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  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

    About the programme
  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

LLI-187 International cultural route “Balts’ Road”

Number of the project: LLI – 187

Project acronym: Balts’ Road

Partners of the project: leader partner – Siauliai Tourism Information Centre (Lithuania). Partners: Zemgale Planning Region (Latvia), National Regions Development Agency, Siauliai branch (Lithuania), Kurzeme Planning region (Latvia), Talsi Council Municipality, Talsi District Museum (Latvia), Jelgava City Council (Latvia).

Duration of the project implementation: 24th April 2017 – 23rd December 2020

Budget of the project: 763 402.38 Eur, 631 951.53 Eur of them – from EU structural funds.

Funding sources of the project: Partners‘ funds and European Regional Development Fund.

Project implements Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuania Programme’s 2014-2020  I Priority “Sustainable and clean environment through cooperation”. The project will directly contribute to the objective (1.1) of the Programme “to increase number of visitors to the Programme area through improving and developing cultural and natural heritage objects, services and products”.

The potential of cultural and natural heritage is not used to the full extent for sustainable economic growth, social, cultural and recreational societal needs. Local inhabitants and visitors are lack of information about the sustainable preservation and promotion of cultural and natural heritage objects.

Seeking to promote the sustainable preservation, development and popularization of natural and cultural heritage objects, services and products, two nations must act together. Main activities of project implementation will cover the territory of for Lithuanian regions (Klaipeda, Telsiai, Siauliai, Panevezys districts) and two Latvian regions (Kurzeme and Zemgale).  Partners will implement activities that make regions more attractive, visible and charming to visit.

The main objective of the project: to increase number of visitors to the Programme area by creating cross-border itinerary “Balts’ Road”.

The main result of project: increased number of visitors in The Programme area to 15 percentages.

Sub-objectives of the project:

  • to increase the acquaintance and awareness raising about preservation of Balts’ tangible and intangible cultural and natural heritage;
  • to develop new innovative and sustainable touristic product;
  • to improve quality and to ensure diversification of cultural tourism services, products and accessibility.

Activities which are implemented:

  • Informative seminars were organized for representatives of different target groups from both countries of Cross Border Region; there were implemented complex of marketing measures like travel guide, maps, mobile application, advertising videos, participating at international exhibitions and fairs;
  • created three new attraction-products (in Šiauliai tourism information centre premises in the pedestrian street, in Jelgava History and Art Museum named after Gederts Eliass, in Talsi District Museum) using ICT solutions;
  • Prepared feasibility studies (one in Lithuania and one in Latvia), which include the evaluation of identity of ancient Balts’ tangible and intangible heritage and applicability for today’s society needs.
  • Trainings for stakeholders were organized in both countries of Cross Border Region.

Social media and contacts:
Phone: +370 41 523 110
Address: Vilniaus st. 213 - 77, LT-76348 Siauliai

28 December 2020


The first interactive Balts’ culture promotion centre in Lithuania and Latvia is waiting to open its doors to visitors after the quarantine. The main goal of this centre and the whole project LLI-187 “International Cultural Route Balts’ Road”, abbr. “Balts’ Road”, is to promote travelling and getting to know tangible and intangible cultural and natural heritage of Balts. Travel routes in the Balts lands have been developed, there is a tourist guide, a website, and now, a unique space that will help to introduce to the past of Balts’ culture and its manifestations at present.

Employing modern technologies, copies of exhibits, and educational activities, this centre presents the history, culture, and lifestyle of Balts, this way creating opportunities to develop a conscious cognition of the Balts heritage and its preservation approaches for young people, families, tourists, and residents of the city of Šiauliai.

The idea of the centre’s exposition was created by choosing a universal object that is also an important symbol of Balts – the Sun. The link with the city of Šiauliai, which is known as the city of the Sun, has also been considered. Décor elements and artistic accents of the exposition were created based on the knowledge of the areas inhabited by Balts, the historical development of tribes, mounds and methods of burial, lifestyle, ornamentation, pottery, weaving, metalwork, honey, food, Lithuanian multipart songs sutartinės, and nature. The centre is intended to promote visitors’ active participation, interest, cognition, and assimilation of information through senses: hearing, smelling, seeing, and touching. Therefore, there is not much written information – the topic or activity and occupation depicted on the stand are only briefly introduced. All information is provided in Lithuanian, Latvian, and English.

