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Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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16 July 2019
In the frame of the Project “Joint and interdisciplinary long life learning for professionals working with neurosensorimotor disorders (Interprof)” were organized physical therapy training sessions for professionals, working with neurosensorimotor disorders, from Latvia (12th March) and Lithuania (12-13th April). The training program aim was to increase skills and expand knowledge of specialist working in the field of neurorehabilitiation, with advanced rehabilitiation strategies in sensorimotor neurorehabilitative physical therapy. The main focus was on principles of feedback-based assessment, training and virtual reality in sensorimotor neurorehabilitation. Moreover, during the practical classes professionals were introduced with feedback-based and virtual reality equipment and application possibilities in order to know how to apply feedback-based assessment, training and virtual reality tasks for patients with neurosensorimotor depending on the person’s needs.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10