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Date: 16. December 2021
Time: All Day
Directorate of Zagare Regional Park organizes the Conference “Geological heritage”. During the event specialists of Lithuanian Geological Survey will present geological objects (dolomite rock exposure, Zagare ridge) in Zagare outskirts for the society. Dr. Jonas Satkūnas from Lithuanian Geological Survey and Nature Research Center will speak about life near the ridge: the geological identity of the Žagarė region, Vidas Mikulėnas and Vytautas Puronas from Lithuanian Geological Survey will speak about the stories of the boulders. After the lunch break Feasibility Study of Dolomite rock exposure and Zagare ridge will be presented by the specialists who prepared it: Architects Gerda Antanaitytė and Aurimas Baužys from MB Altitudės will present Arrangement and adaptation of geological natural heritage objects for visitors in Žagarė Regional Park, Research and The Concept.
Registration (link): https://forms.gle/HBTgiwGKAnT59HV17
Place: ZOOM platform. Link for participation will be provided for the registered participants day before event.
Participation in the event will be free of charge. Everybody who are interested in the themes of the conference can participate in the event.
Contact person: Project Manager Modesta Bielskiene (e-mail: modesta.bielskiene@zagaresrp.lt), Project Assistant Giedre Rakstiene (Directorate of Zagare Regional Park)
The Agenda of the event: A.C.8, D.C.8.3 Conference 16-12-2021 Agenda EN