mobilās brigādes – profesionālu aprūpētāju komandas, sniedzot vecāka gadagājuma cilvēkiem aprūpi un medicīnisko palīdzību mājās, biedrība Eiroreģions „Ezeru zeme” sadarbībā ar 4 pašvaldībām Latgalē, 2 pašvaldībām Lietuvā uzsākusi projekta „Senioru sociālā iekļaušana” (Nr. LLI- 341) jeb Aging in Comfort (tulk.- Vecumdienas komfortā) īstenošanu.

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More articles
  • 29. October 2019
    3rd Steering Group Meeting of the project LLI-341 Aging in Comfort in Utena, LT

    Utena, Lithuania

  • 26. September 2019
    Project Final Cross-Border Conference “Aging in Comfort”

    Rēzekne, Latvia

  • 11. July 2019
    3rd Management group meeting of the project LLI-341 Aging in Comfort

    Utena, Lithuania

  • 06. June - 07 June 2019
    Training session for social care specialists of mobile teams "Death and dying, professional ethics" (Group 2))

    Moletai, Lithuania

  • 03. June - 04 June 2019
    Training session for social care specialists of mobile teams “Death and dying, professional ethics” (Group 1)

    Moletai, Lithuania

  • 30. May - 31 May 2019
    Training session for social care specialists of mobile teams “The concept, essence and diversity of care process” (Group 2)

    Utena, Lithuania

  • 28. May - 29 May 2019
    Training session for social care specialists of mobile teams “The concept, essence and diversity of care process” (Group 1)

    Utena, Lithuania

  • 26. April 2019
    2nd Steering group meeting

    Daugavpils, Latvia

  • 28. March - 29 March 2019
    Training session for social care specialists of mobile teams "Basics of geriatrics" (Group 1)

    Rēzekne, Latvia

  • 25. March - 26 March 2019
    Training session for social care specialists of mobile teams "Health problems of the elderly and self-help activities" (Group 2)

    Višķi Rural Municipality, Latvia

  • 21. March - 22 March 2019
    Training session for social care specialists of mobile teams "Basics of geriatrics" (Group 2)

    Rēzekne, Latvia

  • 18. March - 19 March 2019
    Training session for social care specialists of mobile teams "Health problems of the elderly and self-help activities" (Group 1)

    Višķi Rural Municipality, Latvia

  • 01. March 2019
    2nd Management group meeting of the project LLI-341 Aging in Comfort

    Rēzekne, Latvia

  • – Quality of home care social services improved in 6 municipalities in Latvia and Lithuania;

    – 40 mobile teams specialists on provision of home care services trained;

    – Mobile teams specialists study/experience exchange visit to Sweden on social service and home care system;

    – 4 specialized vehicles for mobile home care social services purchased for Rēzekne and Daugavpils Municipality (LV), and for Utena and Moletai  District Municipality Administrations (LT);

    – Over than 150 items of the specialized equipment for provision of home care services purchased;

    – Methodological handbook for social home care mobile teams specialists elaborated;

    – Availability of home care services ensured for 1300 elderly persons at their homes in the Latvia-Lithuania border region by mobile teams;

    – Cross border conference “Aging in Comfort”;

    – 100 community members trained on provision of self-help activities as a social inclusion measure.

    Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10