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  • Bringing neighbours closer

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    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

    About the programme
  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

LLI-82 Creation of a synergy platform for the public security in the Latvian and Lithuanian Eastern border territories (SYNERGY FOR SECURITY)

Project ” Creation of a synergy platform for the public security in the Latvian and Lithuanian Eastern border territories” has been elaborated basing on the most actual problems in previous years, which can only be effectively solved at the cross-border level.The project has been implemented during the following time: May 17, 2017-March 16, 2020.

The common challenges were defined the lack of institutional cross-border cooperation combating cross-border crime, public security and illegal immigration, where Eastern Latvia and Lithuania are used as transit areas for further crime moving to Europe. Joining the resources of Latvian and Lithuanian law enforcement authorities and local municipalities, the following common solutions  implemented for institutional capacity building and cooperation on cross-border level: the synergy platform for the state security created , cooperation between citizens, law enforcement authorities and local governments strengthened and enhanced . The intellectual night and day video surveillance systems with state vehicle registration number recognition on all international routes and domestic transit routes in Latvian and Lithuania Eastern border territories have been installed, as well as significantly improved the technical equipment for police and border guard in both countries in order to combat the cross-border crime. During 2 years the security information campaign “Look and speak!” has been implemented. The cross-border cooperation between project partners is strongly based on the Schengen Borders Code requires strengthening the area of ​​the border through operational and cross-border cooperation in preventing and combating serious and organized crime, including human trafficking and smuggling.

Social media and contacts:
Phone: +37167829505
Address: Čiekurkalna līnija 1st line, k-4, Riga, Latvia

25 September 2019

20.epizode. Akcīzes preču nelegālā aprite. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

Ja zināt par nelegālu akcīzes preču tirdzniecību, jāzvana policijai! Valsts policija 2018.gadā uzsākusi  153 kriminālprocesus par nelikumīgu alkoholisko dzērienu izgatavošanu, glabāšanu un pārvietošanu, sastādīti 1292 administratīvie protokoli, izņemti 83 003 litri alkoholisko dzērienu.

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

16.epizode. Izglītības iespējas Valsts policijā. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

Valsts policijas koledža:

-mācības ir valsts finansētas

-mācību laikā tiek maksāta darba alga

-absolventiem tiek garantēta darba vieta Valsts policijā. Pievienojies!

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

19.epizode. Ieroču un munīcijas glabāšana. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

Par šaujamieroča iegādāšanos, nēsāšanu, pārvadāšanu, izmantošanu un pielietošanu alkohola ietekmē draud naudas sods līdz trīssimt piecdesmit euro vai šaujamieroča iegādāšanās, glabāšanas un nēsāšanas tiesību atņemšana uz laiku līdz trim gadiem.

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

18.epizode. Kopējās Latvijas-Lietuvas policijas patruļas. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

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25 September 2019

17.epizode. Pierobežas joslas režīms ūdenstilpnēs. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

Lai atrastos uz ūdens pierobežas joslā līdzi jābūt: pasei vai ID kartei, speciālajai caurlaidei, kuģošanas līdzekļa reģistrācijas izziņai,robežsardzes saskaņojumam (pie ES ārējās robežas).

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

15.epizode. Aizdomīgu personu noteikšana. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

Ja pamanāt aizdomīgu, iepriekš neredzētu personu, sazinieties ar Valsts Robežsardzi.

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

14.epizode. Datu izvietošanas riski internetā. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

Neizpaudiet sensitīvu informāciju internetā!

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

13.epizode. Narkotisko vielu kontrabanda. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

Latvijas Valsts Robežsardze 2018.gadā konstatējusi 30 narkotisko vielu kontrabandas gadījumus. Salīdzinājumam: 2017.gadā – 19 gadījumi.

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

12.epizode. Vides piesārņošana. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

Par gaisa, zemes, mežu vai iekšējo ūdeņu piesārņošanu draud naudas sods līdz septiņsimt eiro, konfiscējot pārkāpuma izdarīšanai izmantotos transportlīdzekļus. Ja redzi dabas piesārņošanu, fotografē, filmē, ziņo!

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

11.epizode. Latvijas valsts Robežsardzes Imigrācijas dienests. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

Latvijas Valsts robežsardzes darbinieki ir tiesīgi kontrolēt dokumentus un sastādīt protokolus par administratīvo pārkāpumu, ja izdarīti administratīvie pārkāpumi, visā valsts teritorijā.

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

10.epizode. Traktortehnikas zādzība. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

Ja jums ir nozagta traktortehnika, ziņojiet policijai. 2018.g. valstī reģistrēti 26  traktortehnikas zādzību gadījumi,salīdzinājumam 2017.g. – 26 šādi gadījumi.

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

9.epizode. Bezsaimnieka mantas atrašana. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

Ja jūs esat atraduši bezsaimnieka mantu, ziņojiet policijai. Bezsaimnieka mantas piesavināšanās var apdraudēt jūsu veselību un dzīvību. Par to var draudēt arī kriminālatbildība, piemēram, ja mantas ir zagtas.

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

8.epizode. Netīša robežas šķērsošana, apmaldīšanās. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

Ja esat apmaldījušies robežas tuvumā, zvaniet 112 vai izmantojiet bezmaksas aplikāciju “Mana drošība”.

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

7.epizode. Kontrabandas preču atrašana. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

Ja jūs atrodat kontrabandas preces, ziņojiet robežsargiem! 2018.gadā Valsts Robežsardze konstatējusi 238 tabakas izstrādājumu un citu akcīzes preču kontrabandas gadījumus: 2936 litri degvielas, 422 litri alkohola, 53 382 084 cigaretes (par 60% vairāk nekā 2017.gadā).

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

6.epizode. Automašīnas zādzība. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

2018.gadā Valsts policija uzsākusi 797 kriminālprocesus par automašīnas zādzībām. Salīdzinājumam: 2017.gadā tie bija 842 kriminālprocesi.

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

5.epizode. Akcīzes preču kontrabanda. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

Ja ievedat valstī muitojamas preces, ievērojiet robežas šķērsošanas noteikumus! Valsts Robežsardze 2018.gadā konstatējusi 238 tabakas izstrādājumu un citu akcīzes preču kontrabandas gadījumus.

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

4.epizode. Nelegālā imigrācija. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

2018.gadā par nelikumīgu «zaļās» robežas šķērsošanu Valsts robežsardze aizturējusi 202 personas, to vidū no Vjetnamas – 153, no Irākas – 29. Ja esat sastapis nelegālos imigrantus, ziņo robežsardzei!

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

3.epizode. Korupcija. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

Par kukuļdošanu valsts amatpersonai draud naudas sods vai brīvības atņemšana līdz 5 gadiem. Ja esat pārkāpuši ceļu satiksmes noteikumus, vienkārši izpildiet policijas darbinieka norādījumus.

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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25 September 2019

2.epizode. Pierobežas režīms.  SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

2.epizode. Pierobežas režīms.  SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

Ja Jūs atrodaties pierobežas joslā, jums līdzi jābūt dokumentam, kas apliecinātu jūsu identitāti, un arī speciālajai caurlaidei. Vai Jums ir?

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.




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23 September 2019

“It is the hardest to be the first one”

“It seemed a pretty crazy idea, but now we have almost realized it! And we have done it all together!” – it was once said by the Lithuanian State Police commissioner of Utenai Vitautas Vaiskunas in one of the thematic meetings of the project “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY” with the Latvian colleagues. He admitted that the two years have gone by unnoticed. Several years ago one of the representatives of the partners of the project – the chairperson of the State Police of Latvia the Regional Administration of Latgale Juris Pastars in one of the meetings with the colleagues mentioned an idea of such a synergic cooperation. And now this idea, which seemed far and utopian back then, has almost been realized. “It has always been harder for the pioneers as they are the first ones. We are definately the first ones in Lithuania! And now we even have the followers appeared, e.g., in Marijampole.” admitted Vaitautas Vaiskunas. The commissioner of Uten pointed out another important topic to discuss in the nearest future which is a contract about strategic and operative exchange of information between the ombudsman of the borderland area – it would give an opportunity to exchange the information fast and without bureaucratic obstacles. “The project is very good as it is an open one – it does not have an end and other institutions, e.g., other security structures can join it. We in Lithuania share our experience gained in the project and we feel the interest from the others, e.g., the side of the customs. It could be similar with the Latvian National Armed Forces and the national security services. And we can be proud – this very useful instrument for the international cooperation was created by two partners of the project – the State Police of Latvia and the Commissariat of Uten”, it was summarized by Vitautas Vaiskunas.

