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    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

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    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

LLI-291 Enhancement of Green Infrastructure in the Landscape of Lowland Rivers (ENGRAVE)

The common challenge faced by the project partners is to ensure efficient management of green infrastructure created by lowland rivers of the bordering region, where the status of river ecosystems and landscapes is not fully satisfactory.

Project aims to enhance river-based green infrastructure by integrating ecosystem and landscape concepts in to the planning and integrated management of the lowland rivers at local and regional scale. This will be achieved by strengthening cooperation between public authorities and stakeholders and supporting local and regional authorities with know-how by implementing measures and practices to enhance river based green infrastructure.

The project will:

  • establish cooperation via the Stakeholder Panel and training components on landscape and green infrastructure planning and management;
  • elaborate Methodology for Regional Landscape and Green Infrastructure Planning in Lowland Areas;
  • develop four Landscape and Green Infrastructure Plans (Zemgale Planning region, Bauska municipality, Svete catchment; Biržai Town);
  • implement different type measures/actions for enhancing green infrastructure at different locations in the cross border area.

A variety of communication products and involve local stakeholders in the project public activities will be prepared and disseminated. As the results partners and targeted stakeholders will have cooperated in developing and testing a new ecosystem and landscape-based approach for integrated planning and management of the lowland rivers.

The project will have direct positive impact of sustainable development as it supports the implementation of the Programme’s Priority I related to resource efficiency and environmental friendly behavior. Moreover, the maintenance of green infrastructure requires integration of ecological, cultural, economic and societal perspectives into planning and management. These perspectives form the key pillars of the sustainable development where the multiple effects shall be considered in policy development planning and implementation.

The collaboration between the two countries in development of joint methodology and approaches for lowland river landscape management would not only strengthen co-operation, experience exchange and mutual benefits in the planning process, but also create better opportunities for future joint actions in maintenance the common assets of the lowlands in the border region, including biodiversity, landscape and the green infrastructure supporting it.

Social media and contacts:
Phone: +371 630 27549
Address: Katoļu 2b, Jelgava, Latvia

15 May 2020

The ENGRAVE project has ended with great achievements

In these days it will be two years since in Lielvircava manor, located in Jelgava county, ENGRAVE leading partner Zemgale Planning Region with partners from Baltic Environmental Forum-Latvia, Jelgava, Bauska, Rundāle, Biržai municipalities, Biržai and Žagare regional park directorates signed an agreement on implementation of a cooperation project aimed at improving green infrastructure in the landscape of lowland rivers.

In April this year a conference – intensive exchange of ideas on the results achieved during the implementation of the Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 project LLI-291 “Enhancement of Green Infrastructure in the Landscape of Lowland Rivers” had to take place in Biržai. Unfortunately, due to the global pandemic, the planned conference did not take place in the planned format, but there is an option to listen to presentations prepared by honorable lectures online HERE.

During the implementation of the project, co-operation between public administration institutions and scientists has been strengthened, and local government and regional institution employee knowledge has been improved on the implementation of green river infrastructure management measures and examples of good practices. A valuable benefit is the developed methodology for planning regional and local landscapes and green infrastructure in lowland areas. Thus, Zemgale is the first region in Latvia to develop and approve the Regional Landscape and Green Infrastructure Plan for 2020-2027, which integrates the tasks included in the European Landscape Convention, emphasizing that landscapes also play an important role in the cultural, ecological, environmental and social aspects. In addition, landscapes are a resource that is conducive to the economic activity, since successful protection, management and planning can create new jobs.

