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  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

    About the programme
  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

LLI-138 Employment and Entrepreneurship without Borders (BEE)

The project is targeted at local artisans (80 persons) working with textile, glass, wood, ceramics and paper that are seen as potential entrepreneurs in the Latvian-Lithuanian cross border area, namely, Dobele municipality and wider Zemgale region in Latvia and Anykščiai district municipality and Panevėžys county in Lithuania. The project is designed to tackle the two common challenges faced by the artisans – (1) development of a competitive product and (2) finding and entering new markets for selling it.

The overall objective of the project is to create employment opportunities by development and improvement of the cross-border business environment in the Latvia-Lithuania cross-border area through actions encouraging and supporting local artisans to develop new business ideas and initiatives in the field of creative craftsmanship and start their own business. This will be done through development of business support model, as well as series of theoretical trainings and practical creative workshops designed specifically for artisans. The project will promote creativity and through thinking and doing design create new and improve the existing products developed by artisans as potential entrepreneurs.

It is intended that out of the 80 artisans participating in the project activities, ~50 will develop new business ideas and products and eventually establish their own businesses – with a few Latvian-Lithuanian joint ventures.

Social media and contacts:
Phone: +371 29450713; +371 63781740
Address: Brīvības iela 7, Dobele, LV-3701, Latvija

6 March 2019

Tuvojas starptautiska projekta “Nodarbinātība un uzņēmējdarbība bez robežām” noslēgums

Straujiem soļiem tuvojas projekta “Nodarbinātība un uzņēmējdarbība bez robežām” (LLI-138) noslēgums un droši varam teikt, ka lepojamies par mūsu amatnieku radītajiem darbiem un projekta veiksmīgo norisi.

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17 October 2018

Paper Workshops

Paper workshops were held in Dobele Adult Education and Business Support Centre on 9-11 th of October. Interreg Latvia – Lithuania Programme artisans had practical creative workshops together with excellent experts Beāte Dronka and Ginta Šmite from paper design studio PURPURS “Dizaina papīrlietas” SIA. Together eight participants took place in workshops (4 from Lithuania and 4 from Latvia).

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28 September 2018

Textile Workshops

Textile workshops were held in Anyksciai art incubator – art studio on 25-27 th of September. Lector of Vytautas Magnus University Faculty of arts Rita Kaupelienė moderated workshops and helped participants on their creative activities all three days. 6 participants took place in workshops from Lithuania and Latvia.

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21 September 2018

Ceramic Workshops

Ceramic workshops were held in Anyksciai Art incubator – Art studio on 18-20 th of September. Lector of Vilniaus art academy Laima Mikalauskiene moderated workshops and helped participants on their creative activity all three days. 6 participants took place in workshops (2 from Anyksciai, 2 from Panevezys and 2 from Dobele).

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18 June 2018

Training courses in Anykščiai

Theoretical training process of project „Employment and Entrepreneurship without Borders“ (BEE, LLI-38) has finished succesful. Last two modules of training courses took part in Anyksciai art incubator – art studio. 4 mixed groups of Lithuanian and Latvian craftsmen took part in each training module.

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29 March 2018

Trainings in Panevėžys

After inclusive part of artisan trainings in Dobele, Panevėžys continues with their part. At the end of March 2018 training process in Panevėžys is coming to the end.

3rd module „Creation of brand / branding” (2 days) and 4th module „Market research and marketing for new markets” (1,5 days) with lecturer Renata Žvirelienė are already done. The craftsmen listened to the theoretical material that was relevant to the creation of the brand and market research, performed individual and group practical tasks.

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10 January 2018

Uzsākas apmācības Latvijas un Lietuvas amatniekiem

Š.g. 9.janvārī, Dobeles Pieaugušo izglītības un uzņēmējdarbības atbalsta centrā notika pirmā projekta “Nodarbinātība un uzņēmējdarbība bez robežām” nodarbība. Tajā pulcējās vairāk kā 20 mājražotāji no Latvijas un Lietuvas.

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5 October 2017

Iespējas amatniekiem iegūt jaunas zināšanas tirgvedībā un savu produktu dizaina attīstīšanā

Dobeles Pieaugušo izglītības un uzņēmējdarbības atbalsta centrs (turpmāk tekstā Dobeles PIUAC) šī gada 1.aprīlī uzsāka realizēt projektu “Nodarbinātība un uzņēmējdarbība bez robežām” (Nr.LLI-138).