The chairperson of the State Police of Latvia the Regional Administration of Latgale Juris Pastars stresses: “We are the first discoverers of several topics in Latvia. For example, the very topical issue about the purchase of the CCTV cameras – when we started the project, there was very little information about it. Now well-known and serious merchants have appeared offering to supply with special cameras with the recognition function of the registration number of a vehicle.” Juris Pastars also emphasises the pioneer aspect of the project as what has been accomplished can be seen as the news to other security institutions, and most probably what has been started by the State Police and the Borderguard will be followed by the customs and the State Revenue Service. It would be very valuable for two reasons – first, the level of safety in the borderland area would only increase and, secondly, the idea of the platform of synergic cooperation would be more justified – it could be continued to broaden and develop.

Quite an unexpected evaluation of the project has been given by the commander of Ignalina Frontier District of State Border Guard Sauļus Tamulevičus. He appreciated the knowledge and skills obtained not only during the professional trainings in the project, but also the whole experience together – to participate in such a big project in the EU as this was his first opportunity to cooperate with the colleagues from different states of the EU.

This publication has been prepared with the financial support of the EU. The State Police of Latvia is fully responsible for its content and under no circumstances it shall be seen as the official attitude of the EU.

This publication has been prepared with financial support from the European Union. The content of the publication is entirely the responsibility of the State Police of the Republic of Latvia, and   does not constitute an official position of the European Union.

INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme project LLI-082 „SYNERGY FOR SECURITY”

Budget: 580 236,21 EUR – 85% ERDF funding, 15% national co-financing (incl. state co-financing – 5% in LV, 7,5% in LT)

Duration: 32 MONTHS (May 17, 2017-November 16, 2019) The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.

Website of the 2014.-2020 INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme:

Official website of the European Union:

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23 September 2019

1.epizode. Satiksmes drošība. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY And – behind the scene.

2018.gadā Valsts policija sastādījusi 189 981 protokolus. Fiksēti: 3468 vadītāji alkohola reibumā, 117 vadītāji narkotiku reibumā, 72 931 atļautā braukšanas ātruma pārkāpumi, 3722 tālruņa lietošana pie stūres, 15 777 drošības jostu un aizsargķiveru nelietošana.

Projektu līdzfinansē Latvijas-Lietuvas programma. Projekta Vadošais partneris ir LR Valsts policija.



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23 September 2019

20 epizodas. Nelegali apmokestinamų prekių apyvarta. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

20 epizodas. Nelegali apmokestinamų prekių apyvarta. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY


Jei žinote apie nelegalią prekybą apmokestinamomis prekėmis, paskambinti policijai! Valstybės policija 2018 metais pradėjo 153 baudžiamuosius procesus dėl neteisėto alkoholinių gėrimų gaminimo, laikymo ir gabenimo, surašyti 1292 administraciniai protokolai, paimta 83 003 litrai alkoholinių gėrimų

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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23 September 2019

19 epizodas. Asmeninių daiktų laikymas. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

19 epizodas. Asmeninių daiktų laikymas. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY


Už šaunamojo ginklo įsigijimą, nešiojimą, gabenimą, naudojimą apsvaigus nuo alkoholio gresia piniginė bauda iki trijų šimtų penkiasdešimt eurų arba šaunamojo ginklo įsigijimo, laikymo ir nešiojimo teisių atėmimas iki trejų metų.

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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23 September 2019

18 epizodas. Bendri Latvijos–Lietuvos policijos patruliai. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

18 epizodas. Bendri Latvijos–Lietuvos policijos patruliai. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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23 September 2019

17 epizodas. Pasienio zonos režimas vandens telkiniuose. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

Būnant pasienio vandenyse privalu turėti: pasą arba tapatybės kortelę, specialų leidimą, laivo registracijos pažymą, pasienio apsaugos suderinimą (prie ES išorinės sienos).

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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23 September 2019

16 epizodas. Mokymosi galimybės Valstybės policijoje. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

Valstybinė policijos kolegija:

-mokslas nemokamas

-mokymosi metu mokamas darbo užmokestis

-absolventams garantuojama darbo vieta Valstybės policijoje.

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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23 September 2019

15 epizodas. Įtartinų asmenų nustatymas. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

Jei pastebite įtartiną asmenį, skambink pasieniečiams!

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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23 September 2019

14 epizodas. Duomenų talpinimo rizikos internete. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

Neatskleisk jautrios informacijos internete!

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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23 September 2019

13 epizodas. Narkotinių medžiagų kontrabanda. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

Latvijos valstybės pasienio apsauga 2018 metais konstatavo 30 narkotinių medžiagų kontrabandos atvejų. Palyginimui: 2017 metais – 19 atvejų.

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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23 September 2019

12 epizodas. Aplinkos užteršimas. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

Oro, sausumos, miškų ar vidaus vandenų užterštumas yra baudžiamas iki septynis šimtus eurų už nusikaltimui įvykdyti naudojamų transporto priemonių konfiskavimą. Jei jūs matote, kaip teršiama gamta, fotografuokite, filmuokite, praneškite!

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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23 September 2019

20th episode. Illegal movement of excise goods. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

If you don’t know about the trade of illegal excise goods, you have to report it to the police! In 2018 the State Police have set up 153 criminal proceedings for illegal producing, storing and transporting alcoholic beverages, 1292 administrative reports have been made, 83 003 l of alcoholic beverages have been confiscated.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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23 September 2019

4th epizode. Illegal immigration. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY.

In 2018 the State Border Guard of Latvia apprehended 202 illegal immigrants: from Vietnam – 153, Iraq – 29. If you have met illegal immigrants, call the border guards!

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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20 September 2019

11 epizodas. Latvijos valstybės Pasienio apsaugos Imigracijos tarnyba. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

Latvijos valstybės pasienio apsaugos darbuotojai turi teisę patikrinti dokumentus ir surašyti protokolus dėl administracinio teisės pažeidimo, jei yra įvykdyti administraciniai teisės pažeidimai, visoje valstybės teritorijoje.

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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20 September 2019

10 epizodas. Traktoriaus vagystė. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

Jei iš jūsų pavogė traktorių, reikia pranešti policijai. 2018 metais šalyje registruoti 26  traktorių vagysčių atvejai, palyginimui – 2017 metais – 26 atvejai.

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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20 September 2019

9 epizodas. Niekieno daiktų radimas. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

Jei jūs radote niekieno daiktus, reikia pranešti policijai. Niekieno turto pasisavinimas gali kelti grėsmę jūsų sveikatai ir gyvybei. Už tai gali grėsti ir baudžiamoji atsakomybė, pavyzdžiui, jei turtas yra vogtas.

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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20 September 2019

8 epizodas. Netyčinis sienos kirtimas. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

Pasiklydus. Jei pasiklydote arti sienos, skambink 112 arba pasinaudok nemokama aplikacija “Mano saugumas”!

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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20 September 2019

19th episode. Storing personal belongings. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

For acquiring, keeping, carrying, using and applying a gun under the influence of alcohol a fine up to three hundred fifty euros is imposed or the permit of acquiring, keeping and carrying a gun is deprived for a time up to three years.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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20 September 2019

18th episode. Joint patrols of the police of Latvia and Lithuania. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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20 September 2019

17th episode. Regulations of the frontier zone in the waters near the border. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

Traveling in the waters in the borderland area a person must have: a passport or an ID card, a specific permit, a registration document of the watercraft, an agreement of the border guard (around the outer borders of the EU).

