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  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

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  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

  • Bringing neighbours closer

    Bringing neighbours closer

    Welcome to the Interreg V-A Latvia–Lithuania Programme 2014–2020!

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Showing 20 results

Type of result
Project result
Thematic area
Project acronym
Project title
Digital result
Real-time physiological data collection and localization system
Health care and rehabilitation
Joint smart social services

Joint competence center for smart elderly care social services development

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Description of result

The system for tracking elderly people health characteristics using smart wristbands.
Equipment will be used to make initial data collection and modelling of new characteristics for the new developed electronic services by using 1st-type wrist band system and sensor data storage infrastructure hardware kit ensuring remote data collection with functionality control. The 2nd-type system will be based on the chest area.

Key words


Programme priority

3. Social inclusion as a precondition to territorial development

Programme specific objective

3.1. To improve accessibility and efficiency of social services

Responsible project partner
Klaipeda University
Guidebook on adaptation of tourism infrastructure and services for people with disabilities
Equality, social inclusion, and vulnerable groups,

Introducing nature tourism for all

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Description of result

Guidebook introduce Kurzeme, Akstaitija and Zemaitija regions as tourism destinations, which offer wide variety of nature experience and are accessible for people with disabilities. It was distributed in tourism information centres, international travel fairs, and is also available on-line. Guidebook contains introductory information, overall map, route lines, pictures. It contains around 70 trail layouts. Guidebook is available in Latvian, Lithuanian and English languages.

Programme priority

1. Sustainable and clean environment through cooperation

Programme specific objective

1.1. To increase number of visitors to the programme area through improving and developing cultural and natural heritage objects, services and products

Responsible project partner
Kurzeme planning region


Digital result
Decision support tool for farmers (calculator)
Biodiversity and ecosystems,
Innovation and research

Optimal catch crop solutions to reduce pollution in the transboundary Venta and Lielupe river basins

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Description of result

Calculator for farmers on what crops to choose to ensure best environmental and economic effects to reduce wash-out of nutrients from agricultural fields.
The Decision Support Tool (calculator) elaborated by the project team is an Excel spreadsheet integrating the most relevant knowledge about catch crops and helping farmers and agricultural professionals to select the best fitting catch cropping options based on the properties of the particular field. The Tool facilitates informed decision making and more efficient farm management with less environmental impacts. The Tool is available in Lithuanian and Latvian languages.

Key words

#sustainable agriculture,#disperse pollution,#pollution prevention,#management of waterbasins

Programme priority

1. Sustainable and clean environment through cooperation

Programme specific objective

1.2. To increase integration and efficiency of environmental resource management

Responsible project partner
Center for Environmental Policy (AAPC)


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Link to project result
Joint concept regarding application of catch-crop solutions to reduce agricultural pollution in the transboundary Venta and Lielupe river basins
Biodiversity and ecosystems,
Innovation and research

Optimal catch crop solutions to reduce pollution in the transboundary Venta and Lielupe river basins

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Description of result

Joint concept document combines all main findings and results of the project and provides action plans and recommendations for national stakeholders regarding efficient establishment and support of catch crops for reduction of agricultural pollution. Main users of the document are national institutions thus, it was translated to Lithuanian and Latvian.
The recommendations of the document clearly outline actions that have to be taken to ensure more efficient and targeted application of catch crops. These recommendations were recognized as important and useful by the national stakeholders (in particular Environmental Protection Agency of Lithuania, Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre, Ministries of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania and the Republic of Latvia), so proposals of the project as laid down in the concept document will be considered when planning agri-environmental measures of the national Rural Development Programmes. This should encourage a wider and more efficient application of catch crops and respond to the need of better targeting of water pollution reduction measures. Extended and more efficient application of catch crops will reduce nutrient surplus in soil and leaching to surface water bodies. This way catch cropping will add-up to achievement of the environmental goals in the transboundary Venta and Lielupe RBDs as defined by the Water Framework Directive which is the main peace of water legislation in the EU.

