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07 July 2022
The project LLI-489 “Strengthening the municipalities of Dusetos and Krāslava by improving the living environment through reuse activities” / “PRACTICAL ARTS” has been completed
In the project PRACTICAL ARTS participated two partners – the non-governmental organization “Sprendimų centras” from Lithuania and the association Euroregion “Ezeru zeme” from Krāslava, Latvia.
The aim of the project is to strengthen the municipalities of Krāslava and Dusetos, as well as to solve the problems related to the reuse of resources by using different types of materials, which are most often thrown in waste bins.
During the implementation of the project, it was important to involve the residents in the project activities, so that society pay more attention to the reusing of resources and improvement of the environment.
The amount of the waste increases every year, but many of the objects and materials that people throw away can be reused. During the implementation of the project PRACTICAL ARTS was organized the lecture, where participants had the possibility to learn not only about destructive effects of waste on the world, but also about the way how waste can be turned into another practical object or work of art by reusing it.
Emphasis was placed on improving sales skills. At the workshop “Radošā NEdarbnīca” craftsmen acquired the skills to sell things creatively and to give a second life to seemingly unnecessary things. The workshop was based on the idea of making the sales and production process more sustainable and valuable without polluting the environment.
Craftsmen and creative people could use these skills practically by participating in the crafts fairs that took place before Christmas in Zarasai and in May in Krāslava.
Residents were happy to take part in master classes and together with skilled, creative masters to make useful things from used objects and materials, for example, candlesticks were made from glass jars; bottles were crocheted with colored yarn and used both as a home decor and a vase; old wooden window frames were made into a large Christmas environment object, which decorated the center of Krāslava; metal objects turned into works of art; plastic bags turned into crocheted dream catchers and other Christmas decorations. Christmas tree decorations were also made from used textiles.
Before Christmas residents were involved in decorating the Christmas tree and one street in Krāslava with the aim to show the importance of reused resources. The people of Krāslava got involved in this activity with great joy and enthusiasm. The Christmas tree and other trees along the street were decorated with handmade works in a very creative way.
Different kind of materials which were used in master classes were previously collected. Metal, jeans, old window frames, unnecessary clothing and plastic bags – all these things were given by the people with the idea to give these resources a second life. The children of Krāslava were also involved in collecting plastic bags and plastic bread packaging in their kindergarten groups. It is a good example of how to involve children in reducing serious waste problems from an early age.
The project focused more on metal, wood, textiles, glass and plastics. These are the materials that are mostly thrown out as unnecessary, but at the same time they can be reused. In order to give the population an idea that reused materials can also create aesthetically pleasing things, five environmental objects have been created in Krāslava: metal catfish, textile tapestry, plastic ball, woven carpet installation and a composition of objects that combines glass and wood. Residents discuss and exchange views on each of the sites, but the most important thing is that the public thinks about environmental pollution, which means that the goal of the project has been achieved and at least some people will act more responsibly in the future.
At the end of the project, an ambitious event was organized in Kraslava – the festival of practical arts “Transformations”. During that time, residents were able to take part in master classes, watch spectacular fashion shows, in which were demonstrated the costumes, made from reused resources, as well as take part in creating a common tapestry from old T-shirts. There was a fair where each could buy work of art or products made by home producers. Throughout the day, the festival participants gained skills, impressions, inspiration and motivation to give things and materials a second life, a second opportunity to become necessary and useful.
Inga Pudnika-Skerškāne
The article was created within the frame of the Project LLI-489 “Strengthening the municipalities of Dusetos and Krāslava by improving the living environment through reuse activities” or “PRACTICAL ARTS”, co-financed by the European Union Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Cross-border Cooperation Program 2014-2020. Total project costs – 154 760 Eur. Project co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund – 131 546 Eur. The project implemented by the non-governmental organization “Sprendimų centras” from Lithuania and the association Euroregion “Ezeru zeme” from Latvia. The aim of the project: to strengthen the municipalities and solve their problems by cooperating with local governments and using already available resources. The planned result of the project is the modernization of two remote border towns through the reuse of resources. As a result, society will gain motivation and awareness of the efficient reuse of resources, thus protecting the environment and resources in general, as well as, by working creatively, creating environmental objects for its town and strengthening its belonging to it. This article has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. For the contents of this article responsible the association Euroregion “Ezeru zeme”. The views expressed in this publication cannot in any circumstances be regarded as the official position or reflect the views of the European Union.
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10