Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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08 September 2017
Yesterday, on September 7, started, launched by the society “Green and Smart Technology Cluster, within the framework of the BEE Lab project and in cooperation with Kurzemes Business Incubator, Saldus Business School, for 3 months, which called for applicants from the Saldus and Saldus districts to apply for business start-up training.
Saldus Business School participants will be provided with training and advice in business model development, product development, product promotion and first customer engagement. Participants will be able to get acquainted with issues important for business start-ups, such as where and how to finance, how to prepare for an investment session that is crowd funding, which is LEAN, etc. Also, Business School students will learn how to start up so important for young entrepreneurs, generate ideas, prepare projects and develop business plans, manage public relations and everything related to freelancing.
The event is attended by 12 participants who will be able to draw knowledge and assistance from experienced experts. Already yesterday, with their knowledge, the participants attended the University of Latvia Dr. Inta Kulberga.
Good luck to all, starting and continuing your training at Saldus Business School!
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10