Bringing neighbours closer
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19 July 2022
The summer camp “Made with our hands” was organized on 4-9th of July, in Dagda parish by project partner Aleksandrava boarding school. 15 students from Dagda, Visaginas and Molėtai participated in the camp.
Friends, fun events and a warm summer atmosphere awaited us when we arrived in Aleksandrava. Experienced, energetic and resourceful camp organizers took care of that. The campers traveled around the picturesque surroundings of Kraslava, enjoyed a peaceful rest in nature, visited the environment and culture center “Kepa”, the herbal farm “Kurmiši”.
Working together, the children became friends and became one harmonious and cool team. Therefore, it is not surprising that after the closing of the camp was announced and the diplomas were awarded, the participants did not rush to disperse – they had fun chatting with new friends, discussing their experiences and making plans for future meetings. Wonderful summer memories, adventures experienced and new friends met at the camp will remain in the memory for a long time.
Dėl papildomos informacijos prašome kreiptis į Iriną Morozovą, morozova.projektai@gmail.com
Projektą finansuoja 2014-2020 Interreg V-A Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa.
Daugiau informacijos apie Latvijos – Lietuvos bendradarbiavimo apibus sienos programą galima rasti www.latlit.eu ir www.europa.eu.
Šis straipsnis parengtas naudojant Europos Sąjungos finansinę paramą. Už šio straipsnio turinį atsako Visagino „Verdenės“ gimnazija. Jokiomis aplinkybėmis negali būti laikoma, kad jis atspindi Europos Sąjungos nuomonę. www.latlit.eu ir www.europa.eu.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10