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  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

    About the programme
  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

LLI-386 Transformations from Slum to Chic (Trans-form)

The project aims to revitalize municipality-owned brownfields by transforming them into sustainable and attractive areas for inhabitants, entrepreneurs and visitors.

As a result of the implementation of the project four territories with environmental problems in Latvia and Lithuania municipalities have been improved in total area of 5.53 ha – in Lūznava Manor (Rēzekne Municipality), Daugavpils Fortress, Krāslava and Skaistkalnis Park in Panevėžys. A “heritage” from the soviet times – a dormitory building – was demolished in Lūznava Manor Park and afterwards, playground for children was installed. In Kraslava old sewage treatment plants were demolished and landscaping works were done in the neighborhood of Kalnu Street, while in Daugavpils Fortress the territory of the 4th Bastion has been cleaned of waste, waste bins and benches have been installed, and a new lawn has been created for sports and leisure activities.

During the project the spatial planning specialists from project partner municipalities of Daugavpils, Rēzekne, Krāslava, Panevezys and Visaginas participated in the theoretical training series about planning and implementing sustainable revitalisation of  brownfields. They as well took part in experience exchange and study trips to the project partner municipalities and other locations in Europe – Prague in Czech Republic, Berlin in Germany and Eindhoven in Netherlands – famous for their well known success stories in urban planning.

Methodological e-handbook for municipalities “From Degradation to Regeneration” about urban regeneration and revitalisation has been elaborated and will be further used in everyday work of planning specialists. Project’s joint activities have resulted as well in development of 5 pilot concepts and action plans for further revitalisation of the brownfield areas in 5 municipalities.

Social media and contacts:
Phone: +371 26529150
Address: Brivibas 13, Kraslava, LV 5601, Latvia

22 December 2021

Revitalised territory in Skaistakalnis Park in Panevezys

Improvement works in last of the four brownfield objects in the project LLI-386 “Trans-form” were finalized by the Panevezys Municipality thus being project’s closing activity.

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22 March 2020

Handbook on brownfields revitalisation elaborated

Methodological E-handbook “From Degradation T0 Regeneration” on sustainable revitalisation of brownfields developed within the scope of the project LLI-386 “Trans-form”

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24 February 2020

Final Conference “Transformations from Slum to Chic” in Daugavpils

Knowledge, Transformation and Awareness – 3 important “stops” for brownfield development planning and sustainable environment are being discussed in the Conference “Transformations from Slum to Chic” of the project LLI-386 “Trans-form” in Daugavpils on 20 February 2020.

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12 November 2019

Life of Eindhoven and Tilburg in former factories areas

From 5 – 8 November 2019 project “Trans-form” team visited Eindhoven and Tilburg in Netherlands to explore brownfields revitalisation cases to different types of living and working places in former factories of PHILIPS, 19th  century railway and textile industry factories.

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23 October 2019

Revitalisation concept for two territories in Rezekne elaborated

Joint Municipal Institution “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Authority” has developed the concept for revitalisation of two land plots in Rezekne.

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2 October 2019

Revitalised brownfield in Daugavpils Fortress territory

The territory (0,8 ha) revitalised in Daugavpils Fortress (territory opposite to the building at Aleksandra street 5, Daugavpils – the Bastion 4). This is one of the four brownfield territories, which were choosed for Pilot Actions in revitalisation of particular sites within the project LLI-386 “Trans-form”.

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3 September 2019

Land revitalised in Lūznava, Rezekne Municipality

Rezekne Municipality, partner of the project LLI-386 Trans-form cleaned up the brownfield land from a wreck of former dormitory building and created the children eco-playground in Park Street 1, Lūznava Village.

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15 August 2019

Land revitalisation works implemented in Kraslava

Kraslava municipality, partner of the project LLI-386 Trans-form cleaned up a territory and partially collapsed industrial buildings previously used for wastewater treatment purpose in Kalna Street 1a, Kraslava.

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27 July 2019

Sustainable urban planning trainings in Visaginas

From July 24 to 26, a three-day training course on sustainable spatial and urban planning was held in Visaginas (Lithuania) in frame of the project LLI-386 Trans-form.

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2 July 2019

3D model of industrial zones in Daugavpils created

The Daugavpils City Council as project LLI- 386 “Trans-form” partner has developed the 3D photogrammetric Reality Model of four industrial zones (~389 ha) of Daugavpils City. Now for the planning specialists and potential investors is available modern spatial planning solution aimed at revitalization of pilot areas.
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29 June 2019

Second trainings took part in Panevezys

3-day training “Models for transformation of degraded areas – examples on best practice and failures” took place in creative and collaborative work between 25 – 27 June in Panevezys, Lithuania.

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18 May 2019

Green Study visit to Berlin

From May 13 to May 16, 2019 during the second study visit the project LLI-386 “Trans-form” local government specialists from Latvia and Lithuania visited Berlin, one of the greenest capitals of Europe known for its diverse city parks, green city planning and modern urban architecture.
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25 March 2019

Lithuanians in four degraded territories of four Latvia’s municipalities in four days

A 4-day study visit to Latvia was attended by specialists from the project “Trans-form” partner municipalities from Panevėžys and Visaginas (Lithuania) to get acquainted with the experience of local governments in the planning of brownfield development, plans and work already done in this area.

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4 March 2019

Territory planners visited brownfields during a study visit to Lithuania

Specialists from Rezekne and Kraslava Municipality, Daugavpils City Council and Joint Municipal Institution “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Authority” together with representatives of Latvian Office of Euroregion “Country of lakes” visited Panevezys and Visaginas (Lithuania) with the aim of gaining experience in planning of brownfield development in other municipalities during a 3-day study visit.

