Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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18 May 2018
This week, to our participants, on May 16th, has arrived Professor Kathleen Lafferty, Metropolitan State University, a US Fulbright scholarship, who, also at this time, shared their knowledge and experience about marketing and everything connected with it – Marketing MIX – 4p, service and content marketing, promotion and sales of products and services, pricing, location and advertising opportunities.
On the other hand, on May 17, the participants met with the responsive and energetic Ilgvars Skrivers. This time was talked about aims and how to reach them. Clarity of objectives is important. A lot of tasks need to be done to achieve your aims. A task was also made in which participants had to be aware of their current aims, to write down why these aims were important and what would change if they were achieved and what would happen if theseaims were not achieved. It was not easy for the participants 🙂
Thanks to Ilgvars Skrivers and Kathleen Lafferty, that you found time to come to our participants and motivate them to act and think!
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10