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  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

    About the programme
  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

LLI-322 Ignalina and Daugavpils against poverty and social exclusion (Igda vs poverty)

The aim of this project is to provide opportunities for children from multi-child families, children from families from social exclusion and families with disabled children to help improve themselves by gaining new skills, developing their talents, overcoming their fears and thus to reduce social tension in both Latvian and Lithuanian regions. During the project implementation, problems of socially vulnerable people will be discussed, the experience will be exchanged and psychological support will be given through the trainings, lectures and classes on camps in easy and effective way. Target group members will become familiar with basic camping skills, discover essential diet understanding and food preparation skills, will be engaged in teamwork building exercises, musical programmes and exercises to discover talents and develop creativity and in such a way boost their self-confidence. These activities will be carried out by volunteers from both partners, who will share their best experiences with each other. In order to organize camps effectively, the premises of Ignalina parish will be repaired and designed for Youth Day Center, a kitchen with a dining room will be installed and necessary equipment will be purchased. In this center, young people will organize their social and cultural activities. Finally, concluding conference will be organized. Project will create more active social and cultural life of the communities and cultural exchanges across the border.

Social media and contacts:
Phone: +37069833479
Address: Bažnyčios a. 4, LT-30113 Ignalina

28 February 2020

Vaikų vasaros stovykla – “Atrask Save”

Vasario 21 – 23 dienomis Tverečiaus miestelyje, Ignalinos raj. vyko trečioji, paskutinioji (organizuota Lietuvos) vaikų vasaros stovykla – “Atrask Save”. Iš viso dalyvavo 38 vaikai iš Latvijos ir Lietuvos. 15 vaikų iš Latvijos ir 23 – iš Lietuvos.

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10 January 2020

Jaunimo dienos centro patalpos jau galutinai įrengtos

Suremontuotose ir pritaikytose tapti jaunimo centru Ignalinos parapijos patalpose įsigyta ir sumontuota visa reikiama buitinė technika bei baldai.

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5 September 2019

Children summer camp “Find yourself“ took place in Ignalina district

A 7-day long camp was organized for 65 participants (39 from Lithuania and 26 from Latvia). The camp was organized for children from socially excluded families. The camp was held in Ignalina district on August 26 -31 2019.

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20 August 2019

Bērnu Starptautiskā vasaras nometne „Bye Summer”

No 16. līdz 18. augustam  Daugavpils novada Višķos notika starptautiska bērnu  vasaras nometnes „Bye Summer”, projekta  INTERREG  “Ignalina un Daugavpils pret nabadzību un sociālo atstumtību” ietvaros. Nometnē piedalījās 25 jaunieši no Lietuvas un 25 jaunieši no Latvijas vecumā no 7 līdz 12 gadiem kopā ar saviem skolotājiem un brīvprātīgiem palīgiem. Nometne notika ļoti skaistā vietā – mēs dzīvojam ērtās kopmītnēs, blakus bija mūsdienu sporta laukums, bērnu laukums, netālu – ezers.

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10 August 2019

Bērnu Starptautiskā vasaras nometne „Hello Summer days”

No 2. līdz 4. augustam  Daugavpils novada Višķos notika starptautiska bērnu  vasaras nometnes „Hello Summer days”, projekta  INTERREG “Ignalina un Daugavpils pret nabadzību un sociālo atstumtību” ietvaros. Nometnē piedalījas 25 bērni no Lietuvas un 25 bērni no Latvijas vecumā no 7 līdz 12 gadiem kopā ar saviem skolotājiem un brīvprātīgiem palīgiem. Nometne notika ļoti skaistā vietā – mēs dzīvojam ērtās kopmītnēs, blakus bija mūsdienu sporta laukums, bērnu laukums, netālu – ezers.

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25 July 2019

Bērnu starptautiskā nometne “Enigma”

Pašā vasaras vidū no 15. līdz 21. jūlijam projekta “Ignalina un Daugavpils pret nabadzību un sociālo atstumtību” ietvaros Daugavpils novada Višķos notika starptautiskā bērnu vasaras nometnes „Enigma”. Nometnē piedalījās 25 jaunieši no Lietuvas un 25 jaunieši no Latvijas vecumā no 12 līdz 16 gadiem kopā ar saviem skolotājiem un brīvprātīgajiem palīgiem. Nometne notika ļoti skaistā vietā: mēs dzīvojām ērtās kopmītnēs, kurām blakus bija arī mūsdienīgi iekārtots sporta laukums un bērnu rotaļu laukums, netālu – ezers.

