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05 November 2019
Association Euroregion “Country of Lakes” as the Lead Partner of the LLI-341 Aging in Comfort project is proud on to the purchase of four specialized cars for home care services purchased within the project with financial support from the European Union under the Interreg VA Latvia-Lithuania Program 2014-2020. Project partners who own cars – Rezekne Municipality, Daugavpils Municipality, Utena and Moletai District Municipality Administrations.
Three of the vehicles are specially equipped Volkswagen Crafter vans with 2 wheelchair spaces at the same time and stretchers, while the Daugavpils Municipality Council purchased car customers have a shower and laundry facilities. With these car, a mobile team of social workers will go to the elderly, single and sick people living in remote areas of the county and provide the necessary services. Elderly people can expect more affordable home care services in the future, while mobile brigade specialists can serve more clients in less time.
Since September 2019, mobile brigade workers have been traveling to seniors to their homes to provide various types of social and medical assistance. The project municipalities recognize this as a major project outcome, which will significantly improve the accessibility of social services in the cross-border region and improve the aging of single elderly people at home.
Project coordinator
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10