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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20 September 2019

16th episode. Education opportunities in the State Police of Latvia. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

The State Police College:

  • Studies re free of charge

  • A salary during the studying process is paid

  • Graduates have a guaranteed workplace in the State Police.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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20 September 2019

15th episode. Detection of suspicious persons. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

If you notice a suspicious person call the border guards!

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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20 September 2019

14th episode. Risks of publicising data on the internet. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

14th episode. Risks of publicising data on the internet Don’t publicise any sensitive information on the internet!

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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20 September 2019

13. episode. Drug trafficking. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

The State Border Guard of Latvia in 2018 established 30 attempts of drug trafficking. To compare: in 2017 19 such attempts.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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20 September 2019

4. Epizodas. Nelegalios imigracijos. SYNERGY FOR SEURITY. And – behind the scene.

2018 m. valstybės pasienio apsaugos sulaikė 202 nelegalų imigrantą iš: Vietnamo – 153, Irako – 29.  Jei sutikote nelegalius imigrantus, skambink pasienio apsaugai!

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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16 September 2019

12. episode. Environmental pollution. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY.And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

12. episode. Environmental pollution. For polluting the air, land, wood or internal waters a fine up to seven hundred euros is imposed including the confiscation of the vehicle which the violation has been commited with. If you see the nature being polluted, take a photo, film, report it!

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.




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16 September 2019

10th episode.  Tractor theft. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

10th episode.  Tractor theft. If any of your agricultural machinery has been stolen you have to call the police. In 2018 26 attempts of stealing agricultural machinery were registered. To compare – in 2017 there were 26 such attempts.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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16 September 2019

9th episode. Finding an abandoned personal property. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

f you have found an abandoned personal property you have to call the police. Misappropriation of an abandoned personal property can threaten your health and life. Criminal responsibility is imposed, for example, if the items are stolen.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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16 September 2019

11th episode. Immigration Office of the State Border guard. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

11th episode. Immigration Office of the State Border guard. The State Border guards have the rights to check the documents and make reports for administrative violation in case the administrative violation has taken place in the entire territory of the country.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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16 September 2019

5 epizodas. Akcizais apmokestinamų prekių kontrabanda. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

5 epizodas. Akcizais apmokestinamų prekių kontrabanda. Jei vežate į šalį apmuitinamas prekes, laikykitės sienos kirtimo taisyklių! Valstybės pasienio apsauga 2018 m. konstatavo 238 tabako gaminių ir kitų akcizais apmokestinamų prekių kontrabandos atvejus.

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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16 September 2019

8th episode. Unintentional border crossing. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

8th episode. Unintentional border crossing. Getting lost. If you have lost near the border, call 112 or use the free app “Mana drošība”.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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16 September 2019

7. Epizodas. Kontrabandinių prekių radimas. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

7. Epizodas. Kontrabandinių prekių radimas. Jei jūs randate kontrabandines prekes,  skambink pasieniečiams! Valstybės pasienio apsauga 2018 m. konstatavo 238 tabako gaminių ir kitų akcizais apmokestinamų prekių kontrabandos atvejus: 2936 litrai degalų, 422 litrai alkoholio, 53 382 084 cigaretės (60 % daugiau nei 2017 m.)

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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16 September 2019

6. Epizodas. Automobilių vagystė. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

2018 m. Valstybės policija inicijavo 797 baudžiamuosius procesus dėl automobilio vagystės. Palyginimui: 2017 m. Jie buvo 842 baudžiamosios bylos.

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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13 September 2019

4. Epizodas. Nelegalios imigracijos. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY

 2018 m. valstybės pasienio apsaugos sulaikė 202 nelegalų imigrantą iš: Vietnamo – 153, Irako – 29.  Jei sutikote nelegalius imigrantus, skambink pasienio apsaugai!

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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13 September 2019

3. Epizodas. Korupcija. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

 Už kyšio davimą valstybės pareigūnui gresia piniginė bauda arba įkalinimas iki 5 metų.  Jei pažeidėte kelių eismo taisykles, vykdykite policijos pareigūno nurodymus.

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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13 September 2019

2. Epizodas Pasienio zonos režimas. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

Jei Jūs esate pasienio zonoje, turite turėti dokumentą, patvirtinantį jūsų tapatybę ir specialų leidimą. Jūs turite? 

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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12 September 2019

1. Epizodas. Eismo saugumas. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – behind the scene.

1. Epizodas. 

Eismo saugumas. Jei policijos darbuotojas liepia Jums sustabdyti automobilį…2018 metais Valstybinė policija surašė 189 981 protokolą. Buvo užfiksuoti: 3468 vairuotojai, apsvaigę nuo alkoholio, vairuotojai, apsvaigę nuo narkotikų, 72 931 leidžiamo važiavimo greičio pažeidimai, 3722 kalbėjimas telefonu esant prie vairo, 15 777 saugos diržų ir apsauginių šalmų nenaudojimo atvejų.

Projektą bendrai finansuoja Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa. Projekto pagrindinis partneris yra Latvijos Respublikos valstybinė policija.



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5 September 2019

7th episode. Finding illegal goods. Safety campaign. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

The State Border Guard in 2018 ascertained 238 attempts of smuggling cigarettes and other excise goods: 2963 liters of fuel, 422 liters of alcohol, 53 382 084 cigarettes (60% more compared to 2017).

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is Latvian State police.



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5 September 2019

6th episode. Car theft . Safety campaign. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

In 2018 State Police started 797 criminal procedures for car thefts. In comparison: in 2017 there were 842 criminal procedures for car thefts.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is Latvian State police.



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30 August 2019

5rd episode. Smuggling of excise good. Safety campaign. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

The State Border Guard in 2018 ascertained 238 attempts of smuggling cigarettes and other excise goods: 2963 liters of fuel, 422 liters of alcohol, 53 382 084 cigarettes (60% more compared to 2017)
The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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30 August 2019

4th epizode. Illegal immigration. Safety campaign. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

In 2018 the State Border Guard of Latvia apprehended 202 illegal immigrants: from Vietnam – 153, Iraq – 29. If you have met illegal immigrants, call the border guards!

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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20 June 2019

3rd episode. Corruption. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

For an attempted bribery a state official shall pay a fine or undergo an imprisonment for up to five years. If you have broken the road traffic rules, just follow the requirements of the policeman.

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20 June 2019

2nd episode. Regulations of the border area. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

If you are in the border area, so you have to have your personal identification documents and a special pass. Do you have?

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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29 May 2019

Episode 2. Border area. SYNERGY FOR SECURITY

2nd episode. Regulations of the border area. If you are in the border area, so you have to have your personal identification documents and a special pass. Do you have?
The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.


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29 May 2019

Chasing, tracking, offending the offender…

Within the framework of the project  “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY”, the next short films are being created to address the public through both social networks and social stands. New episodes devoted to cooperation between State police of Latvia and Lithuania, so in addition to the colleagues from Latvian State Police the officials of the State police of Lithuania took part.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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8 May 2019

1st episode. If a policeman orders you to stop the car… SYNERGY FOR SECURITY. And – BEHIND THE SCENE.

1st episode. If a policeman orders you to stop the car…In year 2018 the State Police of Latvia made 189 981 reports. Registered: 3468 drunk drivers, 117 drivers under the influence of drugs, 72 931 for speeding, 3722 usage of phone while driving, 15 777 non-use of a seat belt and helmets.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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23 April 2019

Take the next step!


“The type of crime that is currently is gradually going past. Instead, cybercrime, which has long been a topical issue in many countries, has come into its own, ”said Vytautas Vaiskunas, Chief of Utena County Police Headquarters, who spoke to his colleagues from the Lithuanian and Latvian Police and Border Guard. The ombudsmen of both countries met on 28-29 March in the last thematic meeting of the project “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY”, which took place in Anikščiai, Utena district, and was dedicated to the fight against cybercrime. Twenty Lithuanian and Latvian police and border guard representatives participated in the seminar.

As Vitaut Vaiskun emphasized in his speech, the ombudsmen should be aware of the potential huge risks and global dimensions of the new type of crime and should be prepared to face them. Hackers work without borders. The borders of both countries are already strictly controlled by video cameras, but one has to go further, the next step.