The identity of the Zemgale landscape is formed, for example, by intensively cultivated fertile fields with a wide view in the distance, a flat surface and a dense network of rivers with picturesque valleys and sandy elevations. Large orchards, polders, production facilities, farmsteads, forest massifs, floodplain meadows, bog wetlands and other important landscape elements also fit perfectly into the landscape of Zemgale. Landscape and green infrastructure development scenarios and management solutions are also included in the thematic plan of the Bauska city river landscape, developed with the support of the project. Bauska municipality has bought an amphibious mower and cleaned overgrown waterways in rivers Mūsa and Mēmele. In Jelgava region in cooperation with scientists from Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, a unique study of the Svēte river in a 65.4-kilometer section has been carried out. The study includes the creation of a river floodplain isoline map and a 3D model of the riverbed, monitoring water levels and flow rates, creating a map of costal erosion and pollution. Environmental activists of the region have organized several clean-ups to clean the Svēte riverbed and shores and have promoted boating activities in this and other small rivers.

Practical activity in the improvement of green infrastructure, during the implementation of the project, has also taken place in Rundāle region, where the pedestrian trail to Vīna kalns has been restored in the Mežotne Archaeological Complex. Also, the renewal and improvement of the green infrastructure by creating a pedestrian and bicycle path along the Apašķi River has taken place in the town of Biržai, as well as in the village of Karajimiškio, Biržai district, which is rich with sinkholes. The project partners have planted a new cherry plantation in the vicinity of Žagare Regional Park which will highlight and enrich the local landscape during the traditional Cherry Festival.

In addition, based on the activities, discussions and exchanges of views experienced in the project, recommendations on the development of the integrated planning approach have been prepared at the end of the project. These and other results are reflected in a video film, which, with the support of the project, was recorded in Latvian, Lithuanian and English languages and is already one of the most watched stories on both – partners’ webpages and social networks.

The total funding of the project is EUR 583,300.34, including ERDF funding – EUR 495,805.26.

All the results of the project can be found in the “Project results” section of the Interreg Latvia-Lithuania programme’s home page.


Contact details: Mr. Juris Kālis

ZPR Public relation specialist

Phone: +371 29144960

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13 February 2020

Zagare Cherry Garden is cleaned and renovated

Zagare Cherry Garden has already been cleaned and renovated during the implementation of the ENGRAVE project. Works started in the beginning of summer 2019. First, the area was cleared, rubbish from underground was collected, the road to the Cherry Garden and the car park were renovated and the Cherry Garden paths were restored. 1000 different trees were planted in autumn: 900 cherries, also pines, mountain pines, oaks, willows, hawthorn, Cornus mas, Cornus alba, as well as traditional flowering meadows of wild flowers (daisy, forget-me-not, poppy, cornflower, etc.), traditional flowering meadows of wild flowers (daisy, forget-me-not, poppy, cornflower, etc.). After the implementation of this project, tourists and visitors will have the possibility to access Zagare cherries, admire and taste them. Visitors can admire the restored Cherry Garden even now – not only the renewed garden paths and its territory, but also the blooming cherries.

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13 February 2020

Bauska County Council will hold a public meeting

Bauska County Council approved the 1st edition of the Bauska City River Landscape and Green Infrastructure Thematic Plan on January 30, 2020. A public meeting with this editorial presentation and a public hearing will be held on February 21 at 10:00 at Uzvaras Street 1, Bauska (County Council Building). The information on the public consultation will be published on the website of Bauska Municipality, on the account of the Municipality and in the Territorial Planning Information System (TAPIS).

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13 February 2020

Zemgale Planning Region has prepared informative videos of the project

The leading partner of the project, Zemgale Planning Region, has produced a detailed informative video that tells about the goals, tasks and accomplishments of the project. In particular, there have been developed a regional landscape and green infrastructure plan for Zemgale region, a recovery plan for Svēte River, Bauska municipality thematic plan for river landscape development and a thematic plan for green infrastructure conservation, landscape design and development along the rivers of Apašča and Agluona in the city of Biržai. The video also introduces its viewers to practical green infrastructure preservation and development activities in Rundale, Bauska and Jelgava counties, Biržai city and district, as well as in Žagare Regional Park. In the Zemgale Planning Region channel you can watch the video in Latvian, Lithuanian and English languages. Watch it here:

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25 April 2019

Zemgale region develops the first regional Landscape and Green Infrastructure plan in Latvia

Zemgale Planning Region organized the second Public Consultation on ‘Zemgale regional landscape and green infrastructure plan’ on March 20, 2019 in Jelgava.

