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  • Bringing neighbours closer

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    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

    About the programme
  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

LLI-506 The safe environment for pupils and teachers – the basis for quality education (Safe school)

The project will raise awareness among pupils and teachers of the actions to be taken in different situations that may endanger the safety of students on both sides of the border.

Project will improve students’ knowledge of the traffic regulation and the need to comply with it, safe use of internet and how to manage conflict situations. Safe environment will be ensured not only at school, but also on the way to it by improving infrastructure – creating video surveillance systems in the territories of Jēkabpils, Iecava, Jonišķis and Pakruojis schools and surroundings, improving Pakruojis district Žeimelis gymnasium lighting, installing school fences in Pakruojis and Jēkabpils schools, as well as by installing high-speed radars at Iecava Secondary School territory. The project’s activities include six training cycles for 180 education specialists, experience exchange seminars, 8 training seminars on potential risks and dangers on the internet, as well as four trainings to reduce peer violence through the drama method. Also One-day orienteering competition for students will be organised  in Jēkabpils, Pakruojis, Jonišķis as well as Iecava to inform the public about the work done and the improvements made during the project. As a result of the project, new momentum will be found to address the issue of violence in schools and society, as well as to create a safer environment.

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Phone: +371 630 27549
Address: Katoļu 2b, Jelgava, Latvia

21 October 2022

Knowledge and cooperation make schools safer

This is the main, but not the only message of the final meeting of the Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania CBC Programme 2014-2022 supported project LLI-506 “Safe environment for pupils and teachers – the basis for quality education” (“Safe school”) in Pakrojas district, which was attended by representatives of partner institutions from Zemgale Planning Region (ZPR), Joniškis and Pakroja district municipalities in Lithuania, and Bauska and Jēkabpils municipalities in Zemgale.

The project was implemented over two years with the aim of providing teachers and pupils with the necessary knowledge and skills to apply in situations where the school environment becomes unsafe and can cause significant damage to the physical or mental health of pupils. To achieve this goal, a total of six training cycles were organised for more than 180 education staff, as well as eight training seminars on creating a positive school climate, learning and working environment, preventing peer conflicts and mobbing, teamwork in dealing with behavioural problems, cooperation with children themselves and their parents, psychologists, social pedagogues and other professionals. For example, the training organised in Dobele for pupils of schools in Zemgale and North Lithuania to learn the Drama Method in spotting and preventing violence was positively received.

The training “My Virtual EGO” for primary school pupils was also engaging and useful. A qualified lecturer, using a wide range of illustrative material, talked about topics such as the Internet and what it offers, the risks and dangers of the Internet, cyber-bullying and its manifestations, fake accounts and fake news on the Internet, as well as other topical issues, in a language that children can easily understand. It should be noted that with the support of the project, three instructive videos have been produced and will be available online in an easy-to-understand, video-game-style format: “A safe way to school”, “Emotional and physical violence among teenagers” and “Internet safety”.

In the final phase of the project implementation in Zemgale, more than 20 interested education professionals engaged in a joint discussion to find practical solutions to various challenges in improving the school environment that affect the well-being of students and teachers. Forming five equal teams, the participants set about generating half a hundred different development-oriented ideas, testing them, preparing presentations for the most valuable ones, and learning the methodology for organising such a discussion.

In addition, the project has supported meaningful partner exchange seminars in Iecava, Jēkabpils, Joniškis and Pakroja, with visits to specific educational institutions and their infrastructure, several summer camps for pupils from neighbouring regions and an exciting orienteering competition “Safe School for Everyone”, An experience exchange trip for educators to Sweden, to Torebod, Iecava’s sister city, where participants visited five schools over two days, met with the management and teaching staff, heard lectures on cooperation with different institutions, the social hierarchy of pupils, the causes of peer conflicts and other topics.

Some of the other activities supported by the project have enabled the partners to install a total of more than 40 CCTV cameras in their schools, in their neighbourhoods or on the way to school, to coordinate their operation with the municipality’s overall CCTV system, to purchase and install new fencing elements to protect children from traffic accidents in the street. In Iecava, for example, speed limit displays in the streets will serve this purpose, as will support for the construction of a new cycle track and the training of young cyclists. The project’s lead partner, ZPR, has prepared and published an educational booklet “Feel safe on the road and at school”.

The total funding of the project is EUR 452 585,75, including ERDF funding of EUR 384 697,86.

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4 October 2022

Specialists learn teaching methods in Sweden

Partners and teachers of the LLI-506 “Safe School” project went to Swedish schools to learn about successful experiences in the fight against emotional and physical violence among young people, to get to know school curricula and other aspects related to children’s safety at school.