Egle Ivanovaite, Head of the Incident Management Division of National Cyber Security Centre under Ministry of National Defence, presented cyber security, attack directions, types of attackers and common practical tips on how to use cyber crime research.  Vitautas Tuinila, Chief of Unit Cybercrime Board of the Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau, highlighted the tendencies of cybercrime and presented examples of successful detection of cybercrime in Lithuania. The representatives of the Crime investigation Division of Utena County Police Headquarters also shared their experiences and problems with cybercrime.

On March 29, the participants of the seminar visited the base of Lithuanian Police Anti-terrorist Operations Unit ARAS near Vilnius. Viktors Grabauskas, Head of Lithuanian Police Anti-terrorist Operations Unit ARAS, reported about threats of terrorism and other risks to national security.

The subject of the seminar undoubtedly refers to the work of the police and border guards today, but it is also complicated because this area is constantly and rapidly changing, so it requires special knowledge and technical solutions. The ombudsmen should not only have a high level of competence, but also personal qualities and a desire to continually improve their knowledge, develop their abilities and learn.


This publication has been prepared with financial support from the European Union. The content of the publication is entirely the responsibility of the State Police of the Republic of Latvia, and   does not constitute an official position of the European Union.

INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme project LLI-082 „SYNERGY FOR SECURITY”

Budget: 580 236,21 EUR – 85% ERDF funding, 15% national co-financing (incl. state co-financing – 5% in LV, 7,5% in LT)

Duration: 24 MONTHS (May 17, 2017-November 16, 2019) The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.

Website of the 2014.-2020 INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme:

Official website of the European Union:




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9 April 2019

Use of technical tools for combating smuggling

Partners of the Latvia-Lithuania programme project “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY” may be pleased that most of the intentions have been successfully implemented, large-scale purchases of modern technologies have been made. Great attention has been paid to the development of technical tools.  As a result, the number of violations detected on the “green” border has doubled. In 2018, the staff of the Latvian State police Latgale department took out 15 580 588 pieces (compared to 7 470 815 years earlier – in 2017) and 25 615 l of smuggled alcohol (against 15 457 liters in 2017). The volume of oil products withdrawn has also increased from 34 255 liters of illicit fuel in 2017 to 45 242 liters in 2018.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is Latvian State police.


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21 March 2019

Realistic criminal short films

The aim of the project “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY” is also to promote cooperation between law enforcement agencies and local people. Within the information campaign “Look and speak!” 20 short criminal

films were launched. They are designed to reach the public through social networks and social stands. In the first short films in addition to the actors from Daugavpils professional theater and Krāslava amateur theater, the officials of the Latgale Regional Department of the State Police of Latvia – took part. And they did it great!

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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21 March 2019

Criminal short films are being created

Within the framework of the project  “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY”, the next short films are being created to address the public through both social networks and social stands. In addition to the actors from Daugavpils professional theater and Krāslava amateur theater, the officials of the State Border Guard of Latvia – took part. It is gratifying that the security institutions in Latgale are full of hidden actor talents!

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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7 March 2019

15 marijuana farms removed

Technology comes to the rescue! In 2018, using the latest technologies successfully, the officials of the Latgale Regional Department of the State Police of Latvia have removed 15 marijuana farms altogether. In 9 cases, offenders brought drugs into the open air. By comparison, in 2017, 9 marijuana farms were liquidated. As the ombudsmen commented, fortunately, not drug addicts are getting more, but police capabilities and technological support have increased significantly.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is Latvian State police.



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15 February 2019

On-going of information campaign “Look and speak!”

The goal of the project “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY” is not only to improve public safety and to reduce crime in the Latvian-Lithuanian border, but also to promote cooperation between law enforcement agencies and local people.The project is implementing the information campaign “Look and speak!”. Within the campaign, 20 short films will be created to address the public through both social networks and social stands. The theme of short films was chosen according to the current problems near the Latvian-Lithuanian border. The theme is created by listening to the representatives of the ombudsmen and local governments of both countries, as well as taking into account the information needs of the society. Information campaign short films will focus on current topics such as smuggling of tobacco products and other excise goods, illegal immigration, identification of suspicious and dangerous persons, theft of agricultural machinery, corruption, unintentional crossing of the border and deception. It is also planned to devote some short films to inform the residents about the order and requirements of the border zone regime, the activities of the State Border Guard immigration service and about education opportunities in the services of the Latvian and Lithuanian interior ministries.

Any citizen who follows developments in both countries and at least at the news headline level is aware of ongoing processes will understand that the above topics have been selected based on current developments in the border area of Latvia and Lithuania. The short films are intended to be made in the style of detective genre, including educational and informative elements for conveying important messages to the audience.

On February 11, representatives of the State Police of Latvia and the State Border Guard met at the Latgale regional administration of the State Police and jointly discussed the progress of the campaign and exchanged ideas and recommendations for the maximum effectiveness of the information campaign.

This publication has been prepared with financial support from the European Union. The content of the publication is entirely the responsibility of the State Police of the Republic of Latvia, and   does not constitute an official position of the European Union.


INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme project LLI-082 „SYNERGY FOR SECURITY”

Budget: 580 236,21 EUR – 85% ERDF funding, 15% national co-financing (incl. state co-financing – 5% in LV, 7,5% in LT)

Duration: 24 MONTHS (May 17, 2017-November 16, 2019) The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.

Website of the 2014.-2020 INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme:

Official website of the European Union:

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29 January 2019

Collaboration and Technology!

Collaboration and Technology – These are the key words to explain last year’s performance in protecting and strengthening the state border. Partners of the Latvia-Lithuania programme project “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY” may be pleased that most of the intentions have been successfully implemented, large-scale purchases of modern technologies have been made. Great attention has been paid to the construction of the border infrastructure, as well as to the development of technical tools.  As a result, the number of violations detected on the “green” border has doubled. If 104 third-country nationals were detained for illegal crossing of the “green” border in 2017, then in 2018, 199 third-country nationals were caught in this illegal activity, in close cooperation with their counterparts from neighboring countries. Vietnamese nationals still dominate among illegal border offenders. In 2018, several cases of illicit movement of tobacco products have also been detected in Latvia, namely 17 persons were detained illegally on the green border last year and almost a million smuggled cigarettes were removed.

In 2018, the Lithuanian State Border Guard detected 67 border violations at the border with Belarus and detained 121 border offenders. In the said border section, 184 cases of smuggling to Lithuania were blocked last year. The high number of detained immigrants is due to the effectiveness of the border guard.

An invaluable support for border guarding is the construction of infrastructure along Latvia’s external border and also special technical tools such as video surveillance or presence detection systems. Presence detection systems allow you to see not only illegally border crossers or smugglers, but also often “four-legged” offenders.


This publication has been prepared with financial support from the European Union. The content of the publication is entirely the responsibility of the State Police of the Republic of Latvia, and   does not constitute an official position of the European Union.


INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme project LLI-082 „SYNERGY FOR SECURITY”

Budget: 580 236,21 EUR – 85% ERDF funding, 15% national co-financing (incl. state co-financing – 5% in LV, 7,5% in LT)

Duration: 24 MONTHS (May 17, 2017-November 16, 2019) The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.

Website of the 2014.-2020 INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme:

Official website of the European Union:


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18 January 2019

“four-legged” offenders

An invaluable support for border guarding is the construction of infrastructure along Latvia’s external border and also special technical tools such as video surveillance or presence detection systems. Presence detection systems allow you to see not only illegally border crossers or smugglers, but also often “four-legged” offenders.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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18 January 2019

Collaboration and Technology

Collaboration and Technology – These are the key words to explain last year’s performance in protecting and strengthening the state border. Already since 2015, great attention has been paid to the construction of the border infrastructure, as well as to the development of technical tools.  As a result, the number of violations detected on the “green” border has doubled. If 104 third-country nationals were detained for illegal crossing of the “green” border in 2017, then in 2018, 199 third-country nationals were caught in this illegal activity, in close cooperation with their counterparts from neighboring countries. Vietnamese nationals still dominate among illegal border offenders.