The centre was designed following the universal design principles: there is an audio guide (on the topics of pottery, metalwork, weaving, sutartinės), the names of the stands are given in Braille, there is a ramp for persons with reduced mobility or families with prams as well as a lift to get to the sanitary facilities.

Both young and old visitors of the museum or anther educational centre expect innovations. You will find as many as four interactive games in the spaces of “Balts’ Road”. These are games scientifically grounded on historical and archaeological material, which by means of computer graphics and animation become a real centre of attention. Touch, try out, and find out – this is how these four games that will not leave anyone indifferent can be called.

The game “Balts’ profession”, based on biometric human data, allows to see oneself as a spinner, weaver, soldier, fisherman, etc. and to download such portrait by scanning the QR code. Another educational game “Get to know Balts’ items” introduces to household items used in the Balts tribes. While various objects are falling, it is necessary to identify which of them belong to the Balts period and topics and which do not. Players of the game collect points. The technology of the game “Travel to the everyday life of Balts” allows to move a person standing in front of the camera to a unique augmented reality environment chosen by the person himself/herself. The tourist must be able to save the composed view with his/her image as a photo and download it after scanning the QR code. Most of the space is left for the game-installation “Balts’ life”: on a specially prepared, touch-sensitive plane, projectors and sensors present the uniqueness of individual Balts’ tribes as well as general aspects of the Baltic way of life. It is a space filled with sounds and lights, which allows to get to know the culture and life of ancient Balts even better.

Total projects size is 763 402,33 EUR. Out of them co-funding of European Regional Development Fund is 648 891,95 EUR.

This article has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of Siauliai Tourism information centre and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.

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4 November 2019

Seminar for children “Virtual and traditional expositions: friends or competitors”

Continuing the project “International Cultural Route “Balt’s Road”” implementation activities a seminar for school children was organized at Gedert Elias Jelgava History and Art Museum, highlighting cooperation possibilities of traditional museum stocks and modern technology solutions towards preservation of historical evidences and public education.

In today’s digital age, virtual reality is one of the most popular forms of visual expression that reflects historical events in captive and attractive way, as well as encourages research and educates future generations. How the role of traditional museums changes in the age of modern technologies, do classical and virtual expositions compete with each other or they can cooperate, will digital solutions destroy “tangible” historical evidences in museums – these and similar issues were discussed by invited school children during the organized seminar.

At the beginning of the seminar children were introduced with Interreg V-A Latvia-Lithuania cross-border cooperation program’s project “International Cultural Route “Balt’s Road”, and two virtual expositions developed within the project: “Zemgale folk costumes and its wearing traditions and “War and warriors in Jelgava through time circles”. Continuing the event children worked in groups, one of which analyzed traditional expositions while the other one – virtual. After made research, discussions were held on cooperation opportunities between both expositions, as well as possible benefits and/or losses what they may bring to museum. At the end of the discussions, seminar participants conclude that virtual and traditional expositions can be cooperation partners and do great things together.

The aim of the project: increase the number of visitors in the program area (Latvia – Lithuania), promoting the development of tourism and creating a cultural tourism route of international importance.

Total budget of the project: 763 402, 38 EUR, where EUR 648 891.96 (85%) is European Regional Fund funding and EUR 114 510, 38 EUR (15%) is national              co-financing source (the state budget grant and municipality’s contribution).

Project budget for Jelgava City Council: 117 850, 10 EUR, where 100 172, 58 (85%) EUR is European Regional Fund funding, 5 892, 51 (5%) EUR is the state budget grant and 11 785, 01 EUR (10%) – municipality contribution.

Project implementation period: April 24, 2017 – October 24, 2020

More information on the project:

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25 April 2019

Opening of new exposition and organization of seminar within Balt’s Road project

On April 12, 2019, new exposition “War and Warriors in Jelgava through time circles” was opened at Gederts Elias Jelgava History and Art Museum gathering evidence of war history from the Livonian War to World War II. While in a seminar on “Introducing Interactive Games-Expositions in Practice”, industry professionals shared their experience of developing and implementing virtual solutions.

