Bringing neighbours closer
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21 December 2020
Thanks to the approved Latvian-Lithuanian cross-border project Nr. 425 “Octopus” in year 2021 a new social service to inhabitants of Auce town and its surroundings will be available. It is a multifunctional day center for various population target groups (seniors, unemployed, children and young people from risk families) located in Auce town.
Within the framework of the project, the building belonging to the local municipality shall be repaired to two premises, adjusting them according to the availability of the environment, as well as by installing fire alarm safety and electricity. Also, in the project, it is planned to purchase the necessary equipment: furniture for rooms, computer technologies, household appliances for kitchen, TV, table for physiotherapy and various board games for high-quality leisure.
Total financing for all activities of the project- EUR 101 470.59, of which amount for construction works, construction supervision and purchase of equipment – EUR 85 079.
Photo: Ilmārs Matvejs
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10