Bringing neighbours closer
Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!
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Date: 20. September 2017 - 22. September 2017
Time: All Day
Riga, Latvia
Training will be provided by experienced Bentley software users – LLU lecturers for 20 LLU and 4 KVK teachers. During the training participants will learn how to use the 3D tools and drawing techniques that are available in this powerful CAD software from Bentley.
All the major 3D tools will be included; how to use Accudraw in 3D, working with primitive solids, and how to surface your primitives. Lecturers will learn how to present designs in various formats, work with lighting and perspective and techniques for attaching materials to objects.
After completing this MicroStation Bentley training teachers will have a clear understanding of how to use this software and the available tools and features and adapt it to different study programmes and needs.
Training course will take place in Latvian Agriculture University (Jelgava, Latvia) and Riga (Latvia), during the course two companies successfully using Bentley software in their dayly activities will be visited.