The destination of the trip was Toreboda, twinning city of Iecava, where the participants of the visit were received by representatives of the municipality. During two days, the participants visited five schools, whose principals and teachers shared their experience with methods of reducing peer violence, as well as listened to lectures on cooperation with institutions, social hierarchy of students, mutual violence and other topics.

One of the main goals of the exchange of experiences was to get to know and learn the methods by which Swedish school personnel achieve low peer violence. As it was found out, most schools work with ways that reduce the possibility of violence at the very root.

According to Elina Runkvist, one of the teachers of the smaller classes, children are not violent towards those they know and have played with. Therefore, she uses the method that once a week the teacher determines exactly where and with whom to play. Even in school group work, children do not have the opportunity to choose whom to work with – it is determined by the teacher.

It helps not only to reduce violence and aggression in schools, but also improves cooperation skills, which will be useful not only in studies, but also in professional work in the future.

During the visit, representatives of Latvian and Lithuanian schools got to know not only aspects related to peer violence, but also learned other methods and tools to use in their schools. “The main insight – at the center of the school is the student with his needs. Teachers and administration work as a team for this goal, there is no need to spend time on daily issues – they are dealt with by other institutions,” comments Inga Čipena, the deputy director of Iecava elementary school.

She points out that the lectures were also valuable, where it was possible to learn about teachers’ actions for the prevention of violence and mobbing, to get acquainted with the ways of cooperation of various institutions in solving various social problems. The lecture on the integration of students from other countries was also useful, enriching the knowledge of working with Ukrainian refugees. Inga Chipena admits that during the experience visit she gained many valuable ideas to share in her school.

Inga Klaucāne, a teacher of Jēkabpils 3rd secondary school has similar thoughts. “I liked that the meetings, lectures, conversations were of sufficient volume to be able to perceive everything, not to get tired, but to get food for thought, reflection and ideas for the future. In my lessons, I will try to implement this good practice, even with small details, so that the lessons are creative, informative, and the overall atmosphere is inviting and encouraging.”

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12 November 2021

Learning the experience of project partners in Lithuania

To find out the successful experience in the fight against emotional and physical violence among young people, the team of Zemgale Planning Region project LLI-506 “Safe School” and representatives of schools involved in the project went to Joniskis “Saules” Basic school in Lithuania.

Since 2011, Joniskis “Saules” Basic School has been implementing the world-renowned Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, which is designed to improve peer relationships and make schools safer and better places for students. The goals of the program include the reduction of existing problems of student violence and the timely prevention of new situations. The essence of the program is to teach all school staff to notice and recognize violence, as well as to respond accordingly. In Joniskis “Saules” Basic School, not only the school staff but also the students and their parents are involved in the implementation of the program. When the program was launched, the level of violence at school was 28.1%, but a survey of pupils in 2020 showed that it had fallen to 2.9%.

As Joniskis “Saules” Basic School also has a special education department for children with moderate and significant mental disorders, the school operates in the International program for children with special educational needs: “Zipio Friends”. This program teaches how to overcome everyday emotional difficulties such as rejection, loneliness, violence, etc. It helps to understand and encourage to talk about feelings and find ways to deal with them. Children learn empathy, friendship, asking for help and accepting it.

The school also works on the implementation of other programs aimed at the physical and emotional health of students, personal growth, and the preservation of a safe school environment. The goals of the Safe School project are not only to create a safe environment at school, but also to provide students with the knowledge they need outside of it – on the way to and from school, when using internet and learning to develop personal safety skills. Zemgale Planning Region as the leading partner of the project is happy to visit and establish cooperation with an educational institution that cares for the emotional, physical and mental well-being of young people and that works to ensure an appropriate environment and increasing students’ skills.

All project activities are aimed at increasing the understanding, knowledge and practical skills among students and teachers in preventing or reducing various security threats, which in general allows to create a safe and friendly school environment in each of the municipalities. The total funding of the project is 452,585.75 euros, including ERDF funding – 384,697.86 euros.

This article has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of Zemgale Planning Region and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.

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21 April 2021

Partners work for a safe environment for students

In the Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 programme project LLI-506 “The safe environment for pupils and teachers – the basis for quality education” (Safe School) project management and steering group meetings were held, during which the partners informed for what has been done so far.

Iecava municipality has deployed speed radars and a surveillance network with 32 cameras. Purchased equipment for safe traffic training – bicycles, helmets, as well as imitation obstacles, which you may have to overcome while riding a bicycle. In the next periods of the project, Iecava municipality plans to create a safe driving training area with various elements that will be suitable for people of any age who want to improve their cycling skills.