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5 December 2018

Spatial planning from place story and designs up to investment

From 28 to 30 November 2018, the Joint Municipal Institution “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Authority” in cooperation with Latvian Office of Euroregion “Country of lakes” (Lead Partner) in frame of the project LLI-386 “Trans-form” organized three-day training on topics relating to the development and planning of brownfields for specialists involved in spatial planning from partner-municipalities in Latvia and Lithuania.

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2 November 2018

Otrā mācību brauciena diena Prāgā veltīta pilsētplānošanai

Mācību brauciena Prāgā, Čehijā laikā projekta “Trans-form” (LLI-386) partneru pārstāvji apmeklēja Prāgas plānošanas un attīstības institūtu (IPR Prague), kas ir Prāgas pilsētas domes izveidots konceptuālais centrs, kur koordinē pilsētas arhitektūru, pilsētplānošanu, attīstību, izveidi un pārvaldību. Institūts galvenokārt izstrādā un koordinē dažādus pilsētplānošanas dokumentus, un viens no pilsētas 28 attīstības plāniem ir degradēto teritoriju attīstības plāns, kurš ietver vīziju par 3 dažādu veidu apgabalu attīstību Prāgā- kopā 4600 ha degradēto, transformējamo un izaugsmes teritoriju.

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30 October 2018

Trans-form “izstaigā” Prāgas degradētos rajonus

Projekta “Trans-form” (LLI- 386) pirmā mācību brauciena pirmajā daļā izstaigātas divas Prāgas vēsturiski lielākās degradētās teritorijas. Kopā ar Prāgas Kārļa Universitātes Zinātņu fakultātes maģistru Janu Sýkora tika pētītas Prāga 7 rajona apkārtnes- Hološovice un Karlina, kas ir bijušās industriālās, militārās un arī 2002.gada milzīgu plūdu skartās pilsētas teritorijas, kuru laikā tika iznīcinātas ēkas, ielas un cita infrastruktūra.

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26 October 2018

Pēc idejām uz Čehiju, Vāciju un Nīderlandi

Prāga, Berlīne un Eindhovena ir Eiropas pilsētas, uz kurām mācību vizītēs Interreg V- A Latvijas – Lietuvas programmas 2014.- 2020. gadam projekta LLI- 386 „Trans-form” ietvaros dosies teritoriju plānošanas un būvvalžu speciālisti, un citi, kuru darbs pašvaldībā saistīts ar teritoriju attīstības plānošanu. 

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17 September 2018

Sakārtos degradētās teritorijas Daugavpils cietoksnī, Lūznavas muižā un Krāslavā

Biedrība Eiroreģions „Ezeru zeme” sadarbībā ar 4 pašvaldībām Latgalē, 2 pašvaldībām Lietuvā un pašvaldību kopīgo iestādi „Rēzeknes speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvalde” uzsākusi projekta „Degradēto teritoriju revitalizācija” (LLI- 386) jeb Trans-form īstenošanu. 

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More articles

During the project 4 municipality owned areas with environmental problems have been revitalized with a total area of 5,53 ha in Lūznava, Rēzekne Municipality (1,1 ha), Daugavpils City (0,8 ha), Krāslava (1,6 ha) in Latvia and in Panevėžys (2,03 ha) in Lithuania.

  • Demolishing of the “heritage” of the Soviet period – an old dormitory building in Lūznava Manor Park, Parka street 1 in Lūznava, Rēzekne Municipality and creation of a small playground in its place



  • The territory of the 4th Bastion in Daugavpils Fortress has been cleaned of waste and overgrowth, waste bins and benches have been installed, and a new lawn has been created for sports and leisure activities.



  • Old wastewater treatment plants in Krāslava, Kalnu street, demolished and the area landscaped.



  • Cleaned and revitalized territory in Skaistakalnis park in Panevėžys.













4036 households – families living in private and apartment houses benefit from the project results by decreased pollution, grime and other municipal environmental problems in their living areas.

84 territorial planners and legal experts from Joint Municipal institution “Rēzekne Special Economic Zone Authority”, Rēzekne Municipality, Daugavpils City Council, Krāslava Municipality, Panevėžys City Municipality Administration, Visaginas Municipality  Administration) have improved their knowledge in planning and implementation of sustainable revitalisation of brownfields by attending three training sessions on brownfield development planning in Rēzekne from 28-30 November 2018, in Panevėžys from 25-27 June 2019 and in Visaginas from 24-26 July 2019 and by visiting outstanding brownfield’s revitalization cases in Eindhoven city in the Netherlands, the Prague, Czech Republic and Berlin in Germany within the project, all accompanied with meetings with the field experts.

Methodological e-handbook for municipalities “From Degradation to Regeneration” about urban regeneration and rebirth created in Latvian and Lithuanian.

–  Project’s joint activities have resulted in development of 5 pilot concepts and action plans for further revitalisation of the brownfield areas in 5 municipalities

Technical solution as 3D Reality Models created  for the management of brownfields in Daugavpils and Panevėžys municipalities will help to manage more than 1000 ha areas with environmental problems. In the developed 3D reality model by Daugavpils City Council, it is possible to view the degraded territories located in the Northern and Čerepova industrial zones, the Križu industrial territory and the Fortress warehouse zone. Panevėžys City Administration’s 3D tool offers city centre’s spatial planning options. Both 3D tools will be used to work with entrepreneurs and potential investors working on the sustainable development of industrial areas, as well at the daily work of the municipalities’ planning specialists.

Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10