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30 August 2017

Lietuvos ir Latvijos amatininkų verslumą skatins naujas projektas

Šiandien naujosioms technologijoms aktyviai keičiant senąsias tradicijas, vis daugiau sentimentų sulaukia rankų darbo gaminiai. Keičiantis ekonominėms ar gaminių paklausos rinkoje sąlygoms atsiranda niša smulkaus verslo vystymui, o stambesni verslininkai yra priversti permąstyti verslo perspektyvas ir pasiryžti įgyvendinti kūrybines iniciatyvas.

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14 June 2017

Iespējas amatniekiem iegūt jaunas zināšanas tirgvedībā un savu produktu dizaina attīstīšanā

Aicinām pieteikties amatniekus projektā “Nodarbinātības un uzņēmējdarbība bez robežām”. Projekta mērķis ir pilnveidot un uzlabot Latvijas-Lietuvas pierobežas biznesa vidi ar tādu aktivitāšu palīdzību, kuras stimulētu vietējos amatniekus attīstīt jaunas biznesa idejas radošās amatniecības jomā, lai uzsāktu savu uzņēmējdarbību. Projekts ir veidots, lai risinātu divas galvenās problēmas, ar ko saskaras amatnieki – konkurētspējīga produkta izveide un jaunu noietu tirgu atrašana.

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12 May 2017


Dobeles Pieaugušo izglītības un uzņēmējdarbības atbalsta centrs (turpmāk tekstā Dobeles PIUAC) šī gada 1.aprīlī uzsāka realizēt projektu “Nodarbinātība un uzņēmējdarbība bez robežām” (Nr.LLI-138).

Amatniecība ir mazās uzņēmējdarbības veids, kas izmantojams ikvienam cilvēkam, kuru interesē kāds konkrēts amatniecības nodarbošanās veids, gan nelielai lauku saimniecībai savas darbības dažādošanai.

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27 April 2017

Įvyko pirmasis projekto “Užimtumas ir verslumas be sienų (BEE)” susitikimas

2017 m. balandžio 25 d. Panevėžyje įvyko Interreg Latvijos-Lietuvos bendradarbiavimo per sieną programos 2014-2020 projekto „Užimtumas ir verslumas be sienų (BEE)“ , Nr. LLI-138, pirmasis partnerių susitikimas.

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More articles

1.Business support services improved/created as result of the cross border cooperation:

Elaborated 1 (one) Joint theoretical training programme

–       11-day theoretical training programme consisting of 7 subjects/modules for new entrepreneurs/artisans in 2 languages (LV and LT). The program is available not only for craftsmen who participated in project training, but also for a much wider range of stakeholders who know the LV or LT language. The program is designed as visually appealing study material online that is easy to use for every potential user. The project partners will be happy to organise and host any theoretical trainings /creative workshops for artisans, designers, students of creative industry, etc., if such a demand will arise.

Training programme


Created 1 (one) Joint IT platform

–       Joint IT promotion platform in 3 languages (LV, LT and ENG) was created and developed (see; The single IT platform is a very important artisan marketing tool in the future and at the same time a sustainable cooperative tool, as the partners have agreed on further concrete cooperation in its development. A additional agreement between the partners on the future joint maintenance of the IT platform has been concluded. Regular information uploading about crafts activities and attraction of new clients is planned, currently 30 artisan profiles and 120 artisan‘s products are uploaded.


  1. Improved or created business support infrastructure objects that ensure indirect business support.


Improved business support infrastructure objects 3(three) 1 in each partner location.

Improved infrastructure objects that ensure indirect business support – 3 total, one  at each partner location, namely, equipment for wood and paper workshops and equipping of Open Lab and Open classroom for artisans in Dobele, refurbishment and equipping of the training classroom for theoretical training courses in Panevežys and equipment for textile workshops, exposition furniture for presentation of developed products and a photo camera for high quality products presentation on the developed IT platform for Anykščiai

Improved business support infrastructure objects

Repairs were made in partners’ PP2 premises, which created a more attractive and practical environment for the development of business ideas and trainings.


  1. Productive investment reached: 30 enterprises received non-financial support.


Joint theoretical training courses

11-day theoretical training courses on 7 subjects on development of creative products and services that is adapted to new markets for 4 mixed cross-border groups of 20 artisans was organised.

Joint creative workshops

Creative workshops for development of new business ideas and products in 5 sectors – textile, glass, wood, ceramics and paper – for 5 mixed cross-border groups of 6 artisans  were organised. 30 enterprises received  non-financial support.

Last updated: 19.12.2024 15:35