In 2018, the Lithuanian State Border Guard detected 67 border violations at the border with Belarus and detained 121 border offenders. In the said border section, 184 cases of smuggling to Lithuania were blocked last year. The high number of detained immigrants is due to the effectiveness of the border guard.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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27 November 2018

Joint forces – for joint security!


On November 22-21, 2018, a thematic meeting within the INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania programme project “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY” was held in Moletai, Lithuania. The meeting was held by Latvian and Lithuanian ombudsmen on illegal methods for combating the movement of excise goods. The ombudsmen from both countries shared their experience and exchanged ideas on solutions for improving civil security and road safety in the eastern border regions of Latvia and Lithuania.

Bronyslovas Pokobutas, representative of the Criminal Investigation Board Chief investigator, noted that at present the most problematic situation is on the border with Belarus and less on the border with Russia. This is likely to be explained by price differences and changes in Russia.

About the experience of Latvia was informed by the chief inspector of the Criminal Investigation Department of the State Border Guard  Daugavpils Artūrs Paukšts. He presented the practical results of the action – many videos and photos of detected cases of cigarette smuggling.

Robertas Šimulevičius, the Head of Lithuanian Criminal Police Office’s Criminal Intelligence Training Center, attaches particular importance to the “follow the money” method, which is used to ensure the reparation of the harm done by the perpetrators and to prevent the further use of the proceeds of crime, as well as legalization.

This publication has been prepared with financial support from the European Union. The content of the publication is entirely the responsibility of the State Police of the Republic of Latvia, and   does not constitute an official position of the European Union.


INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme project LLI-082 „SYNERGY FOR SECURITY”

Budget: 580 236,21 EUR – 85% ERDF funding, 15% national co-financing (incl. state co-financing – 5% in LV, 7,5% in LT)

Duration: 24 MONTHS (May 17, 2017-November 16, 2019) The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.

Website of the 2014.-2020 INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme:

Official website of the European Union:

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20 November 2018

You can really do a lot of things together!

“You can really do a lot of things together – we want and can prove it!” – this is the general conclusion of the recent Management Group IV meeting within the INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme project LLI-082 „SYNERGY FOR SECURITY”. On October 24, 2018 in Utena, Lithuania held its fourth meeting of the project management group. It took place in the Utena district administration building. Jonas Slapšinskas, Director of the Utena District Municipality Administration, spoke in an introductory speech and wished for constructive cooperation. The guests also received souvenirs with the symbols of Utena.

The project partners presented the accomplishments of the 3rd project during the reporting period, organized public procurement procedures, as well as actualized problems and challenges. Partners have purchased security equipment used to protect the EU’s external borders, installed video surveillance cameras and social stands in schools. Police and Border Guard visits to schools were discussed when discussing security issues.

In the course of the negotiations, various problems encountered during the implementation of the project. There were also highlighted and the causes and solutions were sought. For example, the technology procurement planned by the project is delayed due to improvements in the specifications of intensive technologies, since, of course, all project participants want to purchase only the most advanced technologies. Jānis Anspoks, Chief of Latgale Regional Department of the State Police of Latvia  emphasized cross-border co-operation between law enforcement agencies, for example, the last joint patrol of the two countries’ police was during the visit of the Pope of Rome to Aglona (Latvia) at the end of September. Romualds Stašāns, Border guard of Latvia, said the border guards of both countries – Latvia and Lithuania are jointly patrolled regularly – at least once a month. If necessary, they are ready to join forces.

The project manager Ilze Stabulniece praised the project partners for compliance with the timetable for implementation of the various project activities and the reporting schedule. Representatives from all project partners discussed about the development of the project and about the role of project partners role in it.

The third implementation period of the INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania programme project “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY” has already come to the end, when 8 heads of law enforcement agencies and municipalities in Latvia and Lithuania met in Moletai municipality (Lithuania) on November 8, 2018. The partner informed about the achievements in implementing the project, buying equipment and implementing measures to achieve a common goal in the fight against cross-border smuggling and illegal migration. Purchased night vision and other equipment are used in the work of law enforcement agencies and public order provision in local governments. Vytautas Vaiškunas, the police chief of the Utena region of the Republic of Lithuania, emphasized the acceleration of the data exchange flow at the international level. This can be achieved by reducing bureaucratic barriers as they hinder information exchange.

The closest event within the project is the thematic meeting on the the movement of illegal excisable goods across the EU border, which will take place on November 22-23 in Lithuania.


This publication has been prepared with financial support from the European Union. The content of the publication is entirely the responsibility of the State Police of the Republic of Latvia, and   does not constitute an official position of the European Union.


INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme project LLI-082 „SYNERGY FOR SECURITY”

Budget: 580 236,21 EUR – 85% ERDF funding, 15% national co-financing (incl. state co-financing – 5% in LV, 7,5% in LT)

Duration: 24 MONTHS (May 17, 2017-November 16, 2019) The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.

Website of the 2014.-2020 INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme:

Official website of the European Union:

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14 November 2018

The third implementation period of the INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania programme project “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY” has already come to the end, when 8 heads of law enforcement agencies and municipalities in Latvia and Lithuania met in Moletai municipality (Lithuania) on November 8, 2018. The partner informed about the achievements in implementing the project, buying equipment and implementing measures to achieve a common goal in the fight against cross-border smuggling and illegal migration. Purchased night vision and other equipment are used in the work of law enforcement agencies and public order provision in local governments. Vytautas Vaiškunas, the police chief of the Utena region of the Republic of Lithuania, emphasized the acceleration of the data exchange flow at the international level. This can be achieved by reducing bureaucratic barriers as they hinder information exchange. The closest thematic meeting  will take place in Lithuania at the end of November and its theme will be methods for combating illegal movements of excise goods.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is Latvian State police.



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14 September 2018

State Police seminar

On Friday, at August 31, a State Police seminar was organized within the framework of the Latvia-Lithuania programme project “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY”. Meeting was held in Medumi and was organized by the Latgale Regional Directorate. The State Secretary of the Ministry of Interior Dimitrij Trofimov emphasized the importance of the exchange of data between Latvia and Lithuania, which is to be obtained from intelligent video surveillance systems with the vehicle’s state registration number software. However, as recognized by all the law enforcement authorities, the capacity of the ombudsmen of both countries and communication activities are as important as investment in infrastructure.
The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.

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6 September 2018

Be attentive – be safe!

Be attentive – be safe!


Ticket from Latvia to Vietnam with the smallest package of travel offers does not reach up to 3000 euros. Ticket from Vietnam to Latvia, without a tourist package, in one direction and possibly for a lifetime – 8000 Euro! Don’t get involved in this asymmetric “tourism business”! Don’t let it expand in Latvia! Both the border guard and the police have repeatedly acknowledged that the border area of Latgale is a huge temptation and an object of interest to smugglers and illegal immigrants. It turns out that figures can give you a false impression. If 106 of violators of illegal “green” borders were arrested on the eastern border of Latvia in 2017, then in the first half of this year the State Border Guard detained 101 illegal immigrants. However, in terms of numbers, immigrants become less. The number of large imprisoned immigrants was caused by the effectiveness of the border guard operation. Thanks to the efforts of the security authorities, investment in new technologies and successful cross-border cooperation, the flow of illegal traffic has been greatly reduced.

From the point of view of illegal immigration, the most dangerous is the border between Latvia and Russia. People cross the border illegally mostly in places where it is very difficult to move, they are exhausted, cold, hungry and emotionally aggravated. Often, these people, after crossing the border, are trying to look for a place where they can unnoticed to heat, change clothes and eat. The local people have assessed the efforts of the border guards, and there is an enormous number of cases where local people report directly to border guards about the movement of strangers or foreign cars and this has really helped to identify illegal immigrants – 90 percent of them were detained right after crossing the “green” border in the border zone or after persecution near the border area. The State Police emphasizes the importance of involving local people. Then more observational eyes we have, the more secure our life in the border area will be. Look and speak!