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25 July 2019

Bērnu starptautiskā nometne “ From heart to heart “

No 17. līdz 23.jūnijam, projekta LII-322, “Interreg” ietvaros, Višķos notika mūsu un Lietuvas bērnu kristīgā nometne “From heart to heart”. Veselu nedēļu visiem bērniem bija iespēja mācīties patstāvību lielajā dzīves skolā, kad mamma un tētis nestāv blakus, vecmāmiņa ar pīrādziņiem negaida uz sliekšņa un gulta no rīta pati nesaklājas! Bija jāmācas sadraudzēties jau pirmajā dienā, jo jāpalīdz mazajiem, kuri savu somu knapi var panest! Tas bija brīdis, kad valodas barjeras brūk. Uzvar smaidi un smiekli!

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10 July 2019

Bērnu Starptautiskā vasaras nometne „Bless you”

No 5. līdz 7.jūnijam, projekta LII-322, “Interreg” ietvaros, Višķos notika mūsu un Lietuvas bērnu kristīgā nometne “Bless you

Nelielas nometnes laikā izdevās izveidot ļoti draudzīgu atmosfēru, kura katrs dalībnieks varēja  izjust  labas attiecības “gardumu.”

Tas izdevās pateicoties  pirmkārt tam, ka starp pieaugušajiem bija ļoti draudzīgas attiecības, visi strādā  kā viena komanda, gan lavījās, gan lietuvas pedagogi bija ka viens veselums. Bērni vienmēr reaģē uz to, kādas ir attiecības starp pieaugušajiem.

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20 January 2019

The works of Ignalina parish premises repair and adaptation to become a youth center were completed.

Before implementing the project “Ignalina and Daugavpils against Poverty and Social Exclusion” The Virgin Mary parish in Ignalina had an unused premises of 158 sq. meters. In these premises, it was planned to equip the youth day center with project funds. The purpose of this youth center is to give young people the opportunity to reduce social exclusion by self-expression, cooperation and other creative activities.

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15 August 2018

Premises of Ignalina parish is being repaired and adapted to become a youth center

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary parish in Ignalina has the unused space of 158 square meters , where youth day center is aimed at equipping. The aim for this youth center is to provide opportunities for youth from social exclusion for self-expression, cooperation and other creative and participatory activity. We hope that after this work is finished more young people will have the opportunity to unfold and develop their talents (music, sports, culinary, etc.).

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1 August 2018

Bērnu starptautiskā nometne “Find yourself“

Projekts Nr.LLI-322, „Ignalina un Daugavpils pret nabadzību un sociālo atstumtību “(Igda pret nabadzību) Projektu finansē Eiropas reģionālais attīstības fonds (ERPF) 2014-2020. Partneri: Ignalinas Sv. Jaun. Marijas Piedzimšanas Romas katoļu draudze un Daugavpils Jēzus Sirds Romas katoļu draudze

Pašā  vasaras vidū,  no 17. līdz 24. jūlijam, Lietuvas  ciematā  Tverčiaus, Ignalinas  novadā, notika starptautiskā bērnu  nometne. Nometnē  piedalījas 15 bērni no Lietuvas un 15 bērni no Latvijas kopā ar saviem skolotājiem un brīvprātīgiem palīgiem. Nometne  notika  ļoti skaistā vietā – mēs dzīvojām viesu mājā, nelielā ciematiņā, blakus mūsdienīgam sporta  laukumam, bērnu laukumam, netālu esošajam ezeram.

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1 August 2018

Children summer camp „Find yourself“ took place in Ignalina

A 7-day long camp for 50 participants was organized for children from socially excluded families. The camp was held in Ignalina on July 17-24, 2018.  It is the first camp among 10 others that are planned to be organised in both Lithuania and Latvia as a part of the project „Ignalina and Ignalina and Daugavpils against poverty and social exclusion“. This project is funded by Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020.

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1 August 2018

Vaikų stovykla „Atrask save“ – siekis mažinti socialinę atskirtį Ignalinos ir Daugpilio rajonuose

Liepos 17 – 24 dienomis Tverečiaus miestelyje, Ignalinos raj. vyko vaikų vasaros stovykla – “Atrask Save”. Tai yra tęstinė projekto „Ignalina ir Daugpilis prieš skurdą ir socialinę atskirtį“ (Finansuojamas pagal Interreg V-A Latvija-Lietuva programą 2014-2020). Projekto partneriai yra Švč. M. Marijos Gimimo parapija bei Daugpilio Jėzaus Širdies Katalikų parapijų.

