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Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Improving the accessibility and efficiency of social support services for guardians and foster and adoptive parents to strengthen their ability to protect and nurture children at risk.
Link to project profileMethodological recommendations on the provision of social support services, accessibility, efficiency for foster and adoptive families aim to give recommendations for foster families, guardians and adoptive parents support to help them with their duties and ensuring the safety and well-being of children.
#adoption,#social inclusion,#guidelines,#SOS children
3. Social inclusion as a precondition to territorial development
3.1. To improve accessibility and efficiency of social services
Regeneration, development and maintenance of public territories with environmental problems
Link to project profileTwo brownfield territories in 1,38 ha area in Biržai and 3,46 ha in Dobele were revitalized and converted into recreational area for the local people with small infrastructure – lighting, benches, fountain. The project partners also experienced exchange of know-how with Kotka city in Finland and organized two cross-border conferences in Biržai and Dobele on maintaining and developing of green areas based on experience acquired in projects’ investment activities.
#brownfields management,#revitalization
1. Sustainable and clean environment through cooperation
1.3. To regenerate public areas with environmental problems
Development of Multifunctional Centers as Driver for Social Inclusion and Development of Local Community
Link to project profileTaking into account that currently in Latvia there is such a diverse understanding of the provision of services in connection with the creation of multifunctional centers, as well as the demand for social services exceeds the supply, there was a need to create common guidelines in order to create a common understanding and the aforementioned services would be provided with the same quality throughout the country. On the other hand, in Lithuania, such centers based on educational institutions have existed for a long time, and they are also good examples of creating multifunctional social service centers in large settlements (district centers). The guidelines summarize the experience of various centers, mainly the experience of the municipal centers of the Jelgava region of the Zemgale region, as there are several of them in the region, which are located in sparsely populated parishes.
The guidelines are designed to be used by community-based service providers. When working with the guidelines, each service provider evaluates which situations and which recommendations apply to it’s services and customer needs. The first part of the guidelines examines the situation in Latvia, while the second part reflects the same issues from the Lithuanian side.
4. Improved quality of living through efficient public services and administration
3.1. To improve accessibility and efficiency of social services
1.1. To increase number of visitors to the programme area through improving and developing cultural and natural heritage objects, services and products
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10