Developed exposition «War and warriors in Jelgava through time circles» has opened at the Gederts Elias Jelgava History and Art Museum on permanent basis. The exposition summarizes historical evidence of events, ranging from Livonia to World War II and emphasizing the role of Jelgava and its inhabitants in them.

Exhibition reflects variety of military awards, First and Second World War weapons, 19th century pistols and cast iron cannons. As additional value of the exhibition museum representatives emphasise a possibility to view two models that reflects certain war events. One of the model shows old castle of Jelgava before its destroying in ‘40s in 18th of century, developed by Saiva Kuple. Second model illustrates Christmas battle in Tīreļa swam in January 1917, developed by Pauls Lūciņš. The newly opened exhibition hall also reflects variety of warriors’ suits, such as Semigallian warriors’ costume in 13th – 14th of century, Latvian army soldier costume in ‘20s in 20th of century, costume of General of the Latvian Army and others. With the opening of new exhibition, a work on development of new exhibition hall at the museum has finished.

Museum visitors may follow to development of war events – from the Livonian War to the Second World War – also virtually, in the virtual exposition “Wars and warriors through time circles”. In four scenes, the exposition visitor can go through four wars and see how the war equipment, warriors clothes have changed. An important benefit is the opportunity to see the scenes of war in the historical places of Jelgava, which today have changed to not being recognized. Using historical photographs, the museum has managed to reconstruct Jelgava Market Square completely, whose atmosphere visitors can feel through virtual spectacles.

Before to proceed with official opening of new exhibition, the museum also held a seminar on «Introduction of interactive games – exhibitions in practice». In seminar museum and company’s (UAB MulitimediaMark, Lithuania) representatives, which developed technical solutions of the virtual exhibition, shared their experience and faced challenges when developing and implementing innovative solutionsith with colleagues from Dobele and Tukums museums.

Virtual exhibition “Wars and warriors trough time circles” has developed within the framework of Interreg V-A Latvian-Lithuanian Cross-Border Cooperation Program project “Cultural Tourism Route of International Importance “Balt’s Road”, N0 LLI-187.

The aim of the project: is to increase the number of visitors in the program area (Latvia – Lithuania), promoting the development of tourism and creating a cultural tourism route of international importance.

Total budget of the project: 763 402, 38 EUR, where EUR 648 891.96 (85%) is European Regional Fund funding and EUR 114 510, 38 EUR (15%) is National co-financing source (the state budget grant and partner’s contribution).

Project budget for Jelgava City Council: 117 850, 10 EUR, where 100 172, 58 (85%) EUR is European Regional Fund funding, 5 892, 51 (5%) EUR is the State budget grant and 11 785, 01 EUR (10%) – institution’s contribution.

Project implementation period: April 24, 2017 – October 23, 2019.


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11 February 2019

Official opening of virtual exhibitions at G.Elias Jelgava History and Art Museum

On January 18, 2019, the opening of virtual exposition “Wars and soldiers in Jelgava through time circles” and “Zemgale folk costume and its wearing traditions” took place and a seminar on the importance of virtual exhibitions in tourism development in Jelgava was organized. These expositions will allow visitors to look at different historical events and facts, offering to participate and engage themselves in different activities.

The exposition “Wars and soldiers in Jelgava through time circles” provides an insight into the four wars – from the Livonian War to the Second World War. In four scenes with a total length of about twelve minutes, exposition visitor can go through four wars to see how the war equipment, the warrior’s clothing has changed. Another important benefit is the opportunity to see the scenes of war in the historical places of Jelgava, which today have changed and hardly van be recognized. For instance, using historical photographs the museum staff has managed to reconstruct Jelgava Market Square completely, whose atmosphere visitors can feel through virtual spectacles. This virtual exposition will be located in the War Hall on the 1st floor of the museum.

While exposition “Zemgale folk costume and its wearing traditions” tells about the development of Zemgale folk costume and its wearing traditions. Putting virtual reality spectacles on exposition visitor may join skirt-weaving process where virtual image “the grandmother” introduces weaving work in process and provides information on the patterns, colours, as well as explains from what plants it is possible to acquire colours that have used for weaving the skirts. Recalling IV General Latvian Song and Music Festival, which took place in Jelgava in 1895, and the President of Jelgava Latvian Society, later President Jānis Čakste, did organizational arrangements, the virtual exhibition shows how J.Čakste addresses participants of the Song Festival and engages in other activities. This exhibition is located in the museum’s exhibition hall, which introduces the history of the city in the 19th century, when Jelgava was the centre of Kurzeme province.