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1 June 2018

Projekto “Ignalina ir Daugpilis prieš skurdą ir socialinę atskirtį” partnerių susitikimas

2018 m. gegužės 28 d. Ignalinoje įvyko Interreg Latvijos-Lietuvos bendradarbiavimo per sieną programos 2018-2020 projekto “Ignalina ir Daugpilis prieš skurdą ir socialinę atskirtį” , Nr. LLI-322, partnerių susitikimas.

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1 June 2018

Project „Ignalina and Daugavpils against poverty and social exclusion“ partner kick-off meeting

On 28th of May, 2018 there was the kick-off meeting of the project „Ignalina and Daugavpils against poverty and social exclusion“, No LLI-322, where both partners met.

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10 April 2018

Projektas „Ignalina ir Daugpilis prieš skurdą ir socialinę atskirtį“

2018 m. balandžio 1 d. buvo pradėtas įgyvendinti bendras Ignalinos Švč. M. Marijos Gimimo parapijos ir Daugpilio Jėzaus Širdies parapijos projektas „Ignalina ir Daugpilis prieš skurdą ir socialinę atskirtį“ Nr. LLI-322. Numatoma šio projekto trukmė – 24 mėnesiai. Vedantysis projekto partneris yra Ignalinos Švč. M. Marijos Gimimo parapija, projekto partneris – Daugpilio Jėzaus Širdies parapija.

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During the project living conditions and social skills were improved for deprived communities through creating social links between children from vulnerable groups in Ignalina and Daugavpils through educational and recreational children camps.

Project involved socially excluded families with children and families with disabled children.

It was planned, that camps for both Latvian and Lithuanian participants will be visited by 160 children from social exclusion families (4 camps), 200 children from socially excluded families with several children (4 camps) and 40 disabled children (2 camps). Although the last camp planned for March 13th – 17th, 2020 didn’t take place due to start of Covid-19 restrictions and 20 participants couldn’t visit last camp in Daugavpils, there were 396 children participating in all camps during the project implementation. This was possible, because both partners were determined to accept as many camp visitors and involve as many children from vulnerable families as it was possible on each camp, so some camps had more visitors than it was initially planned.

The main goal of the camps was to help children to discover themselves, be more aware of the person who they are, accepting their feelings, thoughts, personality, goals, and dreams. Children were able to do this in four main ways:

  • during the morning lap;
  • during talent classes;
  • during joint evening activities;
  • during social activities;

Morning lap sessions

These sessions were structured in such a way that the first guest with experience of growing up in a vulnerable or socially excluded family shares their experience. After this, the children were divided into groups, during which there was a discussion about how the children identified themselves and what emotions they felt. During these sessions, children had the opportunity to touch on topics such as shame, fear, anger, parental love, dreams, and more. During the groups, it was emphasized that we speak one by one, do not criticize, do not condemn and do not interrupt. It was a safe place for children to open up and share experiences openly.


Talent activities

Both project partners wanted children to get to know their talents during the camps. Therefore, each day during the camp, children were able to choose from one of four possible afternoon activities:

  • art;
  • photography;
  • dancing;
  • sports;

All sessions were conducted by volunteers who are specialists in their field and have experience working in groups. During each day, the children had different topics and tasks in the area. This allowed the children to experiment and see what talents they have. Every evening daily discussions were held, during which it was also discussed with the children what they liked / disliked the most about the day. After several activities, the children were able to name the emotions they felt during the day and gradually recognize which activities best reveal their talents.


General evening activities

In the evenings during the camps joint activities were held, the purpose of which was for the children to relax, have fun, get to know each other better. Usually one of the evenings was a general dance lesson, during which the teacher taught some new dance moves and dances. These dances for children were so memorable that the children danced them a few more times during the morning exercise and used them as a performance during a talent show. There was also a talent evening where the kids were able to show up and show off what they learned. During the talent show, the children danced, sang and played.


Social activities

One of the goals of the camps was to develop children’s social skills. The whole camp was based on discipline routine, a clear schedule of the day, morning exercises and etc. There usually was also a motivational system where children had a chance to collect some kind of stickers for help with cleaning and help in the kitchen. After collecting the appropriate number of stickers at the end of the camp, the children received a prize-cup with a general photo of all the participants in the camp.

This way children quickly became friends with each other, sometimes despite the language barrier, talking and already making plans for a meeting at future camps.



During the project an abandoned building in Ignalina with accommodation of 158 square meters was fully repaired and redecorated. It included roof repair, new windows, new doors, electricity system repair, heating system repair, water supply system repair, floor renewal, walls redecorating. Also it was fully equipped, so that premises from an abandoned building transformed into fully functional youth day care center.


Premises in Daugavpils were equipped with new sports and leisure equipment.








Last updated: 19.12.2024 15:35