The experts from the University of Latvia, the Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies, Baltic Environmental Forum-Latvia and the “Regional Projects” Ltd, Spatial planners from Zemgale region, landscape and environment specialists, as well as other interested persons were invited to participate in the second public consultation on the ‘Analysis of the existing situation for the development of the Zemgale Regional landscape and Green Infrastructure Plan’  and the discussion on “Integrating Landscape and Green Infrastructure Aspects into Territorial Planning”. The local public event was organized to involve stakeholders and to ensure the openness and transparency of the planning process.

Zemgale Planning Region started the work on the development of the thematic ‘Landscape plan and green infrastructure plan’ for Zemgale planning region. The contract was granted to the company contracted in public procurement and the Plan will be developed by the consulting company SIA Delta Kompanija. The first deliverable “Analysis of the existing situation for the development of the Zemgale Regional Landscape and Green Infrastructure Plan” was submitted in the form of the Report including text and maps and in electronic version as well as printed Report in 2 copies according to the stated deliverable date – December, 2018.

The landscape planning experts and representatives of SIA Delta Kompanija- Ivo Vinogradovs and Anita Zariņa participated in the public consultation with the Analysis of the current situation of landscape and green infrastructure in Zemgale Region with the insight of the first deliverable of the thematic Plan: the new document contains the regulatory enactments, guidelines, explanations related to thematic landscape planning, regional typology and characterization of landscapes and spatial division of landscapes on regional, subregional and local scale.


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25 April 2019

New wooden infrastructure in Vīna Hill area in Bauska nature park, Rundāle county

Vīna Hill is one of the highest points in the relief of Zemgale and is very valuable in Lielupe river valley landscape. A complex landscaping and reconstruction works of the wooden infrastructure in Vīna Hill area are finished. Infrastructure works were implemented within the framework of the project LLI-291 “Enhancement of Green Infrastructure in the Landscape of Lowland Rivers/ ENGRAVE” supported by the Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020.

The Vīna Hill trail was enhanced by new wooden infrastructure and landscaping elements. One and a half meters wide and 497 meters long wooden pathway was reconstructed with gravel access path of 55 meters from the road “Mazmežotne – Saulītes – Senči” including restored wooden stairs 20 meters in length. Six new wooden benches with backrest and waste bins are all along the trail.

The reconstruction works of the Vīna Hill trail were carried out by SIA “LL Namejs” according to the results of the procurement procedure for the total amount of EUR 97 153.68 including VAT 21% EUR 16 861.38.

The reconstructed site will be also explored during the cross-border workshop in Autumn 2019.


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9 October 2018

ENGRAVE Project team gains knowledge on landscape planning approaches and green infrastructure management issues

Zemgale Planning Region together with all ENGRAVE project partners had an opportunity to participate in the study visit to Manchester and its surroundings. The aim of the study visit was to increase the capacity of the project team by learning on planning approaches, on cooperation with different stakeholders, as well as on practical river restoration activities. The activities took place for several days to various organisations in different locations.

During the first days the ENGRAVE project team started visit of Mersey River and its tributaries around Manchester with Mike Duddy and Caroline Riley from Mersey River trust and Mark Turner from Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Representatives from Mersey River trust exchanged their experience with project partners on Catchment-Based Approach partnership, on Nature Course and Carbon landscape projects. The team visited Kersal wetlands, walked along the river River Irk in North Manchester and restored green infrastructure sites, visited Salford Quays and the River Bollin in South Manchester and Cheshire. This first day of study visit gave the opportunity to project partners to focus on green infrastructure, river restoration, flood control measures, water quality improvement, biodiversity, invasive species control and management, aeration, stakeholder and public involvement in volunteering activities and educational issues.