Before to proceed with official opening of virtual exhibitions, participants of the event were acquainted with reports prepared by specialists of tourism and cultural history area on the significance of virtual exhibitions in tourism development in Jelgava and gained practical experience when sharing experience on introducing innovative solutions and promoting cross-border cooperation in the tourism sector.

Virtual exhibitions have developed within the framework of Interreg V-A Latvian-Lithuanian Cross-Border Cooperation Program project “Cultural Tourism Route of International Importance “Balt’s Road”, N0 LLI-187.

The aim of the project: is to increase the number of visitors in the program area (Latvia – Lithuania), promoting the development of tourism and creating a cultural tourism route of international importance.

Total budget of the project: 763 402, 38 EUR, where EUR 648 891.96 (85%) is European Regional Fund funding and EUR 114 510, 38 EUR (15%) is National co-financing source (the state budget grant and partner contribution).

Project budget for Jelgava City Council: 117 850, 10 EUR, where 100 172, 58 (85%) EUR is European Regional Fund funding, 5 892, 51 (5%) EUR is the State budget grant and 11 785, 01 EUR (10%) – institution’s contribution.


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29 August 2018

BALTŲ KELIAS: Lietuva ir Latvija telkiasi bendram kultūrinio turizmo keliui

Sutelktomis Lietuvos ir Latvijos jėgomis pradedamas įgyvendinti Tarptautinio kultūros kelio „Baltų kelias“ projektas. Pagrindinis projekto tikslas – sukurti unikalų tarpvalstybinį turistinį „Baltų kelio“ maršrutą, kuris apjungtų jau egzistuojančius maršrutus bei naujai kuriamus traukos objektus, esančius Lietuvoje ir Latvijoje. Kuriant ir įgyvendinant esminę projekto idėją siekiama didinti Baltų kultūros pažinimą ir reprezentavimą, skatinti visus keliaujančius iš naujo pažinti regionus, juose įsikūrusius amatininkus, pasigrožėti unikalia gamta.

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29 August 2018

Tūrisma lietpratēji Zemgalē maršrutam “Baltu ceļš” krās jaunas zināšanas

Drīz pēc jaunā mācību gada sākuma Zemgalē mācības sāksies arī tūrisma nozarē strādājošajiem profesionāļiem – uzņēmējiem, pakalpojumu sniedzējiem, pašvaldību tūrisma plānotājiem, gidiem, informācijas centru un punktu darbiniekiem.

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29 August 2018

Maršrutā “Baltu ceļš”- vairāk nekā 70 objektu vēstīs par zemgaļu un sēļu senvēsturi un kultūru

Zemgalē, Tērvetes novadā strādājošā biedrība “Latviešu karavīrs” pabeigusi apjomīgu pētījumu par zemgaļu un sēļu vēsturi raksturojošiem tūrisma resursiem reģionā. Pētījums veikts ar Latvijas – Lietuvas pārrobežu sadarbības programmas 2014. – 2020. gadam projekta LLI-187 “Starptautiskais kultūras maršruts “Baltu ceļš”( “Balts Road”) atbalstu.

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15 May 2018


Nations of Lithuania and Latvia are since long close neighbours that are connected by ancient Balts‘ culture. In order to foster and popularise this intrinsic culture the project International Cultural Route „Balts‘ Road“ is implemented. It aims to stimulate interest of locals and residents of other countries in regions of Lithuania and Latvia, in ancient traditions and crafts. On the 27th and 28th of April we participated in the exhibition „Days of Entrepreneurs in Zemgale“ where we presented the project to the society of Latvia for the first time.

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15 May 2018

Balts‘ Road: Today‘s Expressions of Intrinsic Culture

Every nation has its roots of origin, culture, heritage, customs shaped over centuries, values and created myths transmitted by ancestors. It is well known that germans associate their origin with Germanic peoples (teutons), scandinavians with vikings, and we Lithuanians togerther with Latvians are descendants of Balts.