Key words

#sustainable agriculture,#disperse pollution,#pollution prevention,#management of waterbasins

Programme priority

1. Sustainable and clean environment through cooperation

Programme specific objective

1.2. To increase integration and efficiency of environmental resource management

Responsible project partner
Center for Environmental Policy (AAPC)


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Joint eco sign for Lithuania’s-Latvia’s restaurants and hotels in cultural objects

Joint eco sign for Lithuania’s-Latvia’s restaurants and hotels in cultural objects.

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Description of result

A new eco sign with labelling system was created, specifically for restaurants and hotels in cultural heritage objects in Latvia and Lithuania. Hotels and restaurants that receive eco-sign also adapt their services to the requirements, increase their quality. The hotels and restaurants which signed partnership agreement also participated in evaluation produce and were labelled by their level. Also, joint Lithuania-Latvia eco signs and cultural heritage objects route was created, it was promoted with a help of tourism agencies and labelled hotels-restaurants. Creation and adaptation of eco sign helps increasing awareness and attendance of cultural heritage objects by giving them additional sustainable value.

Key words

#Eco sign,#hotels,#label

Programme priority

1. Sustainable and clean environment through cooperation

Programme specific objective

1.1. To increase number of visitors to the programme area through improving and developing cultural and natural heritage objects, services and products



Handbooks on development of heritage agritourism products and their marketing
Education and learning,

Heritage based agritourism product development in Latvia – Lithuania.

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Description of result

A set of 3 interrelated training handbooks.
Content structure for Latvia:
1. „How to open your heritage agritourism farm”. The handbook provides knowledge in heritage aspects of agriculture and their implementation in agritourism. Examples of chapters: infrastructure for guests, permits and licences, product presentation.
2. “Guide to heritage agritourism product criteria”. The handbook will explain the heritage agritourism product criteria to suite different type of farms taking care of Latvian specific situation: for example traditional heritage in dairy farming, crop growing, animal husbandry, gardening, fishing. A simple guidebook to follow the product criteria and how to comply with them.
3. „Heritage agritourism marketing handbook”. The handbook will describe contemporary methods to present the heritage agritourism product and strategies to achieve the best marketing results. Marketing cost efficiency will be in focus discussing the most relevant marketing methods for agritourism farms. Examples of chapters: IT in marketing, visual materials, marketing channels, social networks, booking engines, legislation.
All handbooks will have a content structure in English, and the contents in Latvian and Lithuanian. Available as a free pdf download.

Key words

#label,#AgriHeritage handbook,#agritourism,#agritourism farm

Programme priority

1. Sustainable and clean environment through cooperation

Programme specific objective

1.1. To increase number of visitors to the programme area through improving and developing cultural and natural heritage objects, services and products

Responsible project partner
Latvian Country Tourism Association


Digital result
Heritage agritourism product database

Heritage based agritourism product development in Latvia – Lithuania.

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Description of result

Marketing symbol “AgriHeritage” and product database was developed.
Database presents touristic locations meeting the requirements and accredited by “AgriHeritage” eco sign. It contains farms’ description, photo gallery, opening times, services and prices, marketing signs, and other information.
Currently database presents 83 objects in Latvia and 67 in Lithuania where visitors can see and experience rural heritage in attractive way through farm visits, guided excursions and master classes to demonstrate heritage in todays life (bread baking, pottery etc.), tourism accommodation, interactive museum collections, product tasting, farm shops.

Key words

#AgriHeritage sign,#label,#agritourism

Programme priority

1. Sustainable and clean environment through cooperation

Programme specific objective

1.1. To increase number of visitors to the programme area through improving and developing cultural and natural heritage objects, services and products

Responsible project partner
Latvian Country Tourism Association


Digital result
Methodology tools and instructions on 3D programming, Lego Mindstorms robots
Digital technologies,
Education and learning

Creation of Network of Family Digital Activity Hubs for Wellbeing and Education Support in Eastern Aukštaitja and Southern Latgale

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Description of result

Methodological tools and instructions for developed DigiHub services:
– Methodology of 3D programing use in DigiHubs.
– Methodology for Lego Mindstorms use in DigiHubs..
Methodology tools include: description of hardware and software for DigiHubs, description of recommended activities for DigiHubs, instructions on DigiHubs interactive content use, scenarios and programing examples for Lego Mindstorms and 3D programing workshops.

