During the project 27 public indoor and outdoor sports grounds were improved or created and equipped in 13 municipalities in Latgale region (Aglona, Balvi, Līvāni, Ludza, Rugāji, Baltinava, Daugavpils, Krāslava, Preiļi, Riebiņi, Viļaka and Viļāni municipalities and Daugavpils City) and in Lithuania (Ignalina and Visaginas municipalities).

The main aim of this activity was to ensure accessibility to organized sports activities to vulnerable groups, especially at-risk children and youth, thus contributing to creating and promoting street sports culture at partners’ locations and that will serve as an instrument for social inclusion.
Model for social inclusion of at-risk teenagers through sports was developed and tested. First of all, 32 specialists from Latvia and Lithuania working with at-risk children and youth gathered for three 2-days sessions to exchange their experience and learn new methods for their everyday work. It helped to make actions towards reaching one of project’s objectives – develop support mechanism for social inclusion of at-risk teenagers through sports. These trainings helped to create a network of professionals from Latvia and Lithuania who work with children and youth at-risk in Latvia and Lithuania, share their experience and in a such way to raise their competences working with the target group and understanding it, as well as exchanging information and best practices. It was also an opportunity for Lithuanian specialists to find out more about the non-formal education and methods provided.
In the framework of the project, methodological manual for staff working with the at-risk teenagers was created. Material is intended for any children and youth care professional (sports trainers, social workers, social educators, psychologists, youth workers etc.), who wants to carry out support work with at-risk children and young people by promoting social inclusion of the target group, using sport as a support tool. Professionals from the field were involved in the elaboration of the material. They shared their experience, observations and made recommendations for working with the target group. The theoretical framework of the material was elaborated by participants of the training cycle held in late 2018 and early 2019 – youth specialists, representatives of orphan’s and custody courts, social workers, psychologists and sports trainers from Latgale Planning Region and Ignalina and Visaginas regions in Lithuania. Methodological material is one of the main outputs of the project and it will ensure continuity of the developed social inclusion model through sports with a special focus on at-risk children and youth in remote rural and cross-border areas.
Material in Latvian is available here: Methodological manual for staff working with at-risk children and youth
There were organized activities for children and youth (especially for the at-risk group) to get acquainted with purchased equipment and created public outdoor spaces for sports.
The main events of the project that fostered the social inclusion of at-risk children and youth among other young people with a promotion of street sports culture and active lifestyle “Open Beach Sports Games” were organized in Visaginas and international street culture festival – sports competition “Ghetto Games in Daugavpils!”. They gathered more than 1500 participants and spectators at these events.
More than 2000 children and youth were involved in publicly available sports events in Latvia and Lithuania. Well-known athletes, sports trainers, and healthy lifestyle influencers and promoters visited more than 20 schools and centers to motivate at-risk children and youth to be active and lead a healthy lifestyle.