Sustainable water resources
The main objective of the EU Water Framework Directive is good ecological status of all water bodies and it requires more effective measures to improve water quality. Unfortunately, several water bodies in Latvia and Lithuania have a lower than good ecological quality but some of them are significantly affected by fluctuations in water levels caused by hydroelectric power plants cascades. Lakes, which are located on the LV-LT border, are mainly designated as water bodies only in Latvia, so water quality monitoring are mostly carried out on the sites of Latvia.
The project contributed to the co-operation between Latvian and Lithuanian scientists, municipalities and responsible state institutions in the improvement of water quality. Thus, as Latvian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development as Lithuanian Environment Protection Agency activated process of changing some Water Use Acts in both countries. Project collected actual information about lake ecological status that allowed to develop the harmonised Latvian-Lithuanian Program of Measures.
Project developed the innovative approach in Latvia and Lithuania to estimate the ecological regime for rivers regulated by HPP cascades. It assessed the ecosystem health of 5 transboundary lakes: Ilzu(Garais)/Ilģe, Kumpinišku / Kampiniskiai, Galiņu/Salna, Laucesas/Laukesas un Skirnas.
Environment Protection Agency of the Republic of Lithuania approved the selection of lake water bodies including 4 transboundary lakes in a List (Ilzu(Garais)/Ilģe, Kumpinišku / Kampiniskiai, Galiņu/Salna un Skirnas) and to the River Basin Management Plans of Lithuania for 2022-2027.
Project developed:
A two-day stakeholders’ workshop was organized in the municipality of Daugavpils to discuss the results of the project in the lake water management on 29-30.08.2022. 42 experts from Augsdaugava Regional Authority, Environment Protection Agency, State Environmental Service, Daugavpils University and project institutions participated in that workshop. It included the study visit to one of the project lakes, where sampling methods of different lake ecological quality elements were demonstrated. Another stakeholders’ workshop was organized in the municipality of Saldus on 13.09.2022 to discuss the results of the project regarding the E-flow regime in regulated rivers. In the workshop participated Saldus Region Authority, Saldus municipality, State Environmental Service, Dzirnavu HPP owners, Kurzeme Planing Region, local administrations from Navdnieki, Zirnu Jaunlutrini un Nigrande parishes. In Lithuania the stakeholders’ meeting to present the project results was organized online. During final conference of the project that was held at the University of Latvia in Riga on 06.09.2022, the results of the project were discussed and scientific information was exchanged. It was attended by 62 participants from both countries.
Here following reports can be found:
- River Habitat survey Report
- Report of E-flow regime modelling for HPPs cascades prepared in English and translated to Latvian
- LV-LT Recommendations for the amendment to national water legislations
- Methodology of lake ecosystem health assessment prepared in English and translated to Latvian
- Lake ecological status
- Conceptual model of surface – groundwater interaction
Risk assessment of surface and groundwater interaction
- Report on Ilzu(Garais)/Ilge Lake ecosystem health
- Report of the ecological status of transboundary lakes prepared in English and translated to Latvian
- Report of the Source apportionment of nutrient loads
- Report about Lake residual time
- Manual of SimStream Web platform
- Bathymetric maps of transboundary lakes (pdf, shp and kml files)
- Harmonized LV-LT Lake Monitoring Program
- Harmonized LV-LT Program of Measures
- List of the most effective measure for heavily regulated river water bodies
More detailed information about the project’s outputs and project’s events is provided on project partners’ websites:

Study visit to Laucesas/Laukesas Lake during Stakeholder’ workshop, 30.08.2022

Study visit to Laucesas/Laukesas Lake during Stakeholder’ workshop. Macrophyte sample demonstration, 30.08.2022.

Explanation of fish sampling from BIOR expert, Study visit to Laucesas/Laukesas Lake, 30.08.2022
Stakeholder’ workshop in Saldus, 13.09.2022

Project Final Conference at University of Latvia, 06.09.2022