Key words


Programme priority

4. Improved quality of living through efficient public services and administration

Programme specific objective

4.1. To improve efficiency of public services by strengthening capacities and cooperation between institutions



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Digital result
Electronic publication „Innovative library services, methods and solutions for different customer groups“, guidelines on diversification and application of innovative library services
Accessibility and efficiency of social services,
Education and learning
Self-service libraries for different generations

Development of Innovative library solutions for different generations in the border region

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Description of result

Guidelines on the diversification and application of the innovative library services/ solutions aim to share the good practice and innovative methods that can be implemented by other public libraries. Guidelines target librarians and libraries.
Most of libraries and librarians have their traditional view on the library services and the way they work with the visitors of the libraries. When libraries develop new innovative services and widen the area and range of services, they shall change or improve their internal work, procedures, and attitude and general way of working. Having all those technical and information resources, municipal libraries become active promoters of economic growth, social welfare, learning and information centre in a local municipality.

Key words


Programme priority

4. Improved quality of living through efficient public services and administration

Programme specific objective

4.1. To improve efficiency of public services by strengthening capacities and cooperation between institutions

Responsible project partner


Digital result
IT promotion platform for the products created by artisans
Digital technologies,
Education and learning,

Employment and Entrepreneurship without Borders

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Description of result

Joint IT platform as a promotion tool for the created products to enter new markets in 3 languages (LV, LT and EN). It presents information on the artisans, the developed products, as well as on the business environment and support mechanisms.

Key words

#entrepreneurship,#IT platform

Programme priority

2. Support to labour mobility and employment

Programme specific objective

2.1. To create employment opportunities through entrepreneurship support



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Digital result
Web based interactive business simulator
Digital technologies,

Ready for Business

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Description of result

Business game /questionary for new entrepreneurs.
An innovative interactive tool that trains beginners in entrepreneurship how to successfully establish and run own companies while avoiding painful mistakes. 100 real-life situations in its database allow looking at the world of business from different angles, thus providing an all-round understanding of it. The Simulator is everything but boring! Easy-to-read fascinating. Texts combined with humorous illustrations make learning an enjoyable experience.

Key words

#entrepreneurship,#IT platform

Programme priority

2. Support to labour mobility and employment

Programme specific objective

2.1. To create employment opportunities through entrepreneurship support



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Educational-training programmes for disabled children
Accessibility and efficiency of social services,
Education and learning,
Equality, social inclusion, and vulnerable groups

Creation of the relaxation-developing environment for special needs children from Latvia and Lithuania for live quality improvement.

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Description of result

3 non-formal educational-training programmes for disabled children “Theatre educational programme”, “Ethnocultural educational programme” and “Making dolls in folk pedagogy” were created.

Key words

#disabled people,#education

Programme priority

3. Social inclusion as a precondition to territorial development

Programme specific objective

3.1. To improve accessibility and efficiency of social services

Responsible project partner
Visagino "Verdenės" gimnazija


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Link to project result
Long term employment program “Development of the basics of agricultural skills”
Accessibility and efficiency of social services,
Education and learning,
Equality, social inclusion, and vulnerable groups

Creation of the relaxation-developing environment for special needs children from Latvia and Lithuania for live quality improvement.

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Description of result

Long term employment program “Development of the basics of agricultural skills” was created to develop the basic skills of agricultural works, to develop independent work, social and communicative skills and abilities, correcting mental and physical development disorders, improving the life quality for children with special needs. Program tasks are to create an idea of agricultural work in the summer; to create new and correct incomplete independent work, social and communicative skills and abilities; to teach work culture, mutual assistance, collective work skills; to develop a positive attitude towards work; to develop skills for planning income and expenses; to develop the skills of work product realization.

