Bringing neighbours closer
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29 August 2017
Last weekend, on wednesday, August 23rd-26th, within the framework of the project BEE Lab(Boost regional Entrepreneurship by Enabling cross border cooperation), launched the Saldus Summer Business School for Youth. Generally applied 20 participants, including from Saldus and Saldus districts, from Brocēni county, from Kuldīga region, from Talsi, from Daugavpils and 4 participants from Rietavas (Lithuania) also applied.
The aim of the school was to provide basic knowledge and practical skills in starting up and running a business, as well as the opportunity to develop their innovative business ideas. There were new knowledge and impressions about how to make a step closer to your dream, how a dream about your business could be realized.
The event was attended by Saldus district council chairman Reinis Doniņš, Leader Partner of project BEE Lab, Rietavas Tourism and Business Information Center, project manager Rasa Baliulevičiene and project partner of the project BEE Lab Green and Smart Technology Klasteris, representative Arvils Jākabsons.
The 4-day marathon participants were able to “absorb” knowledge from experts such as the representative of the leading global coaching company The John Maxwell Team, the certified business coach Janis Janovskis, the doctor of University of Latvia – Inta Kulberga, the owner of the Kartinga halle BSR Riga – Artis Daugins, Public Relations and Marketing specialist – Dzintars Hmieļevskis, Edīte Irbe, Chairman of the Board of SIA “TEIBU”, co-owner of Ovi Watch – Dāvis Paipa and JSC “Development Finance Institution ALTUM”, Kurzeme Region Manager – Ilze Grundmane. Thank you, very much, for all of them, for their work!
But, of course, the greatest pleasure was of having a nice fun together, for an engaging engagement, a peculiar approach to solving tasks and responsive members. It was great to be with you!
See you at the next Summer Business School!
Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10