Latvia and Lithuania are currently implementing an ambitious, more than half a million euros project “Creation of a synergy platform for the public security in the Latvian and Lithuanian Eastern border territories” involving Latvian and Lithuanian law enforcement agencies – Police and Border Guard, as well as four municipalities located at the intersection of strategic roads between Latvia and Belarus and Latvian-Russian borders.


INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme project LLI-082 “Creation of a synergy platform for the public security in the Latvian and Lithuanian Eastern border territories”.

Budget: 580 236,21 EUR  85% ERDF funding, 15% national co-financing (incl. state co-financing – 5% in LV, 7,5% in LT) Duration: 36 MONTHS (May 17, 2017-November 16, 2019) The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.

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29 August 2018

Interest to smugglers

Both the border guard and the police have repeatedly acknowledged that the border area of Latgale is a huge temptation and an object of interest to smugglers. It is planned to build a fence at the border with Belarus of 27 million euros. This will largely solve the problem of smuggling. The fence will not be visually much different from the fence flowing on the Russian border. But it will be much more complicated. Thanks to the efforts of the security authorities, investment in new technologies and successful cross-border cooperation, the flow of illegal traffic has been greatly reduced. However, fence is not the main vehicle for dealing with border guards and smugglers. The State Police emphasizes the importance of involving local people.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is Latvian State police.


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29 August 2018

Illegal traffic has been greatly reduced

It turns out that figures can give you a false impression. If 106 of violators of illegal “green” borders were arrested on the eastern border of Latvia in 2017, then in the first half of this year the State Border Guard detained 101 illegal immigrants. However, in terms of numbers, immigrants become less. The number of large imprisoned immigrants was caused by the effectiveness of the border guard operation. Thanks to the efforts of the security authorities, investment in new technologies and successful cross-border cooperation, the flow of illegal traffic has been greatly reduced.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.



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29 August 2018

The question – “illegal immigrants”, “irregular” or “undocumented” migrants?

Great importance of used teminology while conversation with different categories of migrants. Language shapes people’s perceptions. Discriminatory language in reference to undocumented migrants leads to perceptions and actions which negatively impact the daily realities of undocumented migrants. Language is constantly evolving. The battle for terminology is a battle for dignity, humanity and respect. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on 22 September 2009 stressed that terms such as “illegal immigrants” should be avoided and replaced by the internationally accepted definitions of “irregular” or “undocumented” migrants.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.


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29 August 2018

Joint operations& Joint patrolling. Latvia-Lithuania

December 21, 2007. Latvia and Lithuania joined Schengen area (no control procedures performed at borders). One more wall falls and one more gate opens. Of course, total number of persons crossing the borders increases year by year in both countries. For example: 2016 – 9,8 mln. travellers, 2017 – 10,2 mln. travellers crossed LTU border. In the same time for different reasons were refused to enter Lithuania (EU) in 2016 – 4579 travellers and in 2017 – 5182 travellers.
The fact that illegal immigrants entering to one of EU/Schengen countries could freely travel within EU/Schengen countries raises necessity to tighten random checks at EU internal border, also at Lithuania – Latvia border. To perform it better it is needed to consolidate efforts of both countries by implementing effective cross – border cooperation mechanisms, e.g. Joint operations, Joint patrolling etc.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.


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29 August 2018

Joint forces – for joint security! Latvia-Lithuania

At the crucial time of the Latvian state and the Latvian Border Guard, in January 1940, the legendary Border Guard Brigade commander, General Ludwig Bolstein, in his speach to the border guards emphasized the importance of joint work and joint efforts to achieve the major goals:

“The success of a joint work is not determined by the number of employees and the amount of resources at their disposal, but even more sensible and definitely assigned task and co-ordinated work of all employees. Every individual worker must focus his or her efforts and effort on a set common goal without disturbing or hindering others, but if necessary supporting and supplementing them.We will then join together in this new event with the old motto: joint forces – joint work!”

We invite colleagues from the Latvian and Lithuanian law enforcement agencies, local government representatives as well as local border residents to work together to support and strengthen each other. Paraphrase the words of General Bolstein – Joint forces – for joint security!

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.


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29 August 2018

Illegal traffic

Both the border guard and the police have repeatedly acknowledged that the border area of Latgale is a huge temptation and an object of interest to smugglers and illegal immigrants. However, thanks to the efforts of the security authorities, investment in new technologies and successful cross-border cooperation, the flow of illegal traffic has been greatly reduced. This is also confirmed by statistics – if a record number of violators of illegal “green” borders -476- were arrested on the eastern border of Latvia in 2015, then only 45 Vietnamese citizens were detained during the first five months of this year. The State Police emphasizes the importance of involving local people. Therefore, we invite everyone living at the border – do not be indifferent! Look and speak!

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.


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29 August 2018

Secure our life in the border area

Statistics are inexcusable – in 2018, the number of theft of tractor antennas and monitors has increased – from the beginning of the year until middle of May, eight trucks and five mini tractor stolen were found in Latvia, as well as eight criminal proceedings were commenced. The experience of previous years shows that especially high crime risks lie in the near the Lithuanian border. The State Police emphasizes the importance of involving local people, for example, by reporting to security authorities if unknown people or suspicious cars are near a farm or a tractor machine.Then more observational eyes we have, the more secure our life in the border area will be. Therefore, we invite everyone living at the border – Look and speak!

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.


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29 August 2018

The fight against illegal migration

The geographic position of the border area of Latvia and Lithuania at the EU external border imposes additional obligations on law enforcement agencies in protecting national security comparing, for example, with France or Germany, which do not have an EU external border at all. The Latvian and Lithuanian Police and the Border Guards are currently implementing an ambitious project “Creation of a synergy platform for the public security in the Latvian and Lithuanian Eastern border territories”, compiling forces, developing new methods and tactics for the fight against illegal migration. On April 24-25, 2018, Krāslava region a training with both sides involved were carried out, examining both binding legislation and analyzing the shortcomings in it, describing the types of delinquency, their changes and analyzing their trends. At the meeting, an analytical game was also launched in the discovery of complex delinquencies, where the joint border police of the Latvian and Lithuanian Police and the Border Guards played an important role.


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29 August 2018

Using technologies in criminal investigations

On May 24 and 25, a training workshop within the INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania programme project “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY” took place in Kraslava district. Representatives of the Latvian and Lithuanian Police and Border Guard were introduced to the use of the newest technologies in the law enforcement and border guard institutions, with the latest data analysis methods, using information technologies in criminal investigations.

Along with theoretical studies in the seminar, a lot of attention was devoted to practical classes. The latest technology was presented: technical capabilities of the drones, stationary and mobile devices that help identify and distinguish official identity documents from counterfeits, night vision equipment, etc.

In the evening, practical classes were organized. The training task was to find employees hidden in the forest using thermovisors or a binocular with a thermovisor function.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.


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29 August 2018

Conclusions of 1st year SYENRGY FOR SECURITY

On May 16, 2018, the II meeting of the steering group within the INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania programme project “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY” took place in Karsava district. The report of the implemented project during the 1st year was completed over the course of several hours because in fact that the project was implemented through a study visit to the Netherlands and Germany, an experience exchange tour on intelectual video surveillance systems in Latvian-Lithuanian border territory, as well as thematic meeting on illegal immigration. As the project partners first visited Karsava municipality, city council management surprised with the impressive program. The visitors had a unique opportunity to visit at renewed Latvian-Russian border line in Aizgārša border control point, to visit the Malnava Collegue, to get an insight into the grand development plans of Ltd “Latgales dārzeņu loģistika”, and, of course, to enjoy the true Latgale hospitality at bakery “Dzīļu maiznīca”.

The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is Latvian State police.


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29 August 2018

Visit to Europol

On May 7-11, 2018, representatives of the Latvian and Lithuanian Police and Border Guard visited a Kingdom of the Netherlands and Germany. During the visit, the delegation visited Europol headquartered in The Hague, Netherlands. Europol’s objective is to support and strengthen cooperation between the competent authorities of the Member States by preventing and combating organized crime, terrorism and other forms of serious crime affecting two or more Member States, as well as providing strategic analysis and threat assessment.