Key words

#disabled people,#education,#agriculture,#garden works

Programme priority

3. Social inclusion as a precondition to territorial development

Programme specific objective

3.1. To improve accessibility and efficiency of social services

Responsible project partner
Aleksandrovas internātpamatskola


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Link to project result
Non-formal business education programs for children
Education and learning,
Business Bag

Business library network for children and youth cross-border business competence building

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Description of result

3 non-formal business education programs for children of different age were developed.
1) Non-formal business education programme for 6-10 y. old children, topics:
* Money and its importance;
* Pocket money;
* Taxes;
* Savings;
* Enterprise – main element of business system;
* etc.
2) Non-formal business education programme for 11-15 y. old children, topics:
* The essence of concept of business;
* Generating business ideas;
* Beginning of business;
* Leadership;
* Psychological aspects of being businessman;
3) Non-formal business education programme for 16-19 y. old children, topics:
* The essence of concept of business;
* Generating business ideas;
* Psychological aspects of being businessman;
* Preparation of business plan;
* Financial management;
* Marketing;
* Brand registration;
* Human resources management.
* etc.

BEE Lab Good Practice e-book “Switch on for a better future”

Boost regional Entrepreneurship by Enabling cross border cooperation

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Description of result

The BEE Lab Good Practice Book with analysis of different business development models used in project lifetime, success stories, fails, business support possibilities and recommendations was developed in the project LLI-157 “BEE Lab”.

Key words

#models,#approach,#methodology,#good practice,#book

Programme priority

2. Support to labour mobility and employment

Programme specific objective

2.1. To create employment opportunities through entrepreneurship support



Multi-sensory room to expand and improve efficient social-psychological support service system
Education and learning,
Innovation and research

Developing of Social Psychological Support Service System through Implementation of Method of Positive Coping Strategies and Enhancement of Social Inclusion for People in Vulnerable Groups

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Description of result

Social-psychological support service system developed by the project by integrating benefits of multi-sensory rooms and social psychological support techniques can be applied in other institutions outside the project partnership as well. Created Stress coping methods for expanding social psychological services system will be copy righted and will be disseminated by
1) Applying it in process of preparation of social workers and qualification improvement courses for specialists in higher schools.
2) Applying it in municipalities public services, social support (multi functional) centers and NGO’s upon need of the institutions when dealing with social psychological services, in trainings and courses about Stress coping strategies can be provided in any cross-bored region.

Key words

#methods,#development,#positive coping,#stress strategies,#multi-sensory room,#psychological support methods

Programme priority

3. Social inclusion as a precondition to territorial development

Programme specific objective

3.1. To improve accessibility and efficiency of social services

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Link to project result
Methods for development of positive coping with the stress strategies using multi-sensory rooms
Education and learning,
Innovation and research

Developing of Social Psychological Support Service System through Implementation of Method of Positive Coping Strategies and Enhancement of Social Inclusion for People in Vulnerable Groups

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Description of result

Project LLI-163 “POZCOPING” partners created and expertiseed by external experts methods for development of positive coping with using multi-sensory rooms corresponding social psychological support methods.

Key words

#methods,#development,#positive coping,#stress strategies,#multi-sensory room,#psychological support methods

Programme priority

3. Social inclusion as a precondition to territorial development

Programme specific objective

3.1. To improve accessibility and efficiency of social services



Ancient Latvian and Lithuanian recipes with modern twist
Natural heritage,
Heritage Gardens

Revival of old traditional fruit, vegetable and ornamental plants and their products: Heritage Gardens Tour

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Description of result

Collection of recipies of how fruits, berries and vegetables of traditional breeds can be used in modern kitchen.
Electronic booklet. In 3 languages: English, 1669, and Lithuanian.