The second study visit day started with the visit of Peak District National Park where the Mersey River begins together with Rebecca Cassidy and Chris Fry and Mollie Hunt from Moor for the Future and Jane Newman and Dave Watts from Peak District National Park Authority. Park team and experts shared their experience on principles of landscape and spatial planning in nature conservation areas, green infrastructure management issues in nature parks, measures of wetland restoration and flood control in the national park. The ENGRAVE team met with Rebecca Cassidy in revamped Moorland Visitor Centre that is the start of visit the spectacular area of the Peak District National Park. After the walking tour of Hathersage with Jane Newman followed the visit of Cycle trails in the Peak District with Dave Watts discussing the path management issues by involving volunteers from local surroundings and communities. During the walk in the High Peak with Chris Fry and Mollie Hunt showed the implemented measures for the restoration of blanket bog on the moors.

The last study trip day started with visit of estuary of Mersey River in Liverpool with Paul Corner and Caroline Riley from Mersey River trust. They provided us with exhaustive information on the historic significance of the river in the industrial revolution and its impact on the Mersey River, industrial town Manchester and port town Liverpool. The project team visited the wide catchment area of the Mersey River: Liverpool Waterfront, Albert Docks, crossing the River Mersey by driving through the tunnel under the river on the other side of Mersey River, Port Sunlight River Park and the Rivacre Brook.  Paul Corner and Caroline Riley focused on river restoration, planning principles, flood management and water quality issues, problems and solutions for improving water quality, environmental awareness raising people’s enthusiasm and taking care of preserving natural resources.

Within these three study visit days the ENGRAVE project team gained knowledge and experience in landscape planning issues, flooding control measures, management on different aspects of the environment, invasive species management, green infrastructure, river restoration,  water quality improvement, biodiversity, aeration, stakeholder and public involvement in volunteering activities and educational issues, principles of landscape and spatial planning in nature conservation areas, green infrastructure management issues in nature parks, measures of wetland restoration and flood control in the national park.



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20 June 2018

Kick-off meeting on 15 June 2018 in Lielvircava Manor

Press release

June 25, 2018

New project to improve green infrastructure in lowland rivers in Zemgale region and Northern Lithuania

Zemgale Planning Region (ZPR) together with the Partners: Baltic Environmental Forum – Latvia, Jelgava and Rundale Local Municipalities, Bauska Local Municipality Council, Biržai district municipality administration and two Directorates of Biržai Regional Park and Zagare Regional Park has started implementation of the project LLI-291 “Enhancement of Green Infrastructure in the Landscape of Lowland Rivers” (ENGRAVE) supported by the Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme 2014-2020.

The extensive plains and branched network of small rivers linked with a green environment and unique diversity of habitat are one of the dominant of the surrounding landscape in the areas of the two neighbouring countries. Therefore the new project aims to enhance river-based green infrastructure by integrating ecosystem and landscape concepts in to the planning and integrated management of the lowland rivers at local and regional scale.

Almost all partners have already participated in the implementation of several significant Latvian-Lithuanian cross-border cooperation programs and other projects supported by the European Union financial instruments, including project implementation in the field of environmental protection, by improving the environmental quality of the Lielupe River basin and by joint cooperation for the efficient management of water resources.

During this project the main part of the activities will be devoted to the preparation of development planning documents. In order to increase the capacity of municipalities and other institutions involved in the project, it is planned to organize training on integrating different approaches to preserving the environment into the development of landscape and green infrastructure planning, as well as to organize a study visit to Great Britain. Besides that partners will jointly elaborate the methodology for regional and local landscape and green infrastructure planning in lowland areas. Taking into consideration the developed methodology there will be elaborated four Landscape and Green Infrastructure Plans: landscape and green infrastructure plan of Zemgale region, the development plan of the Svēte River catchment area in the Jelgava county and the landscape and green infrastructure plan in Bauska local municipality. Lithuanian partners will elaborate landscape and green Infrastructure plan of arrangement, preservation and development of green infrastructure alongside Apaščia and Agluona Rivers in Biržai town and Širvena Lake in Biržai district.

