Bringing neighbours closer
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14 October 2019
On 12, 13 and 14 of September 2019, association “SPARTIETIS” in cooperation with Aizkraukle municipality, and with the support of the funding of Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 project LLI-296 “Improvement of living conditions in cross border regions by unlocking potential of deprived communities and territories” held one of the most educational and entertaining cycles of sports and healthy lifestyle promotion seminars and practical lessons in Aizkraukle municipality. The seminar venue was the Aizkraukle Sports Centre. The participants of the theoretical seminars, workshops, and interactive activities were very responsive and happy to been given the opportunity to learn how to spend their time effectively and exercise using the possibilities provided by our city. They learned more about healthy nutrition and the way it is linked with active lifestyle, better physical condition, and feeling healthy in general. This objective, which includes a healthy and active lifestyle (and in result – a happy society), is undoubtedly the result that every municipality should be looking to achieve. It is a reachable goal that creates prosperity, pleasure, and happiness.
Similar seminars took place in Biržai as well. On September 18-19 and 24-26 seminars about healthy diet for different age people, necessity of physical activity and methodology to combine diet and sport activities according your own needs as well as ways to tackle and overcome stress, understand and hear the needs of other person were organized in Biržai.
On October 11 new playgrounds for children in Aizkraukle were opened. By this project Investment work package implementation was finished.
In November project LLI-296 will be officially closed during the final event in Aizkraukle.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10