Joniškis Primary School “Saule” has implemented various events within the framework of the European Mobility Week, during which information about the project was provided, as well as various activities were organized with the participation of representatives of the city municipality, police officers, teachers and students. In the continuation of the project, the primary school “Saule” will organize procurements for the improvement of the sports field and the development of the video surveillance system of the territory. The school is planning to purchase 55 video surveillance cameras, of which 23 will be located inside the school, but 22 outside. It is also planned to introduce additional security measures online by installing antivirus, antispyware programs, mail filters and other tools.

In addition, project partners in the Pakroja region municipality are implementing the project activities – they have installed video surveillance systems in three district educational institutions, purchased games for stress management and emotional health, as well as equipment for first aid training.

All project activities are aimed at increasing the understanding, knowledge and practical skills among students and teachers in preventing or reducing various security threats, which in general allows to create a safe and friendly school environment in each of the municipalities. The total funding of the project is 452,585.75 euros, including ERDF funding – 384,697.86 euros.

This article has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of Zemgale Planning Region and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.

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10 July 2020

Kick-off meeting of the project took place

In May 2020, a partnership agreement was concluded within the framework of the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020 for implementation of the project LLI – 506 “The safe environment for pupils and teachers – the basis for quality education”/Safe school. The project partners are Zemgale Planning Region (Lead partner), Jekabpils Municipality, Administration of Iecava County Municipality, Pakruojis District Municipality Administration and Joniskis ”Saules” Basic school. The project will raise awareness among pupils and teachers of the actions to be taken in different situations that may endanger the safety of students on both sides of the border.

On 1st July Kick-off meeting of the project took place in Jelgava, Latvia. During the meeting, the project lead partner team provided information about the project, it`s activities, aims and vision. All the project partners informed about their institution’s work, the project vision and communication guidelines. All partners discussed scheduled works in the 1st and 2nd period and upcoming activities time plan and agreed on the next appointment date. The project team welcomed face-to-face encounters and wished good luck in implementing the project.


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Strengthening the capacity of education specialists

In order to strengthen the capacity of education specialists four good practice experience visits in Latvia and Lithuania, and one experience exchange abroad in Sweden were planned.  Two teachers’ good practice exchange seminars were held in Iecava and Jekabpils. As well there have been two teacher exchange good practice seminars in Joniškis and Pakruojis. During these events, there were discussions about the concept of a safe school, the implementation of best practices and the possibilities to take over these practices. In order to create a safe school environment using the Swedish experience and transferring it to the Programme countries, during the visit there were discussions about such topics as the responsibility of teachers and school administration to prevent conflicts in schools, the responsibility of parents, ensuring a safe school environment, cooperation with NGOs, young people and organizations, effective training methods, statistics, legal norms, etc. The project held six training cycles with discussions for education specialists. In total, more than 450 education specialists participated in the training.

Improving student skills

To improve the students’ skills of various emergency situations in schools, there have been six interactive training activities on road safety and safe way to school, eight trainings on safe use of the Internet, eight training seminars on potential risks and dangers on the internet, as well as four trainings to reduce peer violence through the drama method. Students could test their safe cycling knowledge and skills by participating in competitions in Iecava. And they also could improve their cooperation skills by participating in summer cross-border Educational and Recreational Camp “Safe School for Safe Life”. In addition one-day orienteering competition for students was organised in Jēkabpils, Pakruojis, Joniskis and Iecava to inform the public about the work done and the improvements made during the project.

The results of the project were summarized and discussed during the project partner teacher conference.

Improving infrastructure

Safe environment was ensured not only at school, but also on the way to it by improving the infrastructure – creating video surveillance systems in the territories of Jēkabpils, Iecava, Jonišķis and Pakruojis schools and surroundings, improving Pakruojis district Žeimelis gymnasium lighting, installing school fences in Pakruojis and Jēkabpils schools, and by installing speed radars at Iecava Secondary School territory and creating safe cycling training area.

Continuing education online

In order for those interested to be able to use the knowledge gained during the project in the future, four video clips on safe driving were created in the project – ”Know your bike”, ”Be a polite cyclist”, ”By bike to school”, ”Practical cycling”. And three video clips which include information on different risks and how to deal with them – videos on safe road to school; video on the Internet safety; video on the peer physical and emotional violence.

Click here for the playlist with safe cycling videos.

Click here for the playlist with different risks and how to deal with them.

Click here for the brochure “Feel safe on the road and at school” in LATVIAN.

Click here for the brochure “Feel safe on the road and at school” in LITHUANIAN.

Click here for the project material library.

Last updated: 27.06.2024 13:00