Key words

#research,#old agricultural breeds,#sustainable tourism,#agricultural heritage,#preservation of genes,#culinary receipies,#food

Programme priority

1. Sustainable and clean environment through cooperation

Programme specific objective

1.1. To increase number of visitors to the programme area through improving and developing cultural and natural heritage objects, services and products



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Horticultural tourism product development guidelines
Natural heritage,
Heritage Gardens

Revival of old traditional fruit, vegetable and ornamental plants and their products: Heritage Gardens Tour

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Description of result

The product development guidelines include the horticulture tourism product definition, practical advice how to present Heritage gardens product to visitors, legal issues and infrastructure, reference information for historical background and best practices and examples.

Key words

#research,#old agriculural breeds,#sustainable tourism,#agricultural heritage,#preservation of genes

Programme priority

1. Sustainable and clean environment through cooperation

Programme specific objective

1.1. To increase number of visitors to the programme area through improving and developing cultural and natural heritage objects, services and products

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Link to project result
Heritage Gardens tourism product developed
Natural heritage,
Heritage Gardens

Revival of old traditional fruit, vegetable and ornamental plants and their products: Heritage Gardens Tour

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Description of result

Partners from research institutes and tourism associations visited and inspected potential HG places in order to understand if they are suitable for the Heritage Gardens product from tourism and horticultural point of view. All together 59 potential gardens in Latvia and 65 in Lithuania were inspected, from them project staff choose 26 HG objects in Latvia and 25 in Lithuania having plants and collections of old cultivars.
During the project around 10 000 fruit trees were examined by LP_1 scientists in homesteads, estates, botanical gardens and private collections. Around 4 000 trees were old cultivars. The most popular ones are apples ‘Paprastasis antaninis’, Rudens dryžuotasis’, ‘Sierinka’, ‘Popierinis’, pears – ‘Vandenė’, ‘Vasarinė sviestinė’, sour cherry – ‘Vietinė rūgščioji’. Some very rear cultivars as apple – ‘Tabokinė’, ‘Lietuvos cukrinis’ ‘Beržininkų ananasas’, ‘Panemunės baltasis’, ‘Raudonasis alyvinis’, ‘Žemaičių grietininis’, ‘Montvilinis’ ‘Kronselinis, plum -‘Vietinė geltonoji’ and ‘Čirkšlė’ were identified (only 1-3 trees in Lithuania). In the vegetable gardens of heritage sites old traditional plants are maintained: carrots, red beats, turnips, parsnips, hosradishes, beans, peas and etc. most popular herbs are mint, oregano, thyme, common rue and etc. At Obelynė homestead 25 old cultivars were identified.
During inspections of heritage sites in Latvia apple cultivars ‘Bely Naliv’ and ‘Astrahanskoe Krasnoe’, pear cultivar ‘Ankstyvoji Dulia’ were found at Berkenele tourist site. These cultivars previously were not found in any known site in Latvia. Using genetic markers, the sample collected at “Upmaļi” site was proved to be ‘Calville Blanc d’Hiver’; this is a finding of cultivar previously thought to be lost in Latvia. Apple cultivar ‘Chernoguz’ (syn. Līcīšu Ziemas’) grown in Latvia and Lithuania was proved to be practically identical with 18th century Swedish cultivar ’Grågylling’, in the range of clonal variation. This is a significant finding correcting the history of cultivar.
There were selected very broad spectrum of heritage objects: museums, botanical gardens, manor houses, homesteads, memorial homesteads museums, private collections, farmers. On the base of inspections, 7 itineraries of Heritage Gardens tour are created and promoted. Tours mainly are self-drive; some parts of tours are suitable also for cycling. 2 tours are local, 5 cross-border tours
Heritage Gardens tourism map was printed in LV, LT, EN, DE and RU languages.

Key words

#research,#old agriculural breeds,#sustainable tourism,#agricultural heritage,#preservation of genes,#tourism route

Programme priority

1. Sustainable and clean environment through cooperation

Programme specific objective

1.1. To increase number of visitors to the programme area through improving and developing cultural and natural heritage objects, services and products

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Link to project result

Last updated: 26.06.2024 15:10