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10 April 2018

Information workshop series is over

The project’s International Cultural Route “Balts’ Road” information workshop series is over. The series that started in February consisted of six information workshops in different regions of Lithuania. Tourism and authority representatives, managers of catering and accommodation establishments, education operators, community members and other concerned people from the regions that are in the programme’s territory (Klaipėda, Telšiai, Panevėžys, Kaunas, Utena and Šiauliai regions) were encouraged to actively participate in workshops, to get acquainted with the project carried out, its objectives, tasks performed and broaden their knowledge in the fields of tourism and balts’ cultural heritage.

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7 February 2018

Where the Balts tribes lived / Ten, kur gyveno baltų gentys

We are delighted to present a unique virtual reality film that reveals the Balts culture, the beauty and uniqueness of the Balts tribal areas, the wildlife and present intangible Balts culture heritage. Watch, enjoy and share!

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31 January 2018

Balts’ Road-Towards an Overall Objective

Nations of Lithuania and Latvia are since long close neighbours that are connected by ancient Balts culture. This culture is of unique and irreplaceable value. It is priceless because it laid the foundation for communication between neighbouring countries and a beginning of common origins. While promoting cross-border cooperation and relations between Lithuania and Latvia it is essential that common Balts culture would remain interesting to everyone and Balts traditions would encourage interest of local and foreign citizens in regions of Lithuania and Latvia, its traditions and crafts.

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5 December 2017


International Trade and Achievement Exhibition “Siauliai 2017” was held in Siauliai on the 30th of November – 2nd of December. Companies, organizations and craftsmen from Lithuania and foreign countries presented their products, services and  latest works.

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15 September 2017


Annual event “Balts’ Unity Day 2017” will take place in Palanga town, 2017 September 23 rd.

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More articles
  • 10. September 2020
    Seminaras. "Baltų kelias. Pradžia..."

    Šiauliai, Lithuania

  • 09. September - 10 September 2020
    “Balts’ Road” - two-day promotional tour

    Riga, Latvia

  • 17. September 2019
    Konference "Dabas un kultūras mantojums tūrismā: identitāte un pieejamība"

    Tals, Latvia

  • 17. September 2019
    Konference: Zemgaļi un sēļi tūrisma maršrutā “Baltu ceļš”

    Jelgava, Latvia

  • 21. August - 22 August 2019
    Meet Selonians! Tourism route “Balts’ Road” - two day promotional tour
  • 13. August 2019
    Meet Semigallians! Tourism route “Balts’ Road” – one day promotional tour
  • 13. June 2019
    Mīti. Tūrisma piedāvājuma veidošana

    Ventspils, Latvia

  • 21. May 2019
    Amatniecība. Tūrisma piedāvājuma veidošana

    Liepāja, Latvia

  • 29. April 2019
    Stāsts. Tūrisma piedāvājuma veidošana

    Talsi, Latvia

  • 15. April 2019
    Senais uzturs. Klientorientēts tūrisma pakalpojums

    Alsunga, Latvia

  • 12. April 2019
    Seminar for area professionals within the project "International cultural route "Balt's Road""

    Jelgava, Latvia

  • 08. April 2019
    Kuršu vikingi. Klientorientēts tūrisma pakalpojums

    Pāvilosta, Latvia

  • 14. March 2019

    Sabile, Latvia

  • 19. February 2019
    Vēstures un dabas pieminekļu pieejamība. Tūrisma piedāvājuma pievienotā vērtība

    Kuldīga, Latvia

  • 05. February 2019
    Kultūrvietas apzināšanās. Tūrisma piedāvājuma pievienotā vērtība

    Talsi, Latvia

  • 10. January 2019
    Daba un svētvietas – vietas, ko pieredzēt. Tūrisma piedāvājuma pievienotā vērtība

    Saldus, Latvia

  • To increase the number of visitors to the Programme area and to raise awareness about Balts heritage partners from Lithuania and Latvia created “Balts’ Road”. Two feasibility studies (in LT and in LV) were prepared which include the evaluation of identity of ancient Balts’ tangible and intangible heritage and applicability for today’s society needs. Lithuanian feasibility study was prepared by history PhD Vykintas Vaitkevičius and Latvian by SIA “Civitta Latvija” Both research documents are available: (Lithuanian feasibility studyLatvian feasibility study).

