During the project 4 municipality owned areas with environmental problems have been revitalized with a total area of 5,53 ha in Lūznava, Rēzekne Municipality (1,1 ha), Daugavpils City (0,8 ha), Krāslava (1,6 ha) in Latvia and in Panevėžys (2,03 ha) in Lithuania.
Demolishing of the “heritage” of the Soviet period – an old dormitory building in Lūznava Manor Park, Parka street 1 in Lūznava, Rēzekne Municipality and creation of a small playground in its place


- The territory of the 4th Bastion in Daugavpils Fortress has been cleaned of waste and overgrowth, waste bins and benches have been installed, and a new lawn has been created for sports and leisure activities.


- Old wastewater treatment plants in Krāslava, Kalnu street, demolished and the area landscaped.


- Cleaned and revitalized territory in Skaistakalnis park in Panevėžys.


4036 households – families living in private and apartment houses benefit from the project results by decreased pollution, grime and other municipal environmental problems in their living areas.
84 territorial planners and legal experts from Joint Municipal institution “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Authority”, Rēzekne Municipality, Daugavpils City Council, Krāslava Municipality, Panevėžys City Municipality Administration, Visaginas Municipality Administration) have improved their knowledge in planning and implementation of sustainable revitalisation of brownfields by attending three training sessions on brownfield development planning in Rēzekne from 28-30 November 2018, in Panevėžys from 25-27 June 2019 and in Visaginas from 24-26 July 2019 and by visiting outstanding brownfield’s revitalization cases in Eindhoven city in the Netherlands, the Prague, Czech Republic and Berlin in Germany within the project, all accompanied with meetings with the field experts.
Methodological e-handbook for municipalities “From Degradation to Regeneration” about urban regeneration and rebirth created in Latvian and Lithuanian.
– Project’s joint activities have resulted in development of 5 pilot concepts and action plans for further revitalisation of the brownfield areas in 5 municipalities
Technical solution as 3D Reality Models created for the management of brownfields in Daugavpils https://www.daugavpils.lv/pasvaldiba/aktualitates/zinas/projekta-ietvaros-izveidots-industrialo-zonu-3d-modelishttp://3dpilseta.daugavpils.lv/ and Panevėžys https://panevezys.lt/3d/ municipalities will help to manage more than 1000 ha areas with environmental problems. In the developed 3D reality model by Daugavpils City Council, it is possible to view the degraded territories located in the Northern and Čerepova industrial zones, the Križu industrial territory and the Fortress warehouse zone. Panevėžys City Administration’s 3D tool offers city centre’s spatial planning options. Both 3D tools will be used to work with entrepreneurs and potential investors working on the sustainable development of industrial areas, as well at the daily work of the municipalities’ planning specialists.