Latvia at Europol is represented by the State Police Officer Andrejs Matīss who informed the participants of the study trip about the possibilities of Europol support, provided both methodological and material technical assistance in the investigation of criminal proceedings and operational activities in case of detection of international – cross-border crime.

Study trip is organized within the framework of the Latvian-Lithuanian program “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY”. The Latvian State Police are the lead partner of this project.


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29 August 2018

Protecting national security

The geographic position of the border area of Latvia and Lithuania at the EU external border imposes additional obligations on law enforcement agencies in protecting national security comparing, for example, with France or Germany, which do not have an EU external border at all. The Latvian and Lithuanian Police and the Border Guards are currently implementing an ambitious project “Creation of a synergy platform for the public security in the Latvian and Lithuanian Eastern border territories”, compiling forces, developing new methods and tactics for the fight against illegal migration. On April 24-25, 2018, Krāslava region a training with both sides involved were carried out, examining both binding legislation and analyzing the shortcomings in it, describing the types of delinquency, their changes and analyzing their trends. At the meeting, an analytical game was also launched in the discovery of complex delinquencies, where the joint border police of the Latvian and Lithuanian Police and the Border Guards played an important role.


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29 August 2018

When 2 + 2 = 100 …SYNERGY FOR SECURITY

Latvia and Lithuania are currently implementing an ambitious, more than half a million euros INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania Programme LLI-082 “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY” project “Creation of a synergy platform for the public security in the Latvian and Lithuanian Eastern border territories” involving Latvian and Lithuanian law enforcement agencies – Police and Border Guard, as well as four municipalities located at the intersection of strategic roads between Latvia and Belarus and Latvian-Russian borders. “Intelligent” CCTV cameras, border guards and policing equipment, investments in the training of security staff – all this will bring results. However, the concept of synergy in the project title has not been chosen by chance. Synergy is not just a word.

What is synergy? Mathematically it might look surprising: 2 + 2 = 5, or maybe 50 or even 100. The definition of synergy is the result is bigger than the sum of the contribution of all the parties involved. In other words, sometimes 1+1 doesn’t equal 2 but 5.

Both the border guard and the police have repeatedly acknowledged that the border area of Latgale is a huge temptation and an object of interest to smugglers and illegal immigrants. This is also confirmed by statistics – over the last five years around 300 offenders were detained only on the Belarusian border, while the amount of smuggled goods detected in 2017 was by 130% higher than in the previous year. Latvia and Lithuania are currently implementing an ambitious project “Creation of a synergy platform for the public security in the Latvian and Lithuanian Eastern border territories”. The goal of the project is to restrict smuggling and illegal border breaches.

The geographic position of the border area of Latvia and Lithuania at the EU external border imposes additional obligations on law enforcement agencies in protecting national security comparing, for example, with France or Germany, which do not have an EU external border at all. The Latvian and Lithuanian Police and the Border Guards are currently compiling forces, developing new methods and tactics for the fight against illegal migration. On April 24-25, 2018, Krāslava region a training with both sides involved were carried out, examining both binding legislation and analyzing the shortcomings in it, describing the types of delinquency, their changes and analyzing their trends. At the meeting, an analytical game was also launched in the discovery of complex delinquencies, where the joint border police of the Latvian and Lithuanian Police and the Border Guards played an important role.

The security structures of the two neighboring countries and the involved municipalities are able to accomplish a great deal, but more than enough can be achieved through the involvement and active participation of all citizens of the border municipalities. Therefore, we invite everyone living at the border – do not be indifferent! Look and speak!


Budget: 580 236,21 EUR

85% ERDF funding, 15% national co-financing (incl. state co-financing – 5% in LV, 7,5% in LT)

Duration: 24 MONTHS (May 17, 2017-November 16, 2019) The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.


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29 August 2018

Look and speak!

Both the border guard and the police have repeatedly acknowledged that the border area of Latgale is a huge temptation and an object of interest to smugglers and illegal immigrants. This is also confirmed by statistics – over the last five years around 300 offenders were detained only on the Belarusian border, while the amount of smuggled goods detected in 2017 was by 130% higher than in the previous year. Latvia and Lithuania are currently implementing an ambitious project “Creation of a synergy platform for the public security in the Latvian and Lithuanian Eastern border territories”. The goal of the project is to restrict smuggling and illegal border breaches.

Therefore, we invite everyone living at the border – do not be indifferent! Look and speak!

Budget: 580 236,21 EUR

85% ERDF funding, 15% national co-financing (incl. state co-financing – 5% in LV, 7,5% in LT)

Duration: 24 MONTHS (May 17, 2017-November 16, 2019) The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.


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29 August 2018

When 2 + 2 = 100 …

Latvia and Lithuania are currently implementing an ambitious, more than half a million euros project “Creation of a synergy platform for the public security in the Latvian and Lithuanian Eastern border territories” involving Latvian and Lithuanian law enforcement agencies – Police and Border Guard, as well as four municipalities located at the intersection of strategic roads between Latvia and Belarus and Latvian-Russian borders. “Intelligent” CCTV cameras, border guards and policing equipment, investments in the training of security staff – all this will bring results. However, the concept of synergy in the project title has not been chosen by chance. Synergy is not just a word. What is synergy? Mathematically it might look surprising: 2 + 2 = 5, or maybe 50 or even 100. The definition of synergy is the result is bigger than the sum of the contribution of all the parties involved. In other words, sometimes 1+1 doesn’t equal 2 but 5. The security structures of the two neighboring countries and the involved municipalities are able to accomplish a great deal, but more than enough can be achieved through the involvement and active participation of all citizens of the border municipalities. Therefore, we invite everyone living at the border – do not be indifferent! Look and speak!

Budget: 580 236,21 EUR

85% ERDF funding, 15% national co-financing (incl. state co-financing – 5% in LV, 7,5% in LT)

Duration: 24 MONTHS (May 17, 2017-November 16, 2019)


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22 May 2018

The most important thing is to get to know each other and work together!

The most important thing is to get to know each other and work together!


On May 16, 2018, the II meeting of the steering group within the INTERREG V-A Latvia-Lithuania programme project “SYNERGY FOR SECURITY” took place in Karsava district. The report was completed over the course of several hours because in fact that the project was implemented through a study visit to the Netherlands and Germany, an experience exchange tour on intelectual video surveillance systems in Latvian-Lithuanian border territory, as well as thematic meeting on illegal immigration.

The project partner was first admitted to the Karsava district, therefore, in the introductory speech, the head of the meeting, Ināra Silicka, Chairwoman of the Kārsava County Council, briefly presented the guests to the Karsava district. Historically, the situation with Karsava and Krāslava has often been mixed, which sometimes brings about some interesting situations. For example, road planners need to work in Krāslava but they arrive in Karsava region. The laughter in the audience was that Silickas confessed that the Kārsava City Council would be delighted if they designed the roads, but the Krāslava City Council would pay for it. However, the two Latgale municipalities have much in common, for example, both of them are of strategic transit routes and both are located in the border area, only Krāslava district is bordered by Belarus but Karsava by Russia.

In such a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, the steering group continued. Vytautas Vaiškūnas, Chief of the Utena County Headquarters Police (LT), stressed that there is already a lot of accomplishments, especially in the so-called “soft” part of the project – video surveillance systems in both countries have been studied and analyzed, the experience of European colleagues and latest technologies have been learned, the staff was trained and educated.

The topic was continued by Jānis Anspoks, chief of Daugavpils precinct in the Latgale regional administration of the State Police (LAT), who told about the study trip within the framework of the Latvia-Lithuania programme project. Representatives of the Latvian and Lithuanian Police and Border Guard visited a Kingdom of the Netherlands and Germany. During the visit, the delegation visited Europol headquartered in The Hague, Netherlands. Europol’s objective is to support and strengthen cooperation between the competent authorities of the Member States by preventing and combating organized crime, terrorism and other forms of serious crime affecting two or more Member States, as well as providing strategic analysis and threat assessment.

Latvia at Europol is represented by the State Police Officer Andrejs Matīss. He informed the participants of the study trip about the possibilities of Europol support, provided both methodological and material technical assistance in the investigation of criminal proceedings and operational activities in case of detection of international – cross-border crime.