    Based on feasibility studies three main routes and 8 thematic routes connecting various interesting points of Lithuania and Latvia in Curonian, Semigallian and Selonian environs were created to encourage travellers.

    The attractiveness of the routes is presented in a brochure “Balts’ Road” with more than 100 objects and stories related with ancient times and maps with 140 objects and all routes. Brochures printed in 20 000 copies and maps – in 40 000 copies in Lithuanian, Latvian and English languages. Brochures and maps are available at Šiauliai, Jelgava TIC and electronic version in ( Objects and routes can be found on the project website.

    The attractiveness of the routes was tested by organizing five promotional tours and one virtual tour (due to COVID-19) for more than 80 mass media representatives. After these tours representatives shared their experience through various media channels thus introducing more and more people to the “Balts’ Road”. Some of  the article:;;

    Thirteen informative seminars were organised to pay attention to new route “Balts’ Road” services (products) and to promote Balts’ traditions. Moreover, Balts’ Unity Day organised in 2017 in Palanga and 2018 in Jelgava increased interest of Balts heritage. Events were based on integrating Lithuanian and Latvian experience including Balts’ cultural artistic part and they attracted hundreds of general public members.



    Creation of a new products, using ICT solutions has significantly contributed to increasing attractiveness of the regions in cross border territory and promotion of sustainable and environment friendly behaviour, products, and services. The 3 created attractions were linked to awareness raising about preservation of cultural and natural heritage objects and their historical importance, authenticity of traditions, etc. Project lead partner Šiauliai tourism information centre installed brand new centre based on Balts heritage. This first interactive Balts cultural cognition centre in Lithuania and Latvia was set up to promote travel along the created “Balts’ Road” routes and in the cross-border region, as well as to get to know the tangible and intangible Baltic cultural and natural heritage.

    Created Balts’ Road Centre:



    Further, two museums in Latvia have been fitted with new and innovative tourist attractions. Project partner Jelgava city council was responsible for supplementation of Ģedert Elias Jelgava History and Art Museum by two separate halls with exhibitions: “War and Warriors in Jelgava trough Time Circles” and “The Evolution of Folk Costumes in Zemgale”.

    Exhibition in G. Elias Jelgava History and Art Museum:



    Also, project partner Talsi county municipality installed new modern exposition in Talsi district museum. The purpose of the exposition “Balts Tribal History – Archaeology” is to show the history of balts tribes, particularly Curonians, using the items of the Talsi municipality museum togeher with ICT sulutions. Moreover, two interactive stands “Curonians route in Talsi region” – digital touristic route map on display with more than 60 objects to raise recognition of “Balts’ Road” and to facilitate access to information have been installed. As a result of interactive solutions museums attracted more interested visitors.

    A considerable attention was paid to improve local stakeholders’ providing services in Balts’ road area skills on quality and to ensure to ensure that the routes include as many different goods and services as possible (according to feasibility study recommendation). 11 training groups with approximately 30 local stakeholders in each were organised. Trainings were needed to raise Balts’ road area stakeholder’s awareness about the preservation of cultural and natural heritage objects, ecotourism and sustainable tourism and about the balance between use and sustainability service quality, tourism marketing which helps to increase the number of tourists in the area. Participant’s recommendations were collected to be used for “Balts’ road” future. Final seminars organised to promote “Balt’s Road” among the tourism centres in Zemgale and Kurzeme regions.

    To improve the quality of “Balt’s Road” its’ service Nacional region development agency participated in “Business and achievement exhibition” in Šiauliai, collected contacts of service providers, craftmen etc. Collected contacts were placed together and “Balts’ Road” service e-catalog were created, which is available to reach at project website:

    Created video materials were used in tourism and business exhibitions. Artistic films about Couronians (Couronians – YouTube), Semigalians (Balts’ Road – Journey to the ancient land of Selonians – YouTube), exhibitions in G. Elias museum, animated short movies about “Balts’ Road” (Tourism route Balts’ Road – YouTube), 3D virtual movies – all was created to increase interest visit “Balts’ Road” object and sites in cross-border region.

    Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10