The project includes also the practical contribution to the conservation and improvement of green infrastructure. For example, the cleaning of overgrown waterways from aquatic weed with an amphibious mower in rivers Mūsa and Mēmele in the Bauska district, Landscaping of Vīna Hill area of Mežotne Hillforts in Rundāle county. Lithuanian partners plan to create pedestrian and cyclist path along the valley of the river in Biržai, as well as to make a fence and a staircase replacement at the caves in Karajimiškio Village, to cultivate and to improve the scenery in the Cherry Garden of Zagare. The partners will also prepare public video clip in Latvian, Lithuanian and English to provide the public with information on achieved results during the implementation of the project.

Project implementation ends on 30 April 2020. The total amount of financing is 583 300,34 EUR, including ERDF co-financing – 495 805,26 EUR.

Contact details: Mr. Juris Kālis

ZPR Public relation specialist

Phone: +371 29144960

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ENGRAVE Results and useful information

During the implementation of the project, co-operation between public administration institutions and scientists has been strengthened, and local government and regional institution employee knowledge has been improved on the implementation of green river infrastructure management measures and examples of good practices. A valuable benefit is the developed methodology for planning regional and local landscapes and green infrastructure in lowland areas. Thus, Zemgale is the first region in Latvia to develop and approve the Regional Landscape and Green Infrastructure Plan for 2020-2027, which integrates the tasks included in the European Landscape Convention, emphasizing that landscapes also play an important role in the cultural, ecological, environmental and social aspects.
The identity of the Zemgale landscape is formed, for example, by intensively cultivated fertile fields with a wide view in the distance, a flat surface and a dense network of rivers with picturesque valleys and sandy elevations. Large orchards, polders, production facilities, farmsteads, forest massifs, floodplain meadows, bog wetlands and other important landscape elements also fit perfectly into the landscape of Zemgale. Landscape and green infrastructure development scenarios and management solutions are also included in the thematic plan of the Bauska city river landscape, developed with the support of the project. Bauska municipality has bought an amphibious mower and cleaned overgrown waterways in rivers Mūsa and Mēmele. In Jelgava region in cooperation with scientists from Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, a unique study of the Svēte river in a 65.4-kilometer section has been carried out. The study includes the creation of a river floodplain isoline map and a 3D model of the riverbed, monitoring water levels and flow rates, creating a map of costal erosion and pollution. Environmental activists of the region have organized several clean-ups to clean the Svēte riverbed and shores and have promoted boating activities in this and other small rivers.
Practical activity in the improvement of green infrastructure, during the implementation of the project, has also taken place in Rundāle region, where the pedestrian trail to Vīna kalns has been restored in the Mežotne Archaeological Complex. Also, the renewal and improvement of the green infrastructure by creating a pedestrian and bicycle path along the Apašķi River has taken place in the town of Biržai, as well as in the village of Karajimiškio, Biržai district, which is rich with sinkholes. The project partners have planted a new cherry plantation in the vicinity of Žagare Regional Park which will highlight and enrich the local landscape during the traditional Cherry Festival.
In addition, based on the activities, discussions and exchanges of views experienced in the project, recommendations on the development of the integrated planning approach have been prepared at the end of the project. These and other results are reflected in a video film, which, with the support of the project, was recorded in Latvian, Lithuanian and English languages and is already one of the most watched stories on both – partners’ webpages and social networks.
In April 2020 a conference – intensive exchange of ideas on the results achieved during the implementation of the Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme 2014-2020 project LLI-291 “Enhancement of Green Infrastructure in the Landscape of Lowland Rivers” had to take place in Biržai. Unfortunately, due to the global pandemic, the planned conference did not take place in the planned format, but there is an option to listen to presentations prepared by honorable lectures online HERE.