Referring to the seminar on the fight against illegal immigration held in Krāslava district in April, Sandis Panga, representative of Latvian State Border Guard Headquarters, emphasized that the successful work should be continued – to organize joint training in both common patrols and driving under extreme conditions.

In an unusual way, as the presenters themselves laughed, now, in a so popular duo in Europe, Giulnara Steponiene, the Lithuanian State Border Guard, and Romualds Stašans, the Latvian State Border Guard, were shared account as a joint project exchange experience. In the beginning of March, 4 municipalities – Daugavpils and Jelgava in Latvia and Siauliai and Visaginas in Lithuania – were visited in the experience exchange trip to get acquainted with intellectual video surveillance systems. The overall conclusion after learning the situation in Jelgava and Šiauliai – Jelgava has evolved greatly in the field of implementation of various “smart” technologies. As G.Steponiene admitted – Jelgava has been in the front of Siauliai for two centuries and continues to develop, while the task of Lithuanian colleagues is to use the opportunities offered by the project to introduce the best experience and technology in their own country as well.

As the project partners first visited Karsava municipality, city council management surprised with the impressive program. The visitors had a unique opportunity to visit at renewed Latvian-Russian border line in Aizgārša border control point, to visit the Malnava Collegue, to get an insight into the grand development plans of Ltd “Latgales dārzeņu loģistika”, and, of course, to enjoy the true Latgale hospitality at bakery “Dzīļu maiznīca”.


Budget: 580 236,21 EUR

85% ERDF funding, 15% national co-financing (incl. state co-financing – 5% in LV, 7,5% in LT)

Duration: 24 MONTHS (May 17, 2017-November 16, 2019) The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is latvian State police.

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21 April 2018

When 2 + 2 = 100 …SYNERGY FOR SECURITY

Latvia and Lithuania are currently implementing an ambitious, more than half a million eurosLatvia-Lithuania programme project LLI-082  “Creation of a synergy platform for the public security in the Latvian and Lithuanian Eastern border territories” involving Latvian and Lithuanian law enforcement agencies – Police and Border Guard, as well as four municipalities located at the intersection of strategic roads between Latvia and Belarus and Latvian-Russian borders. “Intelligent” CCTV cameras, border guards and policing equipment, investments in the training of security staff – all this will bring results. However, the concept of synergy in the project title has not been chosen by chance. Synergy is not just a word.

What is synergy? Mathematically it might look surprising: 2 + 2 = 5, or maybe 50 or even 100. The definition of synergy is the result is bigger than the sum of the contribution of all the parties involved. In other words, sometimes 1+1 doesn’t equal 2 but 5.

Both the border guard and the police have repeatedly acknowledged that the border area of Latgale is a huge temptation and an object of interest to smugglers and illegal immigrants. This is also confirmed by statistics – over the last five years around 300 offenders were detained only on the Belarusian border, while the amount of smuggled goods detected in 2017 was by 130% higher than in the previous year. Latvia and Lithuania are currently implementing an ambitious project “Creation of a synergy platform for the public security in the Latvian and Lithuanian Eastern border territories”. The goal of the project is to restrict smuggling and illegal border breaches.

The security structures of the two neighboring countries and the involved municipalities are able to accomplish a great deal, but more than enough can be achieved through the involvement and active participation of all citizens of the border municipalities. Therefore, we invite everyone living at the border – do not be indifferent! Look and speak!


Budget: 580 236,21 EUR

85% ERDF funding, 15% national co-financing (incl. state co-financing – 5% in LV, 7,5% in LT)

Duration: 32 MONTHS (May 17, 2017-November 16, 2019) The project is co-financed by the Latvia-Lithuania programme. Project Lead partner is Latvian State police.


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The overall objective has been fully achieved by the promoting the legal and administrative cooperation in order to combating cross border crime and illegal migration, improvement of civil security and traffic safety in the Latvian and Lithuanian Eastern border territories.

In order to achieve the overall objective the Priority IV IMPROVED QUALITY OF LIVING THROUGH EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICES AND ADMINISTRATION and Specific Objective 4.1. of the Latvia-Lithuania programme to improve efficiency of public services by strengthening capacities and cooperation between institutions have been  emphasized. The cooperation between 4 law enforcement authorities and 32 municipalities of the Latgale region, LV and Utena and Panevezys regions, LT have been developed. Number of solutions improving public services have been implemented:

1) increased the capacity of human resources by the effective methods, like organization of cross border thematic security meetings, study and experience exchange tours, capacity building event, incl. tactical training in groups “Taking of the Hostage; Assault of the law enforcement authorities; massive escape of detained persons; a massive flow of the illegal immigrants, massive hooligan activities”;

2) significant improvement of material bases for the law enforcement authorities in order to combat the crime and improve the civil security;

3) creation the cross border network for the public security;

4) creation the intelligent video surveillance platform with transport identity recognition software;

5) implementation the project Communication strategy to enhance the cooperation between local citizens, law enforcement authorities and municipalities, emphasizing the Result indicator “Number of solutions improving public services”  of the Programme Priority IV in order to promote the dialog between citizens, law enforcement authorizes and municipalities.


Project main outputs, their added value and users are the following:

O.T1.1 Latvian and Lithuanian law enforcement authorities and 4 municipalities participated at the capacity building activities

In the result of the project planned number of institutions, participating in cooperation are 8: 4 Latvian and Lithuanian police and border guards and 4 local municipalities. All planned activities in order to achieve the main output O.T1.1. have been implemented: 4 Thematic security meetings organized, 1 Study tour organized; 1 Experience exchange tour organized; 1 Capacity building event organized; 1 Final conference organized. Partners and participants were interested and were active into the cooperation and participation at the events. Is was positively impacted the project target groups – general public, municipalities and law anforcement institutions. The capacity for Latvian and Eastern Lithuanian law enforcement authorities were increased, introduction with practical, theoretical and technological initiatives and possibilities impacted the reducement of workload and made police and border guard job more efficient.

The thematic meeting on the threats of cybersecurity and cybercrime has initiated the reasons for future cross border co-operation between Latvian and Lithuanian law enforcement institutions, not only police and border guards, but also military structures and rescue services;

The implemented project have increased capacities and experience of the involved project staff;

During the study visit to Germany and the Netherlands, invaluable experience has been gained in using the video surveillance system in other EU countries for public safety and law enforcement purposes. Stable contacts established with Europol officer and insight into Europol’s work gained.

In the result of the implemented security campaign “Look and speak!”, the public awareness of dealing with non-standard situations in the face of border crime is improved / enhanced;

O.T2.1  Cross border network for the public security

Cross border network for public safety established, joining 4 Latvian and Lithuanian law enforcement authorities and 32 municipalities, located in Latgale region, LV and Utena and Panevezys regions, LT. The established network developed as innovative model for institutional cooperation and joint management system for the created platform for video surveillance system.  Established cross border network communication methods: e-mail and phone contacts, as well as not – official communication; Cross border co-operation. Plan for emergency response has been elaborated for the operational involvement in fire-fighting, rescue of persons, solving not standard situations with specific language speaking people, murdering etc.; In the result of project involved municipalities have increased their capacity and established international cooperation network for the public security.

 O.T2.2   Intelligent video surveillance platform with transport identity recognition software

Intelligent video surveillance platform with transport identity recognition software created on both sides of the border Latvia and Eastern Lithuania by installation the intellectual night and day video surveillance systems with state vehicle registration number recognition on all international routes and domestic transit routes in Latvian and Lithuania Eastern border territories: 17 cameras on LV territory, 12 cameras in LT.

O.T2.3   Intelligent video surveillance systems for public security

Intelligent video surveillance systems for public security installed in Kraslava, Karsava, LV and Utena, Moletai, LT.

Children involved into the safety campaigns, visits in schools organized, public awareness on the public security and traffic safety increased;

O.T2.4   Improvement of material bases

Material bases improved for  4 Latvian and Lithuanian law enforcement authorities: police and border guard in order to to combat the cross-border crime.

Acquired equipment have contributed into the prevention and public security issues.


Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10