Zemgale regional landscape and green infrastructure plan
Brochure of Zemgale Regional Landscape and Green Infrastructure Plan
ENGRAVE project leaflets in ENG, LV, LT

ENGRAVE Recommendations on enhancing integrated planning approach for deployment of green infrastructure from national to local level

Latvian-Lithuanian cross-border cooperation project ENGRAVE aimed to enhance river-based green infrastructure by integrating ecosystem and landscape concepts into the planning and management of the lowland rivers at local and regional scale. This has been achieved through active collaboration between planning authorities, researchers, and local stakeholders. The project results include planning cases at different levels as well as practical measures for green infrastructure improvement.
These recommendations collate the main findings of the project and suggests a way forward to integrated planning approach for enhancement of green and blue infrastructure in both countries from local to national level. The recommendations are targeted to local municipalities as well as national competent authorities, including different departments of ministries in charge for environmental and land use policies and planning.
The recommendations are based on the conceptual framework for integrating green infrastructure and landscape planning, developed by the ENGRAVE project2, results and experience gained from the ENGRAVE cases on GI & landscape planning as well as input from stakeholders collected during ENGRAVE events and other fora.

Download it here: ENGRAVE Recommendations_on enhancing integrated planning approach for deployment of green infrastructure from national to local level

Jelgava Municipality Svete River Recovery Plan

Jelgava Municipality has developed the Svete River Recovery Plan, which includes chapters on improving the hydraulic qualities of the riverbed, improving water quality, and reducing historical pollution leaks. The Svete River Plan is divided into five sub-chapters, the first is devoted to the presentation of regulatory frameworks, while the next four provide an insight into the hydro morphology of the four distinct sections of the Svete river under anthropogenic load and the recovery measures for the river.

Download it here: The Recovery Plan of Svete river

Biržų plan for preservation, use and development of green infrastructure and landscape

Biržų region has developed a plan preservation, use and development of green infrastructure and landscape that covers the shores of Lake Širvėna and the banks of the Apaščia and Agluona rivers located in Biržai. The planned territory consists of a strip of land along the banks of rivers and lakes, which according to the Biržai City Master Plan is assigned to the areas of greenery, forests and conservative territory.

Download it here: Biržu plan for preservation, use and development of green infrastructure and landscpae

Zemgale Regional Landscape and Green Infrastructure Plan

Zemgale Planning Region and the contracted company finished work on the development of the third deliverable T.1.3.3. – thematic “Regional landscape and green infrastructure plan” for Zemgale planning region.
Landscape and green infrastructure planning in Zemgale planning pegion is designed as an assessment of landscape and green infrastructure situation in 2019, outlining action and management solutions to improve quality of the landscape. The main issues of the thematic plan are related to the solutions for landscape assessment and planning at regional level, the use of ecosystem services approach to assess the state of green infrastructure, identification of landscape quality objectives and actions, development of green infrastructure scenarios at subregional level, as well as landscape management solutions at regional level.

Download it here: Zemgale Regional Landscape and Green Infrastructure Plan

Download the Zemgale Regional Landscape and Green Infrastructure Plan brochure: Brochure_Zemgale Regional Landscape and Green Infrastructure Plan

Download the Summary (ENG) of Zemgale Regional Landscape and Green Infrastructure Plan: Summary Zemgale Regional Landscape and Green Infrastructure Plan

Download the guidelines for local landscape planning: Guidelines Local Landscape Planning

‘Methodology for Regional and Local Landscape and Green Infrastructure Planning in Lowland Areas’ (Activity T1.2/ Deliverable T1.2.1)

The project partner and experts from Baltic Environmental Forum-Latvia developed the ‘Methodology for Regional and Local Landscape and Green Infrastructure Planning in Lowland Areas’. The Methodology is based on the key principles of the spatial and environmental planning, the steps on how to implement the integrated planning at local and regional level and how to handle different scale issues to ensure coherence between the planning levels. This Methodology is the basis for the content development of the thematic Plan for Zemgale region.


Last updated: 27.06.2024 13:00